
Monday, August 5, 2013

Saturday at the festival

Larry and I immersed ourselves in the heritage of our county on Saturday.
As many of you know, I’m not one for crowds, and I’m not one to jump when I hear the words “Let’s go.”
But I knew I needed to get out of the house Saturday, so I suggested that we head over to Naruna, an area in another part of our county, and attend the annual Heritage Festival.
The festival documents the history of Campbell County and provides fun activities for children, plenty of music and lots of displays.
I’ll let the photos do most of the talking today.

There were lots of old tools and gadgets on display. This is an 1885 egg beater. You turn the lever, which I inadvertently cut out of the photo, and the beaters turn.

A 1903 milk fat tester.

This was identified as a hair pressing comb. I was never very adept with a curling iron. I don't think I would have done any better with this.

I liked the wooden pitchfork on the left.

Old farm equipment was scattered around the grounds.

Tobacco was a main cash crop for Campbell County for many years. My father raised it. I have mixed feelings about this part of my heritage.

Wagon rides behind horses were available.

A display of cornhusk dolls. 

Dancers from the Monacan Native American tribe in nearby Amherst County performed.

One of many quilts on display.

As we were leaving, we stopped to watch a family who started flat-footing to bluegrass music playing in the background. I like the combination of dress shoes, pink boots and bare feet. 

Have you attended any fun festivals this summer?


  1. That hair pressing comb looks downright dangerous! Haha

    1. Kathy, I thought the same thing! I used to have trouble with a "modern" curling iron. :-) Thanks for your comment.

  2. That hair pressing comb looks dangerous lol ( I just said the same thing as Kathy) I wore a perpetual burn on my right cheek 6 months, like you I was not adept at the curling iron. Looks like a great county fair, I bet you are glad you went.

    1. Thanks, Lynn, I was glad we went. I burned myself with the curling iron, too. And hot rollers. I don't use anything like that anymore. :-)

  3. I love that wooden pitchfork too. I've never see one before! Great pictures. I am glad you were able to get out for a bit!

    1. Thanks, Jill. The pitchfork caught by eye. I wondered how well it would stand up to heavy loads though.

  4. Wow this looks so neat. I love the corn husk dolls and the milk fat tester. I have not been to any summer festivals yet but I LOVE going to the autumn festivals :)

    1. Thanks, Keith. I missed seeing the demonstration in making the dolls--that would have been neat. I enjoy the autumn festivals, too. It's not so hot and humid, and the fall decorations are fun.

  5. lots of fun entertainment and oldie things to look at!

    1. Thanks, Deanna. There was a lot of variety, and I enjoyed that. And I like to people watch if I'm at an event like that, too.

  6. I've never seen an egg beater like that! Looks like a neat festival.

    1. Thanks, Lisa. I haven't seen one like that, either. It certainly would take up more room in a kitchen than a portable one. But it was neat for the times.

  7. all neat stuff from simpler days.

    1. Thanks, Theresa. It made me feel nostalgic to see the old farm equipment and the quilts.

  8. I was at an art fair this weekend and someone made faces in the heads of old rusty shovels and rakes. It was cool.

    1. Oh, I bet that was cool! I like art that takes something old and kind of revitalizes it. Thanks for your comment, Sharon.

  9. Love seeing all the "old stuff." Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Janet. I was really impressed at how people have cared for some of these things so carefully through the years.

  10. Hi Tina, this is such a fun post! I just love simpler times.

  11. I'm not so sure I would've used that tool for my hair either!

    And I especially love the last photo!

    1. Thanks, Amanda. I would have probably burned off my hair! LOL

      I loved the sense of fun the family had as they danced around.

  12. The fair looks like SO much fun - I especially love that quilt!

    Glad you were able to get out and have a good time. It really can be hard to make yourself go out - good for you recognizing that you needed to do it.

    1. Thanks, Anna. I enjoyed seeing all the quilts. Seeing them makes me want to quilt. Then I remember how hard sewing is for me. :-)

      It was good to get out of the house. I knew I needed to, and I wanted Larry to have some fun, too.

  13. Thanks, Elizabeth. We did have fun. The weather was overcast for a while, so not too hot. And there were lots of interesting things to see.

  14. Great pics! Sounds like a great time.

    1. Thanks, Nadine. It was fun for both of us. Others seemed to be enjoying themselves, too, and that's always a good thing to be a part of.

  15. oh this just looks wonderful!! and you know all about my balloon festival!!

    you got some great photographs!!

    1. Thanks, Debbie. That balloon festival sounded great!

  16. Tribal Dances, Beautiful Horses . . looks mighty fine to me!

    1. Thanks, G. The horses were so beautiful. And the Native American dancers were fascinating. I love how different dances mean different things.

  17. That looks like great fun. It's hard to imagine what how that curling comb worked. I'm glad I've always been more of a natural girl.

    1. Thanks, Kara. I used to do the curling iron/hot rollers routine, but I got out of it when I was in my 20s. I just don't have the patience any more. :-)

  18. This looks like it was a lot of fun! I am very thankful for the advances in hair styling tools - eek - I can only Imagine what that one would do to my already sad hair!

    1. Thanks, Karen. It's fun to look back at the old ways, but I'm glad for most of the advances--including in hair styling!

  19. That hair pressing comb looks so scary. 100 years from now our styling tools will probably be laughed at too.
    My husband and I went to a country fair in July because this particular fair books a Christian group for a concert each year. It was "Sidewalk Prophets" this year and we were delighted to see the massive crowd that showed up for them and how so many young people were swaying to the music. It was awesome. I love funnel cakes and fairs or festivals are about the only place to get them, but I did not get one this year. I ate a whole one last year and it was obviously overload for me because I didn't even want one this time. Krystallynn

  20. I love county fairs too. They are a great place to take pictures as you have shown here. Love the picture of the legs and various foot coverings or not.


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