
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Double rainbow

On a recent evening, as we were getting ready to leave the house, Larry mentioned that it had been misting rain. That wasn’t surprising—we’ve had a lot of rain this spring and early summer.
After we got in the car, he called for me to look and pointed at the sky.
There were rainbows in the sky, two of them.

I don’t remember ever seeing a double rainbow.
I got back out of the car to get some pictures.

The pictures aren’t great because I took them with my iPhone, not my camera. But if you look hard, you can see the second rainbow arcing over the first.
A little later, as we were driving down the street, we noticed a couple of woman stopped on the sidewalk, looking at the sky. Apparently we weren’t the only ones admiring the rainbows.
When I was a child in Sunday school, I was taught that a rainbow was a sign of God’s promise to never again destroy the earth with flood waters.
As an adult, I do link rainbows with hope.
But without any symbolism attached, rainbows are still beautiful and meaningful to me. It’s amazing to me what happens when light and water get together.
And it’s comforting to me to see nature at work, no matter what’s going on in my life.
Hope. Stability. Life. Some pretty good things to think about on a summer’s evening, wouldn’t you say?

What do you think about when you see a rainbow?


  1. Awesome photos, Tina!!! Wow! Whenever I see a rainbow I am reminded of God's promise. It gives me sense of joy and comfort.

    1. Thank you, Linda. I'm glad you are comforted by rainbows, too.

  2. lovely photos, I think of magic, I feel hopeful, and I remember my Dad who would haul me and my Mom, friends if they were around and we'd drive toward the end of the rainbow for the pots of gold, ending at the Dairy Queen in breath stealing gales of laughter.

    1. Thank you, Lynn. I love your story of your travels to the pot of gold. I would consider Dairy Queen a very fine place to end up!

  3. Oh Tina this is awesome and yes it means peace and happiness to me too. Beautiful. B

    1. Thanks, B. I felt a sense of peace, too, upon seeing the rainbows.

  4. What a beautiful capture!! I love rainbows. To me, they symbolize hope and meaning in this world of ours...

    1. Thanks, Keith. Even the scientific reason for rainbows is amazing to me.

  5. glad you got to see it and share with us! i marvel at the colors in an often murky sky. :)

    1. Thanks, Theresa. I'm so glad I was able to get the photos. The skies are beautiful things, always changing.

  6. Replies
    1. Sharon, I agree. I've seen many over my lifetime, and they never fail to impress me. Thanks for your comment.

  7. I fine rainbows, and all the beauty of nature, very comforting and peaceful. The best medicine for me is a walk in the woods.

  8. Woops, I meant find not fine :)

    1. Janet, I have found nature to be a friend, too. A very comforting friend. Thanks for your comment.

  9. Yes! Wonderful things indeed. Your photos are lovely, and i definitely see the second rainbow. :). I always heard the myth of the pot of gold. But no gold necessary. Rainbows are rich in love and hope as you say.

    1. Thanks, Mary. I like that--no gold necessary. You're right.

  10. Beautiful thoughts! I love seeing double rainbows!

    1. Thanks, Lisa. I read that the double rainbows are mirror images of each other. I think that's neat.

  11. Double rainbows! That is so great you were able to capture them! I tend to think of rainbows as symbolizing hope for some reason, I'm not sure why - but then, why not?

    1. Thanks, Karen. I'm glad I had my phone with me so I could capture them in the moment. I agree--why not think of them as symbols of hope? I don't think we have to have a reason. :-)

  12. I might see more rainbows if I was outside during the day more often. I used to see them quite a bit here.

    Thank you for your comment the other day about working backwards. I did do some writing that way based on that poem. I've also been keeping the idea in my mind lately.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Kristina. I might have missed these rainbows if Larry hadn't seen them.

      I'm glad you're writing! :-)

  13. I think that God is reminding us that He is near and that He loves us and wants to share something beautiful. I love seeing rainbows because I feel almost as if God is reaching out and hugging me. They never fail to make me smile. I guess I'm lucky, as I've seen several double rainbows over the years.

    1. Thanks, Sunny. Seeing the rainbow lifted my spirits. I felt like I was basking in the light.

  14. For an iPhone those are some really nice photos. I love rainbows too. In these parts, (rainy Pacific Northwest) double rainbows are common but still admired. They always make me smile.

    Thank you for the comments you left on my blog about my sister and me. They were very meaningful to me. I really admire you and am so grateful for our friendship. Here's to many more rainbows. :)

    1. Thank you, Grace. Here's to many more rainbows and MUCH happiness to you!

  15. Hi Tina!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm so happy to be here visiting you today and I am glad to see your writers block is going away!!
    Look at those rainbows!!
    I was thinking the same as you before I even finished reading your post -about what I learned about the rainbow in Sunday School and what it means to me today... Today it means that God has never ever left or abandoned us and no greater joy than keeping this HOPE in us, with us forever.

    God Bless!!!!!

    1. Thank you, Deanna. Isn't it funny how we remember so many of the Bible stories we learned growing up?

  16. Oh, yes! i do see the double rainbow . . . Blessings are on the way!

    1. Thank you, G. It was wonderful to see them in the sky.

  17. I think of the Mercy and Beauty of God. It brings about hope.



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