
Friday, May 17, 2013

My favorite person

Larry on the banks of the Staunton River.

There’s no one I would rather spend time with or talk with or listen to than my husband Larry. He’s quiet and unpretentious. He’s also smart and funny and kindhearted, and I love him dearly.
To illustrate that I’m not just generally gushing about the man, I’m using my five random facts this week to talk about Larry.
You can join in with Random 5 Friday at Nancy’s A Rural Journal. It’s fun!

Larry has known about my OCD and depression since we started dating. But I know it must have been hard on him once we got married. I’ve had some hard times with the depression especially, and I know that’s not always easy to live with.
He’s not the type to ask a lot of questions about how I feel. He’s very practical and solution-driven. In the past, that bothered me. I wanted him to show he cared by asking me for details, by talking often and openly about the OCD and depression.
I have come to my senses, though. He shows his support by loving me unconditionally, even when I’m an irritable mess. He shows his support by picking up the slack at home and taking care of so many of the responsibilities when I’m not feeling my best. His dependability, his sense of humor, his gentle heart and his love all tell me what I need to know: he will be there for me.

Animals are drawn to Larry. All he has to do is say hi to a neighborhood cat, and he or she wants to move in with us. When we visit his cousin, who has a sweet dog named Misty, she’s often found curled up at his feet.
Larry still talks about his boyhood dog, Shep. They were best friends.
And I can’t say enough about Larry’s tender heart when it comes to our cats, Sam and Chase. He helps tend to them so cheerfully and lovingly. Sometimes I’ll hear him in the next room, talking to them. Then he’ll come to me and tell me what the kitties told him, funny stories that always make me laugh.
Larry also enjoys watching wildlife. The other night, he arrived home from the grocery store and parked in our lower driveway. He called me on the phone and told me to look out the back window. There in the backyard were two deer lying in the grass. He wanted me to see them before he scared them off by walking across the yard.

Larry stands up for the underdog. He does not suffer bullies nor does he like to see others taken advantage of or mistreated. I am very proud of him for this. When he faces a situation that calls for speaking truth to power, he’s calm, circumspect and always respectful.

Like you, me and everyone else, Larry isn’t perfect. I used to try to change him (why do we do that to each other?). That’s another thing I finally came to my senses about. He doesn’t need to change. He is who he is, and I accept him.
Now, my chief concern is for Larry to be happy, content and to know he’s loved.
We argue and disagree about things. But we have the same basic values, and we always find a way to resolve things. Sometimes it takes a while. But I never doubt that we will.
Though Larry does have this habit of keeping the house too hot in the summertime. He wants to save on electricity. I want to stop sweating. That’s an ongoing battle. Not a serious one, though.

Larry attended Virginia Tech. I attended the University of Virginia. In Virginia, that means we’re rivals.
We’ve managed to live peacefully together, despite our different loyalties. During football season, it’s a little intolerable because Virginia Tech has a far superior team. But I’ve been nice about it (usually), and I’ve even given him Virginia Tech clothing.
Larry claims that our cats are Virginia Tech Hokies. I say they’re Virginia Cavaliers. The cats just smile.

Who is your favorite person?


  1. Tina, Larry sounds like a wonderful man! I chuckled when you mentioned about how animals are drawn to him, because it seems everywhere I go animals seem drawn to me as well. I think it is great that you have one another and I am so glad you shared this. I hope Larry is reading this, you did a great job at sharing his great qualities and I am sure he is proud of you...I sure am.

    1. Oh, thank you, Linda. That is a sweet thing to say. :-) I believe animals are drawn to you because they know you have a kind and compassionate heart.

  2. what a beautiful tribute to'll probably have others a bit teary eyed with big smiles this morning, very sweet Random 5.

    1. Thank you, Lynn. I got a little teary eyed writing it. :-)

  3. Sweet tribute to your dh- he sounds like a perfect guy for you!

  4. Larry sounds like a really special person, an it's sweet of you to post about him. #2 I truly believe that animals know the nature of a person.

    1. Thanks, Karen. I think animals can sense our natures, too.

  5. What a beautiful tribute to your husband.

  6. Not trying to change our partners, but support them, is one of the best lessons I've learned over the years. Great post Tina!

  7. Well I think you know my answer:) My Hero and it looks like you have your "Hero" too. B

    1. Yes, B, I'm not surprised that Your Hero is your favorite person. It sounds like he is so good to you!

  8. We have the exact same a/c battle here in the summers. I will set it on 75 (which is still two hot for me) and Paul will sneak and turn it up to 77 or 78 before leaving for work. Ugh! Course I sneak and turn down the a/c to 73 before going to sleep at night ;-)

    1. Oh, it's so frustrating, isn't it? I noticed before I left for work today that Larry had set the thermostat to go up to 76 automatically. Too hot for me! I'll probably turn it down when I get back home. :-)

  9. Larry sounds like an amazing and wonderful person Tina. Life is all about finding our soul mate. Sounds like you found yours :-)

  10. Tina,
    What a beautiful post. A big part of a peaceful life is accepting and appreciating.
    Visiting from A Rural Journal.

    1. Thank you, Jemma. I like what you say about the importance of accepting and appreciating. So true.

  11. Great post.... so wonderful when you see marriages work!!

  12. my hubs, by a favorite person in the whole wide world!! larry sounds like a keeper!!

    1. Thank you, Debbie. You and your hubs make such a lovely couple!

  13. Well, after reading your post, I'd have to say my favorite person is Larry :). Seriously, this is a beautiful tribute to your "other half." You are lucky to have each other.

    1. Thanks, Janet. I had to laugh at your comment! :-)

  14. So touching to read you have such a wonderful husband Tina.
    I know what it feels like as I couldn't be happier with mine either!

    1. Thank you, Klaaske. I'm so glad that you're blessed with a wonderful husband.

  15. That is so sweet. Anyone who knows not to scare the deer before you get a chance to see them is a gem.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. We get a lot of deer in the yard, and we both love to watch them. They're usually standing, though, and he didn't want me to miss the two lying in the yard, looking so relaxed.

  16. great post to start my day... I will have to at some point copy your idea for such a great way to show your love of your spouse.. great 5 facts

  17. Tina, what a loving tribute to your husband and I loved the last line -- the cats just smile! They do smile, don't they?!!!!!


    1. Thank you, Snap. Yes, they do smile, sometimes quite mysteriously! :-)

  18. How blessed you and Larry are to have each other! This was a lovely post Tina.
    I met my husband in high school, 40 years ago! (We will be married 38 years this Dec.) He is awesome, a great man of good character and a wonderful work ethic. He is laid back (great for me)and so honest and kind. He has stood by me through thick and thin. Ironically, our biggest beef is the house that not a hoot? He gets really cold in the Winter and I have hot flashes so keeping the house too warm makes me miserable. Then in the Summer he gets hot and wants the air on way before I do because I like having windows open and fresh air. I have 2 daughters and a son and they, along with their spouses and my grandchildren, light up my life. I have to mention my paternal grandmother too, she passed away many years ago but she was so good to me. If anyone showed me empathy as a child, it was her. Plus she would just drop everything to play or spend time with me. I never felt like I was in the way or too much trouble when I was with her. Loved her so much.

    1. Thank you, Krystal. I'm so glad that you are blessed with such a wonderful husband and family. And your paternal grandmother sounds like she was a true comfort to you.

      I guess when two people live together, it can be hard to regulate that a/c and heat if they have different likes and dislikes. Makes for some interesting discussions! :-)

  19. Wow - that is the most fabulous Random 5 I've ever read - I hope you don't mind if sometime I sneak over and steal your idea. It is great to hear someone praise there husband - there is way too much husband bashing going on for my taste, and comfort. Do people think that making rude and hurtful remarks about their spouse makes them look cool to other people. They are WRONG! Thank you for the thoughtful and caring look at your wonderful mate.

    1. Thank you, JoAnn, for your kind comment. Sometimes I hear people complaining on and on about their spouses, about seemingly simple things, and it makes me uncomfortable, too.

  20. Sounds like you met your perfect match. Bravo to a wonderful marriage!!

  21. Sweet!
    It's probably wise of the cats to stay out of the rivalry... ;)

    1. Thanks, Kristina. Yes, the kitties are smart. They refuse to wear VT or UVa. clothing. :-)

  22. Larry's a gem! I loved this random five. My husband Shep is my favorite person. We've had to iron things out with my own mental health issues, because, like many men, Shep wants to dive in and "fix" things, and sometimes I just want him to listen. We've come a long way with that, though.

    I think it's funny you and Larry are school rivals...what do you do during games???

    1. Thanks, Jean. Sounds like your Shep is a gem, too!

      We don't watch a lot of games, but I remember we watched a basketball game between the two schools this past winter. UVa. was better, and I think I bragged about it. But Larry knows I'm kidding.

  23. You have found the perfect mate. I would say that Larry is a 'keeper' for sure.

  24. That is an awesome tribute to your husband

    1. Thank you, Deb. I appreciate your visit and comment.

  25. Larry sounds just perfect for you! I'm so glad that you have someone wonderful to love and to love you back.

    My Jim is my favorite person in the whole world and I would also choose him to spend time with over anyone.

    1. Thank you, Sunny. I'm glad that you have your Jim.

  26. How marvelous to be married to your very best friend. The two of you have built the kind of relationship others dream about. I'd call you Blessed.

    love & love,

    1. Thank you, Georgy. We're not perfect, but we are blessed.

  27. What a beautiful tribute to your loving husband. It's so nice to hear things like this. Thank you for all of your visits and kind comments. I really appreciate them Tina.

    1. Thank you, Patty. And I always enjoy my visits to your blog. :-)

  28. What a beautiful jewel of a man Larry is, Tina. But of course you know that. What a splendid tribute to your husband and best friend. :) You have a strong, solid and loving marriage, and that's unusual nowadays. Good for you. Patience with each other and excellent communication.. you have both. :D

    1. Thank you, Mary. Patience and communication are indeed important. Patience does not always come easily to me, so I have to work on it.

  29. It is heartwarming to know about couples like you and Larry, these days its far and in between when you hear a woman call her husband, her favorite person. My favorite people are my children.


    1. Thanks, Madison. Your children are lucky to have your for a mom!


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