
Monday, September 23, 2013

The changing of the seasons, a time to change

Happy Autumn! I am so happy it’s officially the fall of the year. I love the chill in the air in the morning and in the evening, and the reduced humidity.
My husband and I went out into the yard today with our cameras, looking for signs of fall. We still have a lot of green, but there are signs that the foliage will turn soon.
And here’s a wee acorn sprouting up on an oak tree branch.

Soon enough the acorns will be raining down, providing a vast supply for our neighborhood squirrels. And sometimes leaving little dents in my car.

I feel like fall is a new beginning. Maybe it’s because I went to school for so many years, but with the fall of the year, I get a yearning to start anew, to try new things, to get organized.
Lately, I’ve been finding pieces of wisdom about using our time wisely on the Internet and elsewhere. I haven’t been purposely looking for it as much as it just seems to have shown up.
I’ve been reminded about the preciousness of time, of how we’re all given the same amount of time, how we can easily make the excuse that we don’t have time to do something that is important.

On Sunday, I went to the store and bought some lavender legal pads and purple ink pens to use for creating lists and plans to help me achieve some things I want to achieve.
Why the special paper and pens? Well, I love office and school supplies. And I wanted something pretty and special to use for something so important.
I’m starting out with lists of what I want to accomplish, from the big, life-changing things to the small ones. I’m going to gradually break things down into doable goals that will help me plan each week as it comes.
I’m not starting from scratch. I’ve done this before on the job, when I worked as a health educator. At my current job, I keep a list, or budget, of the stories I need to follow in the future, then transfer those items to weekly lists.
I know what my priorities are. I know many of the things I want to accomplish.
It’s time I applied a more organized approach to the rest of my life.
Again, I’m not starting from scratch.
But I do have a new sense of urgency to not let time slip by any longer without me using it the best I can.
I won’t be giving up on spontaneity, and I won’t panic if I don’t follow to the letter everything I write down.
But my tendency is to procrastinate. My tendency is to think instead of act. My tendency is to push things aside for later. My tendency is to drift along, with no plan.
Some of this comes from having OCD. OCD used to rule my life so much, tell me what I had to do when, that I rebelled against routine.
Some of this comes from having depression. When you’re depressed, it’s hard to see the point in planning. It’s sometimes hard to have the energy or desire to do anything beyond the basics.
But I need more routine. I need a plan. I need accomplishments.
As the leaves change, as the weather changes, so I need to change. As the leaves drop off the trees, letting go for the winter, so I need to let go of certain habits.
I’ll share more as I move forward in this journey.

How do you ensure that you get the important things done?


  1. I love your heartfelt honesty, Tina. All we can really do is to take one day at a time. Routine is a good thing, but I think breaking the "monotony" every now and then and allowing ourselves to be spontaneous enables us to break through some of the fears we may have...and even make new and exciting discoveries. In case I haven't mentioned this before, I just love your header collage!

    1. Thank you, Linda. Yes, I don't want to get stuck in a monotonous routine. But I do need a routine. I've been drifting along too much.

    2. Routine is fine, but don't discourage or tire yourself out, Tina! I love routine as well, but we also need to be able to enjoy the moment! After all, this moment is all we have any control over and that is going to bring us joy if we can look for the beauty. :)

    3. You're right, Linda. Enjoying the moment is important. :-)

  2. I have lists everywhere Tina... my favorite place is a dry erase board on the side of the fridge. I have a to-do list on one side and a grocery list on the other. I swear, this list is the other half of my brain. :)

    1. Thanks, Nancy. I rely too much on my brain to remember the groceries we need, and I nearly always forget to buy something we need when we go to the store. :-)

  3. I love legal pads and always have one on my desk for lists and notes. I always loved school supplies too. Great post, Tina. I can relate to everything in it.

    1. Thanks, Patty. I like legal pads, too. And fun colors actually help me. :-)

  4. super post Tina. I'm a procrastinator as well and I don't try to change this anymore, I go with the flow for I do find if something is important I just do it. I am like a person who is always late except to the things that really count for them (planes, trains, buses, appt's that count etc) my important things get done. I love the small spiral notebooks, the fridge, chalk board, stick'ums for my lists, I use colourful pens and stickers to mark the tasks done or give them a visual draw, I love when the fridge/blackboard is empty of notes.

    1. Thanks, Lynn. I like to see a list of to-do items all checked off! I, too, can get to places I need to get to when it's important. But I'm finding that I'm not getting a lot of things done that I'd like to accomplish.

  5. I am SO happy that autumn has finally arrived. I can't wait til the leaves finally start to turn here in KY.

    As far as how I ensure that I get things done, I try to hold myself accountable. I also attach awards to to tasks - like Reese's Cups for instance. Works every time :)

    1. Thanks, Keith. I like the idea of awards. Reese's Cups--any candy--sounds like a good one!

  6. Beautiful bokeh in that first shot. I so adore seeing light filtered into a photo in that way :)

    1. Thanks, Kathy. That was how the photo turned out. I cropped it and edited a bit for brightness, but that's it.

  7. i love that you bought yourself new 'school supplies'. :)

  8. Lavender legal pads?! I've never heard of such a thing!

    Jealous about your acorns, btw. :)

    1. Thanks, Kim. Oh, yes, they come in all sorts of colors nowadays. I once had some with a spread of rainbow colors. :-)

  9. I love fall also, and I always find the change of seasons a good time to "take stock." Good luck working toward your goals.

    1. Thanks, Janet. Fall is my favorite, followed closely by winter. I love chilly weather!

  10. New office supplies are always fun. Hope they help you streamline your goals.

    1. Thanks, Lisa. I wish the focus and mindset came more naturally to me.

  11. Wonderful post Tina! At first i was sorry to see summer go, now feel like welcoming fall with open arms! :)

    I do many of the same things you do. Procrastinate, think instead of act. I love to make lists of tasks, but don't always complete them. But i'm improving in the completion department. I too bought some new pens and notebooks this weekend! And a beautiful new black Moleskine that i can fill with words and ideas! I adore to write by hand. :)

    You have a great start to your week, and thank you for this post!

  12. Thanks, Mary. That's neat that you got some new "school supplies" too. :-) I like to write by hand as long as I can take my time. If I'm in a hurry, it become unreadable!

  13. I always think of Fall as a new beginning...and you're right, it probably stems from the start of new school years. Planning, making lists, tackling ideas and thoughts, all good. I am a horrible procrastinator, and I do believe making lists would help me a lot. Off to the office supply store to buy me some pretty pens and paper!!

    1. Thanks, Deanna. There's something about a fresh pad of paper and a new pen that makes me industrious. :-)

  14. Fall feels fresh and new to me as well - I'm excited as your lists progress! We must be on the same wavelength. I made a list of fall plans and projects last night. :) Here's to autumn!

    1. Thanks, Anna. Maybe the cooler air is giving us energy! :-)

  15. Oh I'm such a sucker for office supplies too! I miss the whole "getting ready for the start of school" thing too. Now that my child is grown, well, I don't have any excuse to hang out in the office supply stores any more! But, sometimes, I do anyway ha!

    It's really starting to cool down here in NH, which is such a welcome relief. We had a hideously hot and humid summer (lots and lots of days in the 90s).

    1. Thanks, Sunny. I hope the heat and humidity are behind us for the year.

      I see nothing wrong with hanging out in the office supply store! :-)

  16. I'm invigorated by fall! I hadn't thought of the school connection, but that could be why. I'm also a sucker for office supplies.

    Though I'm a big list maker, I'm deliberately taking some time to "just be." I will regroup in early October to get back to work on the novel, but today, instead of trying to accomplish anything, I'm taking off with a girlfriend and going hiking. I sometimes get too caught up in my lists and don't run off to have some fun!

    1. Thanks, Nadine. I agree that we can sometimes get trapped by the to-do lists. I hope you have a great time on your hike!

  17. pretty paper and pens are a MUST for our to-do-lists!! when they are purple, well, that makes them perfect!!

    1. Thanks, Debbie. I was so pleased when I saw the purple tablets on the store shelf. :-)

  18. That first photo is AMAZING.
    You are a great photographer, an even better communicator/writer . . You are a good chum - You cheer us all on - and teach us -

    I figure you are able to do anything you set your mind to . . and do all of it well.

    AND - I've never seen a lavender color legal pad . . something new to consider.

    Happy Autumn!

    1. Thank you for your sweet and kind comment, g. I hope you are enjoying Autumn, too! :-)

  19. I love the idea of using lavender pads and purple pens. Whatever makes it easier, that's a good thing! I am a procrastinator. Mainly because I can never get a handle on anything, it seems. I just don't know where to start.
    By the way, thanks so much for your help with Olive's contest. It's really appreciated!

    1. Thanks, Barb. I have a hard time with deciding where to start, too. Sometimes with writing, I'll just start putting words down, even if it's in the middle of the proposed story or article. Maybe I should apply the same technique to other things--just start somewhere.

      Good luck to Olive!

  20. First of all, I love the fact that you're using purple G2 Pilot pens. Second, I agree! Yay, Autumn! I dragged my poor husband to Hobby Lobby last weekend to buy Autumn decorations for our house.

    As for the lists, I feel like lists help me get a grasp on everything I have to do. While I only have OCD tendencies, as opposed to the full blown disorder, I also have Tourette's and high anxiety. Seeing what I need to do helps me to pinpoint things and focus on them instead of running around, worrying about what I need to do like a chicken with its head cut off. One of the only apps I ever actually paid for on my iPad was a color-coded calendar map with an easy list section. Still, I often use a pen and paper to write out what I need to do. There's something comforting about actually writing it with my hands.

    Thank you so much for sharing some of your coping strategies here on your site. I'll definitely be returning to read more.
    My adventures with Tourette's, the Air Force, & the Grace of God

    1. Thank you, Brittany. It helps me, too, to have a visual to look at to remind me of what I need to do. I'm on the computer a lot, but I do enjoy writing by hand, too, especially if I'm not in a hurry.

  21. Joining you on the journey to find balance in life. I'm enjoying a much less structured life -- spent too many years in endless meetings -- but do enjoy having things that I like to do and seeing friends regularly. I signed up for a meditation class that starts in two weeks and I'm really looking forward to it.

    1. Thank you, Carol. Yes, too much structure isn't good for me, either, at least not for long. But I would like to add some to keep me from drifting along too much. A meditation class sounds great! I hope you enjoy it.


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