
Friday, September 27, 2013

Random 5 Friday: Our Baby Sam

Hello, dear readers, and happy Friday to you! I’m joining in Random 5 Friday, hosted by the wonderful Nancy of A Rural Journal, when, as she says, “you can share 5 random facts about you, your day, your pets, your kids, whatever!”

Our cat Sam has been sick this week.
She has an ongoing problem with constipation which sometimes requires intervention by the vet. On Monday night, we had to take her to the emergency animal hospital. She was in pain and had struggled for hours to poop.
The treatment apparently aggravated her arthritis, which left her barely able to walk. She saw her regular vet on Tuesday and Wednesday. X-rays showed arthritis in her spine, hips and ankles, but no fractures or dislocations, thank goodness.
She has been on pain medication, and she’s moving around a little now and is looking better.

Sam in the carrier right after the procedure Monday night, before we knew that her arthritis was flaring.

Sam will be 17 years old in October. Larry has had her since she was a kitten, before my time. He said she was so tiny as a kitten, he could carry her around on one hand.

I came into Sam’s life when Larry and I started dating in 1999. I became her mom when we got married in 2003. Sam likes me and trusts me, but she adores her Larry. It is very sweet to see.

I think I've posted this photo before, but it's one of my favorites: Sam and Larry.

Wednesday was a really hard day while we waited for results from Sam’s X-rays. Larry asked me to discuss things with the vet because he was too upset to talk.
It’s hard to accept the fact that your cat is an “old lady,” as our vet called her. It’s hard to accept that you are going to lose her someday. It has to be accepted, of course, but it’s hard to lose a loved one, as all of you know.
Sam is doing better, for which we are so grateful. I hope that she has more good years ahead of her. And I hope that I have the good sense to cherish each day I have with her and Chase Bird and my Larry.

Sam in her fluff bed. I call her Baby Sam sometimes. She seems to like it.

Larry and I seem to trade off being the strong one when needed. Not that both of us can’t be strong at the same time. But when Waddles was so sick, Larry was the stoic one while I cried myself sick. With Sam, though I cried, too, I kept it to myself and tried to be upbeat and positive for Larry.

It works for us. We lean on each other when we need to. That’s a comfort.


  1. Our older cat is 18 and can get constipated so our vet said to always add water to his dry food. It seems to have helped but he doesn't have anything like arthritis.

  2. Its so sad when our pets don't feel well. I just adore the photo of your husband and Sam..


  3. Ah, poor sweet Sam - I hope she's feeling better. It's so hard when a beloved pet gets older - and so so hard to lose them. You and Larry sound like a wonderful team.

  4. I hope Sam starts feeling much better. I hate when the cats are sick!

  5. I'm so sorry about Sam -- so hard to see our pets age before our eyes. Our Maggie is 17 too and has her issues as well. She's a fighter, like Sam, and I often think she will outlive the both of us!

  6. I'm sorry about your cat. My mother's chocolate lab is getting older now as well and showing some signs of deteriorating health. We will all be heartbroken when she goes.

  7. hope Sam feels better very soon. i love the shot of Sam & Larry - what a super sweet shot. always fun to have a pal you can cuddle with. ha. ha! ( :

  8. That is a lovely photo of Sam and Larry. Treasure it. Having lost my elderly dog Charlie back in April, I can sympathize with your secret fears for Sam. I hope Sam does recover well, and that you all enjoy many more good times together.

  9. I'm hoping she feels better soon. The photo of the two of them together is beautiful!

  10. It's a blessing when two people who love each other can also lean on each other.
    Sorry Sam is having problems. Hope she's better soon.

  11. Poor sweet Sam. I hope she continues to get better. It's tough getting old -- I know! We do love our furbabes. That's what marriage is all about -- love, support. Good for you two.

  12. Thank you for taking such good care of each other - ALL of the "Each Others" in your family.
    I'm glad to know Sam is on the mend.

  13. i hate when beloved pets get old. it is so hard. i'm glad sam is recovering a bit.

  14. They are our very best friends. I'm glad the post didn't end sadly.

  15. Wishing Sam a speedy recovery.........what a sweetie.

  16. Oh, poor Sam. I hope she feels better soon, poor thing. That picture of Sam and Larry is so, so sweet.

  17. awww such cute fur babies and larrys not to bad either ;)

  18. I am so sorry to hear this about Sam....I do hope he gets better and will bring you lots of love for a long time...It's just so hard when our pets get old because they are family. Sounds like you and Larry are a good team.....

  19. I do know how you feel...believe me. Reading these brings back memories of our former pets.

  20. Warm thoughts your way :) I'm a new GFC follower :)

    P.S. I'm hosting a giveaway that you might be interested in!

  21. Your "Sam" is so sweet. I'm sorry to hear she is in pain. Sending healing prayers for your kitty. I know how hard it is to have them not feeling well and also about losing them when they age. As a fellow cat lover (we have 7) I can relate to how they steal our hearts.

  22. Such a sweet post. Sam is a beautiful cat, and I hope she recovers. It's heartbreaking to see our pets in pain. That photo of Sam and your husband is simply beautiful. It speaks volumes.

  23. I'm sorry to hear that your Sam has been going through hard times. It's hard to watch them age. I miss my cats so much that I certainly understand what you are going through. I love that photo of Sam and Larry. They look like a good pair. I had a tuxedo cat once named Clousseau. He was such a charmer.

  24. Sam is elderly....and beautiful! So sorry to hear she has been ill.

  25. Oh Tina, I hope for the best for you and your family. Robert and I feel like that about Theo our older British cat, (we have no idea how old he is though) and Robert doesn't feel much about my Vancouver cats; that's Chloe's territory. I had my Sasha for 19 years and so I know there are a few more good years for your Sam. All the best and big hugs. :)

  26. Sam is a lovely cat and I hope she feels better soon.

  27. It's really tough seeing your pets getting old, especially ones that are so loved like Sam. Hope she rallies and lives a long, long life!!

  28. Oh, what a sweet and sad and poignant post. I have a black and white kitty too. I'm glad Sam is doing better. Hope she's up and around soon :)

  29. Sending comforting hugs to you and Larry, Tina. I'm sorry Sam, and you and Larry went through that. So difficult. I'm glad she's doing better. And i'm happy that you and Larry have so much love and support for each other. How fortunate you are. My Duane and i are the same.

    Our oldest cat Otis went through a hard time with his kidneys a few weeks ago. He has to have IV fluids adminstered every 3 days at home and Duane and i do it together. I'm glad for that. One night not long ago when we had to take Otis in, our vet, who is excellent, referred to Otis as 'our hospice kitty'. It's true, but i wanted to cry. So hard to accept.

    Sending love and support to you and Larry. Savor every minute you have with them!

  30. Awwwww.....hope Sam is better soon.
    It's good that you and Larry have each other to lean on ..... :-)

  31. aw, no, poor baby- i hope sam is better really soon!
    i hate when are pets are sick!

    p.s. this is the first time i've been to this site and am glad i have.
    your blog is truly awesome!


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