
Friday, March 29, 2013

Random 5 Friday: I remember a lot of things

I’m linking up with Nancy’s A Rural Journal for Random 5 Friday. Today I’m sharing five random facts about my childhood.

1. I am the youngest of three children. I have two older brothers. Though my immediate family was small, I have a large extended family. My father was the sixth of nine children, my mother the third of ten. Their parents also had large families. So I have many first cousins, first cousins once removed, second cousins, and on and on.

2. I grew up on a farm in central Virginia. When I was very small, we had beef cows, milk cows, pigs and chickens. I remember my mother making butter, gathering eggs and pasteurizing the milk in a small pasteurizer on the kitchen counter. I also remember the milk tasting like green onions if the cows had eaten the wild plants.

3. I didn’t learn to ride a bicycle until I was about 8 years old. My father was a rural mail carrier, and he bought a blue bike from one of his mail customers. He brought it home and called me out on the front porch to look at it. The next day, my second oldest brother taught me how to ride it.

4. I loved jewelry even as a child. In the baby picture above, I’m wearing a cross necklace and a baby ring. I still have both pieces of jewelry. I was allowed to get my ears pierced right before my twelfth birthday. I had it done at a local department store. The piecing was free if you bought the 14 karat gold earrings, which were eight dollars.

5. I was a bookworm as a child (still am). I especially loved mysteries and devoured Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden books. I loved going to the public library in Rustburg, the small village and county seat about six miles from the farm. Sometimes when my mother had her hair done in Rustburg, my brother and I were allowed to walk to the library from the beauty shop, and she would pick us up when she was finished.

Thank you for joining me on my walk down memory lane! If you’d like to join the Random 5 Friday link, go to A Rural Journal.

Please share one fact about your childhood in the comments section. I would love to read about you!


  1. I adore Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew! Last week i went to the young adult section and bought 2 Nancy Drew books to read this weekend. The Hidden Staircase.. (I remember it as my favorite,) and The Mystery of the Brass Bound Trunk. :)

    I have a small immediate family and not many cousins. You are fortunate to have such a large family. I always wanted more siblings when i was young. I love my family, but wish there were more of us. We had many great times, the four of us. My (5 years younger) brother and our parents. :D

    1. Mary, You make me want to get out some of my old Nancy Drew books and read them!

  2. What a great (and very cute) baby photo!!

    Never could get into Nancy Drew, preferred the Hardy Boys. Guess I thought Nancy was kind of "prissy" or something, LOL! Never heard of Trixie Belden, but glad you had books to take you places in your imagination as a child. Don't believe there is as much book reading among children these days, with maybe the exception of Harry Potter.

    1. Thanks, Becky. My brother had a bunch of Hardy Boys books, but I never read any. I wish I had. I'm glad I got into reading at a young age. I can't imagine life without books!

  3. Nancy Drew was (and still is) the best series! My mom has a few of my old ND books from when I was pre-teen. I used to get one for my birthday or Christmas. Nice memories, Tina. xo

    1. Thanks, Nancy. I have just about all if not all my Nancy Drew books and Trixie Belden books from childhood. I don't know how I managed to hold on to them through so many moves through the years. I looked forward to getting books for my birthday and Christmas, too.

  4. Replies
    1. Debra, yes, I can still remember how that milk tasted. I didn't like milk very much anyway, and the green onion taste didn't help!

  5. that is too cool. i learned to ride a bike very old too. i think it was at least my 10th or so year. i never put it down after that. i love riding. wonder why i never rode before that day??!
    happy Easter. ( :

    1. Thanks, Beth. I don't know what took me so long either. But like you, once I learned, I rode a lot. I still love to ride when I get the chance.

  6. Oh I loved the Nancy Drew books. The Clue in the Crumbling Wall was one of my favorites :-)

    1. Lisa, isn't it amazing how many of us read those books? My favorite was Password to Larkspur Lane.

  7. Loved Nancy Drew! I learned to ride a bike later, too. It was hard to get me off once I learned! :D Happy Easter and Happy Spring!

    1. Thank you, Snap. I spent a lot of time riding my bike. We had a long driveway, so I had a good place to ride.

  8. Ah growing up on a farm. I didn't grow up on a farm but I grew up right in the middle of a bunch of them. I often miss the sights and sounds of that area. Good times!

    1. Keith, yes, the sights and sounds of farm life can be beautiful and satisfying. It's a way of life that I miss sometimes.

  9. You brought back many memories for me here. First of all, I am the third of 6 children. I have two older brothers, then me and 7 years later mom had two girls and a boy. I remember the Nancy Drew books - I loved them so and I remember when I learned to ride a bike. My mom told me not to get on it but when she went to the store I got on it anyway and was riding it when she got home. LOL. I also remember skating and the key - there's nothing like that, having the key. Kids today don't know how much fun we had back then!!

    1. Patty, yes, we did have a lot of fun. I played outside a lot (when I wasn't inside reading), and loved riding my bike and playing in the woods. I only went roller skating when I went to a rink, and I wasn't too good at that.

  10. What a fun entry, adorable baby picture!! What a cutie pie you are!!

  11. Oh yes! We'd get along famously. We could go to a public library and enjoy the day!
    Happy Five Day!

    1. I still love the library so much. The smell fo the books, the quiet, the possibilities . . . Thanks for stopping by!

  12. I enjoyed your journey through your childhood. It sounds like an ideal time in your life.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! It wasn't always an ideal childhood, but I had some happy times.

  13. What an adorable baby photo! Thanks for sharing this lovely part of yourself with us. :-) I was a bookworm, too (still am). When it came to girl mysteries, though, I was into Linda Craig because of the horses!

    1. Jean, Thank you. The name Linda Craig sounds familiar. I may have read them, too. I loved horses, and I liked the fact that the characters in the Trixie Belden series rode horses a lot.

  14. What wonderful childhood memories - it's always fun to take a walk back down that lane from time to time!

    1. Patti, thank you for stopping by and taking that walk with me!

  15. Wonderful 5 Things! I enjoyed reading them very much. You sound like you had a very sweet childhood!

    1. Thank you, Marie. There were a lot of good things about my childhood. It's good to remember them.

  16. I read Nancy Drew when I was young, too. I also liked the Hardy Boys.

    1. Kristina, I read a lot of mysteries when I was a child, and I still love a good mystery or thriller today.

  17. A very sweet five facts. I love that your mom would allow you to hang out at the library, and that your brother taught you to ride a bike. Have a nice weekend!

    1. Thank you, Karen. Our parents were really good about providing opportunities to be around books and read.

  18. Hi Tina, thanks so much for sharing! One fact about my childhood. Well, I was just 5 pounds 8 ounces when I was born, and I slept through the night as a baby, not waking up for feedings like most babies do. :)

    1. Linda, thank you. You were a tiny baby! That's amazing that you slept through the night so young. Thank you for sharing!

  19. Oh what lovely childhood memories you had. I loved my local library as well...would spend hours looking through all the books. Thanks for stopping by and leaving some love. and were a real cutie!!

    1. Thank you, Deanna. I walked up and down the aisles of our local library so much, I probably recognized every book cover on the shelf. Libraries make me happy.

  20. Replies
    1. Kathy, she sure was popular! Thanks for stopping by.

  21. Loved Nancy Drew.
    My one random fact about me to share would be that when I was a child I wanted pockets in all my clothes. I loved being able to put things in them. My mom said that my grandmother would sew pockets into things for me so I would wear them and eventually my childhood nickname was "pockets."

    1. What a lovely memory, Krystal Lynn! Thank you for sharing it. What kinds of things did you put in your pockets when you were a little girl? I love having pockets in my clothes now. I usually carry a facial tissue in them and my phone, sometimes some money.

  22. Hi Tina, thank you for sharing the five random things about you. Beautiful picture. I hope you are having a lovely weekend.


    1. Thank you, Madison. I appreciate your comment. I hope you are having a lovely weekend, too!

  23. Hi Tina!
    Happy Easter ! He has Risen:)
    ... wow, what a neat thing to do -looking back on what you remember.
    I have to admit that I did NOT love reading as a child. I began to like reading once I began to homeschool- and now years later- I lOVE to!
    catching up on your blog, eeik! I'm so sorry about your foot:(
    Blessings, Deanna

    1. Thank you, Deanna. I'm glad that you find reading so enjoyable now. It can give so much pleasure, can't it? I wish you and your family a Happy Easter, too!

  24. Aw you were SUCH a cute little baby! I loved Nancy Drew too. I also read a lot of the Hardy Boys mysteries. Thanks for sharing about your childhood. I liked hearing about the farm. Sounds really cool. It's so different from my childhood.

    1. Thank you, Sunny. It was a way of life that's very different from the way I live now. I miss some of it.

  25. I am the wierdo here. I hated reading books. The first book I read that I actually READ and couldn't put down was in the sixth grade. I read Charlotte's Web and did my book report on it. I loved that book so much that I was excited reading my book excited I didn't READ my book report...I just TOLD about the book. I didn't tell the ending, and told the kids if they wanted to know what happened, they'd have to read it themselves. My teacher was so impressed, she stood up and said, "Now THAT is what a book report is supposed to be like." I got 100.

    That was the last book I was excited about as a kid. I watched tv every night. I turned it on as soon as I got home and didn't stop watching until it was time for bed. I loved movies, too.

    I seldom read a book that I get excited about. Elvis and Me by Pricilla Presley was one I ate it in one day. I also loved Where the Heart Is and White Oleander from Oprahs' book club. I read them in a couple of days each. If I get into a book, I finish it quickly, but if I can't get into it, it will take me months to drag through one.

    I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was ten, but then you couldn't get me off of it. I guess I was too busy watching tv to ride bikes. lol

    Thanks for you comment on my blog.

    1. You're not the weirdo. We all have different likes and dislikes. That helps make life interesting! Our second grade teacher read Charlotte's Web to our class, and I loved it! Such a sweet, powerful story. Thank you for your comment.

  26. I loved Nancy Drew books as a child. One of my favourite things to do as a child was grab a book and climb a tree and hide and read. The book I took up most often was Alice In Wonderland.

    1. Debs, that sounds so neat, to be able to hide away and read a favorite book! Thanks for stopping by.

  27. I love your random 5!

    You are SO cute as a baby!

    I also loved Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden!

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. I don't hear many other people say they read Trixie Belden. I wasn't sure how popular she was.

  28. I loved Nancy Drew as a kid. I didn't read the Trixie Beldons until I was a teen but then I still loved them. Their stories seemed more real, than Nancy Drew's. I was practising typing and opened a TB book that I must have bought at a yard sale or something and that got me started. I don't have my childhood books except a few. They were stored in my parent's attic. I told my mother a year or so ago to just get rid of them. OCD says there might be mice droppings in a box in the attic, so i'd rather not have them back.


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