
Monday, June 17, 2013

Out of the boot

I’m back from my short break, and I’m glad to be back. Last week was a very busy week at work, and I worked a lot of extra hours. I’m glad the worst of that is behind me, and I’ll get on a regular schedule again.
The first thing I wanted to share with you this week was some good news that I received Friday when I visited my orthopedic doctor. He took me out of the Monster Boot!
So no more this:

Now I’m in this, an ankle stabilizer:

It laces up and tightens up with Velcro straps, and I can wear a shoe with it. So for the first time in over three months, I can wear matching shoes!

I have to wear this for a month. Then, if I’m not experiencing any pain, I can go without it except when I’m walking on uneven ground.
I go back to the doctor in August. He’s expecting the bone to be 95 percent healed by then.
Yes, it’s still not completely healed. The doctor said it would take a long time, and it is. But it doesn’t have to be completely healed to get out of the boot.
I’m still getting used to the feel of the stabilizer. I tend to throw my foot out like I’m still wearing the boot, so I’ve got to get out of some habits I formed during the months I walked with the boot.
I’ve had a little pain in my ankle today, so I’m trying not to overdo it.
Still, it has been really nice to stand on my own two feet again and to walk more. I am so grateful.
And that gratitude led to thinking about what I’ve learned from the experience so far. Whether it’s the teacher that still resides in me, or the OCD in me that makes me over think, or just the way I’m put together, I like to consider the lessons in situations.
Here is what I came up with:

*My situation is temporary. I have been inconvenienced. I have been limited. But I know that the inconveniences and limitations will eventually end. There are so many people who are permanently hurt or disabled, and I am in awe of their strength in dealing with daily challenges.

*My guiding theme this year is “letting go.” I have had to let go of my feeling of control over what my healing progress will be. Each time I go to the doctor, I have expectations of what will happen: he will take me off crutches, he will take me out of the boot, he will tell me I am completely healed. I have had some disappointments.
I have had to learn that my expectations are not controlling anything. I can follow doctor’s orders, and I can follow healthy habits, but I can’t control the bone in my foot.

*People in general are helpful and kind. I can’t count the number of helpful gestures—opening a door, carrying a bag, giving up a seat, taking an extra step for me—people have done for me. That’s people I know and people I don’t know. I believe most people want to help and are willing to help even strangers.

*It’s OK to ask for help. I don’t like to ask others to do things for me. I feel like I’m bothering them. But we all need help sometimes. And if someone helps me today, I can set the intention to help someone else tomorrow.

*Our bodies are wonderful, intricate, and fascinating. How things work together, how healing occurs, how we can adapt to changes—it’s all pretty amazing to me.

I leave you with those lessons. I hope you’re doing well. I have missed you! I’ll be back on Wednesday.

Please share something about how last week went for you.


  1. Hi Tina YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!
    Last week I spent everyday with my Mom and enjoyed every minute. Today I am trying to catchup a little housework and then go back to spend time with Mom.
    I am happy you can where two shoes now. :) Hug B

    1. Thank you, B. I'm glad you've been able to spend time with your Mom. You're making such wonderful memories!

      Now that I can wear two shoes, I need some pink Cadillac boots like yours! :-)

  2. Congrats for being out of the boot! I know you've been waiting on this for quite a while. And thank you for the wonderful lessons that you shared with us.

    1. Thank you, Keith. I was definitely ready to give up the boot.

  3. I missed your posts. That is GREAT news about the boot! Hopefully the adjustment to the ankle wrap will be easy.

    Ha last week was not a good week. Hoping this week is much better!

    1. Thanks, Lisa. I'm adjusting. It just feels so different from that big boot.

      I hope this week is better! Do you have your electricity back on?

  4. big congrats on the boot-free status! and i enjoyed your lessons - some we all need to learn!

    1. Thanks, Theresa. I like that: "boot-free status." :-)

  5. Congrats on getting rid of the boot!!! Great news, friend! :-)

  6. most people i meet are so warm, kind and sincere!!

    congrats on getting rid of that big, bad boot!!

    1. Thanks, Debbie. Yes, that big, bad boot is not sitting at home, unused. :-)

      Most of the people I come in contact with are kind and sincere, too.

  7. So glad to see you don't need the boot anymore! I really like your shoes. :)

    1. Thanks, Linda. I got those shoes right before I hurt my foot, so I haven't been able to wear them very much.

  8. So happy you could say bye to Monster boot. I never really thought of it before, but I am sure you were holding yourself differently and compensating for the fractured foot in the boot so I bet it takes some getting used to being on 2 feet again normally. I bet you were so happy to put two regular shoes on again! It is amazing how something we can sometimes take for granted (like putting on our shoes each day) can become this wonderful blessing if we lose it for awhile and then get it back.
    Last week was good for us too. My husband had severe pain in his neck running down his arm for several weeks. I was very worried. He did not have an injury, it was a pinched nerve/disk problem. Regular doctor wanted to do muscle relaxers and pain pills, followed by cortisone shots and he did not want the pills or shots so we tried a chiropractor. Never went to one before but he figured he would give it a chance cause he could always go the traditional route. He went twice last week and on the second visit he felt about 80% less pain and this morning he told me it is all but gone! I am so happy!

    1. Thank you, Krystal Lynn. I'm so glad your husband is feeling better! I've never been to a chiropractor, either, but my mother got a lot of relief from chiropractors years ago for her back. I hope he continues to improve!

    2. Krystal Lynn, I tried to connect to your blog and couldn't find it. I hope you are OK and will stay in touch!

  9. Congrats on being able to stand on your own two feel again, Tina! I too have always found it incredible how our bodies often can heal themselves..we are pretty amazing :) !

    1. Thanks, Janet. I don't think about how amazing our bodies are until something goes wrong. I hope I won't ever take for granted again my ability to walk on my own two feet.

  10. Yay!! No more monster boot :)
    And am really glad to see you back on the blog - missed you!
    Last week was... same old stuff, but I survived!

    1. Thank you, Becky. Yes, the monster boot is resting now. :-)

      I hope this week will bring good things your way!

  11. I am soooooo happy that you are out of that boot!!!

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. Now I can do a little happy dance! :-)

  12. I'm so glad you're out of the boot!! Two of the same shoes?! Wonderful!!

    1. Thanks, Amanda. Two of the same shoes--sounds simple, doesn't it? But it's wonderful!

  13. Yay for being out of the boot. And good riddance. ) I like your shoes too.

    1. Thanks, Mary. Yes, good riddance, though I did appreciate it for its help. :-)

  14. Congratulations for the no-boot-that must feel great and just in time for the summer heat. I like your lessons learned, admirable thing to do and a great way to remind ourselves of just how lucky we are or how much unluckier we could be...I should probably do this more..

    1. Thank you, Lynn. The boot was getting pretty hot, so I'm glad it's gone. I think it's a good idea to remember how fortunate we are and how worse things could be--but like most people, I forget to do that!

  15. Congratulations! Nice to know that you're healing.

  16. Wa-hooooo!!!!! Goodbye Boot - Hello Attractive Stabilizer . . . with Matching Shoes - Lookin' Goooood!

    love & love,

  17. So happy for you, Tina, and hoping you recover fully really quickly! Glad you're back to blog world!

    1. Thank you, Sunny. I appreciate it. And I'm glad to be back!

  18. Valuable lessons, for sure Tina. I'm glad you're one "step" closer to having your foot back to fully functioning. (Pun intended.)

    1. Thanks, Grace. And I appreciate the pun. I'm trying to put my best foot forward. :-)


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