
Friday, June 21, 2013

Writer’s block, and I need your help

I don’t know if it’s true writer’s block or a lethargic brain, but I have been having a hard time writing lately.
The words come slowly, and I spend a lot of time staring at my computer screen or sitting around thinking about writing.
I’ve tried freewriting—where you sit and write whatever comes to mind, with no editing. That sometimes helps me to get ideas and words flowing. It hasn’t helped.
I’ve read over things I’ve written in the past, looking for inspiration. Not much help there either.
I think part of the problem is that I write so many different kinds of posts, I don’t know what is most effective. I don’t know what is most helpful and enjoyable for my readers.
That is where I need your help.

Would you be willing to give me some feedback?

I’d like to know what types of posts you like to read the most, which ones resonate with you the most and are most helpful.
Do you like stories from my life? Do you like the more informational type of posts?
To be more specific, do you like to read stories about how OCD and depression have affected me, or do you like posts about OCD and depression?
Do you like to read snippets of my memoir? Do you like posts that may not deal directly with OCD and depression but which illustrate how I’m “bringing along” these mental disorders as I live my life?
Overall, what would you like to read on this blog?

Please let me know either in the comments section or in an email to me at You can also click on the tab at the top labeled “Contact Me.”
I want this blog to be a helpful and inspiring place to visit. Thank you for your help.


  1. What do you enjoy writing the most? (For you to think about.) I like a lot of your posts, and I like reading parts of your memoir for sure.

    1. Thank you, Kristina. That's a good question to ask myself.

  2. What ignites you? What is the story you want to tell?

    We are all here along on the ride of your life!

    I think you're a wonderful writer and that readers will connect with what you write, if you're genuine.

    And so, write what you love.

  3. Tina, for me, I always like reading about people's lives, what they are doing, the little things that help me get to know a person better. Photos are nice too.

    I guess it depends on what you want to achieve with your blog and writing.

    1. Nancy, thank you. You raise a very important point, to consider what I am trying to achieve.

  4. I like your memoir posts, posts about daily obstacles, and posts about cats ;-)

    1. Thank you, Lisa. And I'm glad you like reading about my kitties. :-)

  5. It's a personal blog, you're writing for you so write what works for you. If it works for us that's a bonus!! I know when I'm having a tough time writing the more I force it, the less it happens. I tend to freewrite, I find it works best. If I sit down and make a decision to write about a topic which might be interesting for people, but less so for me to think about, it invariably gets stuck!!
    Also how are you doing at the moment? My writing falls apart when I hit a low.
    Hope you're well

    1. Thank you, Fiona. You make such good points. If I'm not interested in the subject, the words definitely won't come easily!

      I'm doing OK. Some low moments, but I'm carrying on. :-)

  6. I like reading both types Tina. I think that by reading the ways they've affected you, it allows it to resonate more. I also LOVE your posts where you pay tribute to your partner, your cats, etc. You've done a few of those and I really like them :)

    1. Thank you for your feedback, Keith. I like writing those tribute posts, too.

  7. Well I agree with everyone of the comments above. I think you should write about what makes you happy. I enjoy reading the ones about living with your OCD and Depression affecting everyday. You are a gifted writer and I know this is just your brain taking a vacation. Tina your writing helps so many. I always free hand as it is therapy for me I have yet to have writers block because I write about everyday things that happen and how I feel.
    I like everyday stuff mostly because that what does it for me.
    Lots of great suggestions here Tina you have people loving everything you write. Let your brain rest on vacation and I am sure the stories will flow. HUG. B

    1. Thank you, B. Maybe my brain has taken a vacation without telling me beforehand! :-)

      Reading your comment and the other comments have really started helping me put things in perspective.

  8. you definitely help me understand more about OCD and the triggers that can spiral out of control if not managed. like nancy, i like to get to know someone and i really like to share in their joys, too. you don't need to write a lengthy post each time. just share one thing that day that made you smile or laugh. or caught you off guard and made you go 'wow!' two sentences and a photo (if possible) is all that's needed to share your world now and then and let us connect with you. :)

    1. Theresa, you have given me such helpful things to consider. Thank you. I do tend to get too tense about my posts, thinking they have to be a certain way.

  9. Tina, please don't let your concern for what your readers want get in the way of what your writing. I like all your posts, mainly because I feel they are heartfelt, and so I not only enjoy them, I feel them. Nothing wrong with giving your mind a break, if that's what you need. I have no doubt something will touch you enough soon that you'll want to write about. That's my two cents worth!

    1. Thank you, Janet, for your two cents worth. :-) It's worth much more than two cents to have your encouragement and support. Thank you.

  10. Writer's block, huh, that's challenging. In case you haven't noticed, I've been there, think I still am. Tina, it will come to you, and when it does, which it will, lol, you will be full of valuable insight and wisdom, even in it's simplest form. You are a terrific blogger and what makes you awesome is your honesty.


    1. Thank you, Madison. Feeling blocked is not fun, is it? I think I've been letting my worries get in the way. I need to relax more about the whole process.

  11. I simply love that you share . . .
    i read what you offer - like the gift it is.
    love & love,

    1. Thank you, Georgy. You have such a lovely way with words. They are a gift.

  12. Sometimes what feels like writer's block is a signal that your writing style is undergoing a change. When it happens to me, it's like waking up one day and finding that my clothes don't fit quite right. Be gentle with yourself, and the answers will come. I know what it's like to want to please your readers, but the best thing you can do for any of us is to be're pretty darn awesome, you know!

    1. Thank you for your insight, Nadine. I hadn't thought about it as a change in style, but I think you're on to something. I am leaning towards a more relaxed way of writing. Or maybe it's a more relaxed way of BEING, which gets translated into a little different style.

  13. I love what Maggid said, Tina, and I wholeheartedly agree.
    Write for yourself- and as TexWisGirl said, it needn't be lengthy every time. I enjoy your posts- they are informative and sometimes heartbreaking but they are your truth and that's what draws me in. We all learn from each other, the good and the bad. Just relax and be you!

    1. Thank you, Tina. If I can draw people in and help us all learn and connect, then I will have accomplished what I wanted to. I will try to "take it easy" as you wrote about in your post! :-)

  14. Hi Tina,

    I sent you a long e-mail. :)

    1. Thank you, Linda. I received it and wrote back. :-)

  15. i read several of the comments you received, all are helpful i think, even for myself!!

    this is a great entry tina, heartfelt, the way you always write. i agree that your blog should be for and about YOU!! i have really enjoyed getting to know you and i will admit, that i was not sure at first. i have been so pleasantly surprised, really pleasantly surprised at how much i have enjoyed following you. how much i have enjoyed the comments you leave for me!!

    follow your heart and just write, you write beautifully.

    as for what i enjoy most about's the variety that i like most. i like a mixed bag, an honest entry, long or matters not. i do enjoy pictures, but you probably already know that ;)

    have a wonderful weekend!!

    1. Thank you, Debbie, for your helpful and kind comments. I appreciate them. :-) And I enjoy your blog, too, very much.

  16. First of all I have seen several bloggers around this time of year say that they are taking a break for a week or two or longer. So it could be common and seasonal to just want to relax and chill for awhile :) And since you are about the 3rd that I have seen agonizing about writers block I am convinced that if it is not seasonal, it is just time to to take a break from worrying about in, if it happens to you at solstice, take a break. If it happens to you at New Years, take a break.

    My second thought is this : just take pictures here and there as you go along for a week or two and then when you go back through them you'll see a post that you want to do.

    Relax, take a break if you want...everyone does it! :)

    1. Thank you, Debra, for your understanding and your tips. I have a better perspective now, and you helped. :-)

  17. I really truly like all your posts! The ones that touch me the most though are your personal struggles bringing along OCD, anxiety and depression in your daily life.

    1. Thank you for your feedback and support, Elizabeth.

  18. That you are a serious writer I imagine that you have higher blogging writing standards than I because I enjoy all your posts, and have gained OCD insight. I enjoy reading the daily events, about your husband and cats. I like your directness, your honesty and really just how you write period, I don't think it really matters what I want to read because I really am here to read what you want to share. I am a fan.

    1. Thank you, Lynn. That helps a lot. I appreciate you reading and commenting and supporting me.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I like whatever you write Tina. I think lots of people must be going through something collectively because I felt like pulling the plug on my 365 Inspirations today! We are all in this together. I like your personal stories and your honesty, but I say write whatever comes to you and if nothing comes, that is quite all right too! Sending good wishes your way!

    PS-I must have writing problems too because I had misspelled so many words in the last post I had to remove it. See above. It's going around, this writing thing!

    1. Thanks, Katherine. Maybe it is a writer's bug going around! :-)


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