
Friday, May 3, 2013

Around home: Random 5 Friday

Home is my topic for this week’s link up with Random 5 Friday at Nancy’s A Rural Journal.
My home is in the small town of Altavista, Virginia. Larry and I live in a quiet neighborhood. We have a large yard with woods in the back. We have our share of visitors from the wild, including deer, squirrels, birds and groundhogs.
Home is very important to me. It’s my refuge. It’s my resting place. It’s where I can be totally myself.
Here are some facts about our home.
I like some color outside around my home. But as you can see, my flowerpots are still empty. I haven’t made the trip to the nursery to buy some annuals like petunias or impatiens to fill the pots. That’s a trip I need to make soon.

Larry sent some soil samples from the yard to Virginia Tech to have them analyzed. We found out that the yard needs lime. Lots of lime. As in half a ton to start.

Before our cat Waddles died, she had trouble getting up on and down from the bed, where she liked to sleep, especially during the day. So Larry built a ramp for her to use.
Waddles used the ramp until she died. Sam runs up and down it. Chase Bird jumps over it. He can still leap small buildings.
The ramp has become part of the décor of the house. A beautiful part.

When Larry and I started dating and I first visited his house in Lynchburg, one of the first things I noticed was his grandfather clock. The bells rang every 15 minutes. I asked him how he managed to sleep with it clanging, and he said he didn’t even notice it anymore. I couldn’t imagine not hearing it.
Now these many years later, I don’t usually notice the ringing of the clock every 15 minutes either. You really can get used to things.
The only time I do notice the sound of the clock is when I can’t sleep. Then I hear the passage of time very clearly.

This is my space where I write. I create my blog posts here and do my other writing here on my laptop. It’s in a little room we call the futon room because there’s also a futon in the room. It’s a small room in between the den and the living room.
From my seat at my desk, I can hear Larry on his computer or watching TV in the den, and I can hear the cats wherever they are in the house.
I’ve tried other places in the house for my office, including in the basement, but I felt cut off from my family.

What do you like most about your home?


  1. Oh Tina I love the ramp your husband is such a caring soul I love that. You have a beautiful home and I am sure a ton of lime "WOW" :)is going to make it more beautiful.
    I write at my kitchen table looking out to the land and my cows grazing and the morning sun. I love to see out since growing up as a child in the crowded darkish house.
    Have a nice weekend Tina can't wait to see your flowers. A ton of lime is heavy I know this for a fact don't ask:) Hug B

    1. Thank you, Buttons. He is a caring soul. :-)

      Your writing place sounds wonderful--views like the ones you have are good for the soul.

      Larry is trying to figure out how he's going to get the lime home on the trailer while keeping a tarp over it. It's going to be a job!

  2. That ramp is AWESOME! Larry is talented.
    My parents always had clocks like that. I can remember a few times listening to the chimes go by when I couldn't sleep. Not fun.

    1. Thanks, Lisa. He is talented. I knew he was making a ramp out in his shop, but I had no idea it would be so elaborate. He wanted the rug on it to be just right so the cats would have something to grip. And he wanted the rope edging it so they could feel the edge.

  3. Yes that ramp is awesome, more so due to its history...we live a step or two from our church and town bells, one ding every half hour and the full hour twice, I like you don't hear them unless I'm not sleeping but then sometimes I don't notice..I like our placement in the old village, I love the windows (big ones are rare in old places in our area) I love the thick walls, window sills and the view from everywindow

    1. Thank you, Lynn. It sounds like you live in a beautiful place. I love hearing church bells.

  4. Wayyyyy to soon here to even thing about planting annuals, we're still getting frost, and nights below freezing, though we have a good number of the hardier outside flowers providing color. The, that's a first. I think I would have put a pet bed on the floor, I don't like animals on furniture. Actually now we don't have pets and with the travel we do and my allergies that's a big improvement for us. But, My SIL x2 are big animal people and I need to pass this tip along to them, as their animals are aging.
    Sandy for Friday 5

    1. Sandy, I hope the warm weather finds you soon! We put pet beds on the floor for Waddles, too, so she'd have a quiet, safe place wherever she wanted to lie down. We put blankets and towels where they lay on the furniture. Thanks for your visit and comment!

  5. That looks like a cozy writing space Tina. I could see myself writing for many hours there :)

    And that was so neat of Larry to build that ramp for Waddles.

    1. Thanks, Keith. It is a nice place. It's become one of my favorite spaces.

      Larry is very tenderhearted, and he wanted to help Waddles. And he did!

  6. What a neat idea to build a ramp for your older kitty. I like though that it's still being used even though she has passed. My husband built a really nice cat condo for our kitties!

    I think it would take a while for me to get used to a chiming clock like that! I'm such a light sleeper and even the littlest noises wake me up!

    1. Thanks, Cindy. It really did help her. And Sam loves it. She sits on the top of it and waits for treats! :-)

  7. I love the ramp and the wonderful stories. I have a grandmother clock and you do get used to the chimes. I love outside color and thanks for showing us where you write. Happy Friday!

    1. Thank you, Snap. It's amazing how you get used to a sound, isn't it? Happy Friday to you, too!

  8. Tina, how nice of y'all to build your dear old cat a ramp! We put down runner rugs over the slick Pergo flooring for our old dog Charlie, when his hips went out. He used to fall spreadeagle on the Pergo...


    1. Thank you. I bet Charlie appreciated those rugs! Things like that can really help an animal be more comfortable.

  9. What a beautiful, inviting home!
    Thank you for the tour.
    love & love,

  10. that is a great idea - ramp wise. too smart! please get some flowers very soon, you need a cheer me up soon. lime - i hope it can be fixed easily. wish you well on that. ( :

    1. Thanks, Beth. I do need to get some flowers soon. Probably not until next weekend, though. Larry has a class all day tomorrow.

  11. Oh, that ramp is so sweet. Our beloved pets are so dear to us.

    1. Thanks, Sharon. They are dear to us, and we try to make them as comfortable as possible.

  12. That ramp is incredible! What a great idea!!

    Flowers! :) I have dirt in a bunch of pots all over the place, starting seeds....those are flowers that will go into the ground end of May, such as zinnias. But I did buy a few potted plants two days ago, just for the porch...have to have something NOW / can't wait! happy spring to you and enjoy your flowers when you get them! :)

    1. Thank you, Debra, and happy spring to you! I don't do much growing from seeds, but when I have, I've really enjoyed watching them sprout and grow.

  13. That ramp is so cool. My cat would love it. She is so old she can no longer get up on the bed or couch. My husband has an old Cuckoo clock and the same story. At first it drove me crazy. And after awhile I didn't notice it at all. Weird.

    Happy Friday!!

    1. Thanks, Linda. My husband has started to think of how to make a ramp for the den, because our Sam is having a harder time getting up on the couch.

  14. I love your kitty ramp! It's wonderful. Things like that are what make a house a true, beautiful home.

    The grandfather clock is lovely too. :). When i was growing up, my grandmother had a cuckoo clock she loved. It drove me crazy when i went on overnight visits the first few times. Then i got used to it. It's interesting how we adjust to things.

    Have a good weekend, Tina! I hope you have a chance to go to a greenhouse to shop for plants!

    1. Thank you, Mary. I agree-having things like the ramp give meaning to a house.

      It is interesting how we get used to things that we never thought we would.

  15. That ramp made me smile and brought me back to many months ago, as it's what we did for my cat before she passed away also. Your futon room looks quite comfy, and like a wonderful place to write! I'm currently in search of the "perfect" desk, and haven't found one yet. I tend to do my writing on my lap while perched up in bed. Not the ideal place, I'll tell you that!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you, Amanda. Things like ramps can really make an animal's life easier. Have you tried a lap desk? I'm not sure if that is the name of them. But I have a pillow-like thing with a board on the top to use like a desk when I'm sitting on the bed or couch. I've had it since college--a long time ago! :-)

  16. I love your writing space and know what you mean about spending a lot of time in a room that's too far from what the rest of the family is doing. This location seems perfect. The ramp is adorable, so caring. Have a nice weekend!

    1. Thank you, Karen. Yes, I like to stay close by my family even when I'm doing "alone" work. I hope you have a nice weekend, too!

  17. i like the ramp. very cute. :)

    1. Thanks, Tex. I appreciate your visit and comment!

  18. You have a wonderful home! What a nice thing to build a ramp for your old, needful cat. I love that. We desperately need to downsize but I think we seem to be stuck because we love the neighborhood where we live. We're within walking distance of a small lake and are surrounded by trees and great neighbors. But it's too much house for us. Oh, well...

    1. Thanks, Barbara. We enjoy the house. It's laid out kind of oddly, but we've made it work. Living near a lake and with trees around and great neighbors--yes, it would be hard to move away from that!

  19. Hi Tina, love your home, your creative space and the ramp!!! I don't have a home, but an apartment..but I love it. I love the fact that I have a step to get onto to get to the bathtub. Not sure I worded this very well, but hope you get what I mean. I love the cabinet space in my apartment, I love the fact that I have windows on three sides so that I can air it well when the air conditioning is not on, of course. My apartment is cozy...and not cluttered, the way I love it!

    1. Thank you, Linda. Your apartment sounds great. That's nice to have windows on three sides--good for the light and the air. We have too much clutter in some areas of our house. I would like to get rid of some of that!

  20. What a lucky cat! I'd love to give you one of our kitties...I'm sure he or she would have a wonderful life! :) And won't it be fun t fill up those flower pots?! Oh, the possibilites...

    1. Thank you, Alica. We try to be good to our kitties. :-)

      I am looking forward to getting my hands in some potting soil and filling up the pots with flowers.

  21. Tina,
    I like how you used "home" as a theme for your Random 5! I love my little Ranch House and understand when you say home is a refuge.

    Thank You for the comment you left for me. I enjoyed learning that you have a beef cattle background.

    1. Thank you, Robyn. Home is indeed a refuge for me.

      I enjoy reading about your life on the ranch!

  22. I was never so glad to move out of the basement to the upstairs with my craft & creative corner! I totally understand the feeling of "removed"....

    1. Patti, I thought being in the basement by myself was the key to getting work done. I was wrong. It was the key to getting lonely!

      Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  23. I so agree that my home is my refuge...and my little work space is right in my kitchen, the heart of my home, so I completely understand your need to be close.

    1. Thank you, Deanna. I like staying close to the heart of my home, too.

  24. my home office/craft room/blogging spot/wasting time area was our dinning room, we converted it. best thing we ever did. i have to be in the middle of everything and i must have lot's of light.....AND i have a great view of the river. i love being home, there's just nothing like the comforts of home!!

    have a wonderful weekend!!

    1. Thanks, Debbie. I like how your include in your description of your space "wasting time area." We all need a little of that, I think! :-) I hope you have a wonderful weekend, too.

  25. I love my little library/office where I'm surrounded by my books, can look out the window at the nearby woods, but still hear my family clunking about. Just like you, I hate to be too cut-off. I love your clock. We, too, have a grandfather clock that keeps guests awake with it's chimes every 1/2 hour, but I never notice them anymore!

    1. Thank you, Barbara. Your office sounds great. I have some of our bookshelves in the same room, but most of my books are in the den. I would love to have a room for all my books--someday.

  26. Tina, I loved the tour of your home. What a lovely and beautiful memory in that bed ramp. Good for you to have looked after your poor old cat so well. Love that your Chase Birds still leaps tall buildings in a single bound. I've got one like that too...Milo...but he wouldn't know what to do with a bird if one pecked him on his nose! Hugs to you and have a lovely day. :)

    1. Thank you, Veronica. We're glad the ramp helped Waddles.

      Chase Bird came to us as a stray. Though he's an inside cat now, he probably still remembers chasing birds. Now we try to provide toys and activities inside that let him practice his stalking and chasing. :-)

  27. Hi Tina, thank you so much for letting us visit your home. Your back yard is wonderful!


    1. Thank you, Madison. I appreciate it, and I'm glad you stopped by.

  28. What a fancy cat ramp..I can tell it was made with love. I just love it. I have to tell you that I would be tempted to walk up it fact, I would totally do that and I can see my husband rolling with laughter.
    I think what I like most about our house is that it is on acreage in the country so it is very peaceful, quiet - and green in the appropriate season. Weirdly, I really, really miss the big city too. In my house, I like to mix modern furnishings with older pieces so you could say I have somewhat eclectic taste. Last year I bought an 80 year old Persian rug from a gallery and put it in my living room with modern furniture and pillows. I think that room really reflects my taste and personality. And I have a huge kitchen island that I love because it gives me a ton of space to do my baking on. I love our house but I wish I could take what I love about it and make it much smaller because I like the idea of downsizing. Thanks for your home tour, I enjoyed it.

    1. Thank you, Krystal Lynn. Larry did make it with love and care.

      Your house sounds wonderful. I can tell from reading your blog that you have very good taste. Our house is an eclectic mix, too, partly because when Larry and I got married, we merged households. We both had had our "own" things for years. We'd like to make some updates to the house. It gets kind of overwhelming to think of all we want to do.

  29. Ooooh I want a ramp like that! I've actually been thinking about getting one for Anna. She still jumps up onto the bed ok, but I wonder if her joints hurt her at her age.

    LOVE the grandfather clock. I've always wanted one. One of these days . . .

    My favorite part of my house is my living room. It's painted a really nice mossy green with a matching couch. Supposedly you're not supposed to go monochromatic like that with colors, but I like the effect. It's a really soothing room and it came out just the way I wanted it to. I also really like my front farmer's porch. We have two gigantic trees in the front yard that block our view of the neighbor's houses pretty well. Lots of birds make their home in those trees and I like to sit on my porch and look at the trees and listen to the birds. I also like to listen to my bamboo wind chime out there. I live in the city, but it doesn't feel like that on my porch.

    1. Thank you, Sunny. Waddles had a lot of arthritis in her front elbows and had a hard time. Sam also has arthritis, so the ramp helps her, too.

      Your living room sounds great! I think a monochromactic scheme is very calming. And your porch sounds great, too. I love listening to the birds, especially in the morning.

  30. Simply beautiful colours...lovely!

  31. Your ramp reminded me of the step stool I had for my old dog to get up on the bed. Sweet memories. Loved the tour of your home.

    1. Thank you, Galen. I'm glad you have sweet memories of your dog. We have them for our cats.

  32. wow, there is so much life in your post. it seems like there is a great connection to life within your writing. the part about the clock is so sweet. blessings.

    Allie @ Framed by God

  33. My GF Helen Barbour from here in London, England told me about your blog and in particular the other day about the cat ramp. My cat Bandit, who is also a black & white shorthair, is only 3 so it'll probably be a while before she needs something like that, but she sleeps on the bed with me every night, so in a few years, if your husband doesn't mind I'd like to "borrow" his idea and make one myself!
    I only live in a 1 bedroom flat in quite a noisy part of London. It's not that big, but my favourite part is probably the garden as it backs right on to a park and so it feels a bit less like your right in the urban sprawl of the city.


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