
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Take the time to stop and smell the roses--or cuddle with a cat

Sometimes you can have a world of things to get done. Chores, errands, a long to-do list. Important things, to be sure.
Then another creature calls for you, needs your attention. Right now.

Or there’s a bit of beauty to be enjoyed. Right now.

And all the things you have to do go out the window.

And everyone is happy. Everyone relaxes. Everything eventually gets done.

What helps you slow down and enjoy the moment?


  1. Wow, Tina, you and I think alike. (you will see what I mean when you read my latest post, which has appeared at the same time as yours has). :) You know I love animals, and cats are definitely on my list. Cats especially are able to help us relax, and here is why, in my view. Firstly, the sound of their purr, which is unique to cats, can be soothing in itself. Next, cats really know how to sleep and relax and can teach us much in this aspect.
    Here in Montreal we had smog warnings which I was unaware of until I left the house and got on the bus to go on a nature park walk. There was a forest fire here in Quebec which created the smog warnings, and there was no sunshine today. However, the weather was just perfect for me! Around 20 celsius, close to 70 fahrenheit, my kind of weather. It was a perfect day for my nature park walk and I enjoyed it so much. I think for myself just being in nature helps me slow down and enjoy the moment, as watching the birds and other animals, they don't rush, yet everything still gets done. Love your photos, Tina!

    1. Thanks, Linda. Yes, our posts showed we were thinking alike! I'm glad you enjoyed your nature park walk. I always enjoy your photos from your walks.

  2. So true! And my dogs would agree :)

    1. Thanks, Kathy. Dogs are great companions and great teachers of living in the moment.

  3. when I really need slow down time I love a field better if I can sit in the middle of it, if there is no ocean front near...but you are right the cats and the dog insist on nothing but to be still with them with no observation necessary..

    1. Thanks, Lynn. I would love to sit in the middle of one of those lavender fields you showed on your blog. Beautiful!

  4. Terrific, Uplifting Post - Thank you . . .
    I "go slow" to begin with . . . I stop to play a lot.

    Happy Day to YOU!!!!

  5. Oh Tina this ranks right up there with perfect relaxing. Since I do not have a cat though I have to say sitting at my window watching the cows wander and them looking back at me I am sure thinking the same thing:). If that does not do it and it usually does heading to the bush and surrounding myself with Mother Nature. Enjoy Tina it is all about priorities. B

    1. Thanks, B. Yes, keeping our priorities in mind helps me so much. I like to watch cows, too.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, Theresa. I always enjoy the photos of the bits of nature you catch!

  7. Last night I was struggling with a bit of the darkness depression brings. And would you know that I had a great comfort from my cat when I was petting and rubbing his back and hearing him purr. I was thinking how it is true 'dogs are a man's best friend' but, hey cats are too.
    Glad you were able to relax.

    1. Thanks, Deanna. Kitties seeme to know when we need comfort. And their soft purrs are so gentle and soothing.

  8. This may sounds silly but one of the things that helps me slow down is getting The Victorian Trading Company catalog in the mail. I love looking at all the pretty things they sell and even though I don't buy from them that often, I just love to take time to look at every little thing in their catalog!

    Cute kitties!

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth. That doesn't sound silly. It's fun to look at catalogs and dream a little bit. And it takes our minds off the worries for a while.

  9. I don't get much time to cuddle the cats these days - usually not until just before bed. But it always makes me feel better. Love seeing your sweeties!

    1. Thanks, Lisa. I bet your kitties look forward to their time with you!

  10. Yes, pets allow us to slow down the pictures!

    1. Thanks, Janet. They have a way of getting our attention, don't they?

  11. I love it! Nothing like an animal to remind us of what's really important. We don't have animals for a number of reasons, but I well remember how mine helped me slow down.

    Yesterday I had a stressful day at my volunteer job. It's no coincidence that shortly after 7:00 a.m., I was out in the front yard working on my fruit trees. When I'm in the garden, I'm studying the plants and "listening" to them. I can feel my pulse slowing, and by the time I'm done, even if the work was very physical, I'm centered again. Sometimes, especially now that I'm a bit more caught up on garden tasks, I find myself just sitting there and staring at the plants, marveling at the miracle.

    1. Thanks, Nadine. When I had little flower gardens, I never got over the miracle of the growing plants. I loved working over them.

  12. My cat Hana and I were having a sweet moment today. She was in a daze while she kneaded my leg. Purrs. Then she heard a baby chipmunk out the window and left a trail of blood as she leaped off. Sigh.

    1. Thanks, Sharon. Sorry you got hurt! A cat's attention can turn so quickly, can't it?

  13. Yay for wonderful kitties and relaxation and postponed chores. That's my motto this week too. You and Larry have such lovely cats, Tina. But of course you know that. :)

    1. Thanks, Mary. I think they're lovely, but I'm a bit partial. :-) I hope you and your husband are enjoying the vacation week.

  14. absolutely loved this post!

    amen to that!:)
    what adorable shots, too. i feel relaxed just looking at them.

    wish you a happy and safe 4th of july!:))

    1. Thank you, Betty. I hope you're enjoying the 4th, too!

  15. Oh yes our pets do not care about our stresses and to-do lists lol they want attention when they want it :) adorable pictures.

    1. Thanks, Keith. No, our kitties couldn't care less about our to-do lists. They think they get in the way!

  16. i'm not sure what stops my "gypsy" feet....but i LOVE to relax!!

    awesome entry, i really enjoyed the pictures!!

    happy 4th to you!!!

    1. Thank you, Debbie. I love the photos you share as you take your gypsy feet on adventures! Happy 4th to you!

  17. They do bring the blood pressure down and the smiles to my face. :) Happy Independence Day Tina.

    1. Thanks, Nancy. I wish I could bottle up their comfort and take it instead of blood pressure medicine! :-) Have a happy 4th!

  18. I think we can learn a lot from our pets. In the mornings or after a long nap our dog, Zoerose, used to stretch real good when she got up and I always thought that was pretty smart.
    There was a time with 3 children and a job I was sooo busy but now that they are grown and I am not working I have more free time and it is not unusual for me to relax. I take a 45-60 minute walk/run every day which I find super relaxing and I read a few hours every night for sure. Sewing is relaxing too and if I end up with a new pair of pajama bottoms after a few hours, all the better!

    1. Thank you, Krystal Lynn. Your ways of relaxing sound so wonderful. I wish I could get the hang of sewing.

  19. My blogging helps me to smell the roses. I notice details I wouldn't otherwise. Now that I am retired, I do what I want to do. The rush of having to get things done is gone for now. Your cats are too cute!

    1. Thanks, Patty. I'm so glad you are enjoying your retirement. I find I notice the details more, too, since I'm writing regularly.


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