
Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Samantha Adair "Sam" Barbour

Our Sam died this morning.
I thought she was getting better. But her health deteriorated quickly Monday.
On this blog, I share much of what is important in my life, and you know that our cats are very important to Larry and me.
So many of you expressed concern about Sam as she went through her health issues over the last two weeks, and I want you to know that I have appreciated it.

I can’t write anymore now. I will be back as soon as I can.


  1. Hugs, Tina. It's hard to lose a loved one.

  2. Hi Tina, sending you a hug. My heart goes out to you. I have lost several cats so I fully comprehend the pain. God bless you.

  3. Oh Tina, i am so very sorry for you and Larry. My heart goes out to you across the miles. I wish i could hug you in person.. So heartbreaking..

  4. Oh, Tina, I am so terribly sorry for this heartbreaking news. May Sam rest in peace. My heart goes out to you. {{{hugs}}}

  5. I am so so sorry. I understand how difficult it is to lose a beloved pet, and Sam was a wonderful cat. Many hugs.

  6. Oh my gosh Tina I am so so sorry to hear about Sam :( please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and Larry at this time.

  7. Tina, my heart goes out to you and Larry in this heartbreak. You're both in my prayers.

  8. Oh no! I'm so very sorry, Tina. I know how much you love your furbabies. Hugs. Praying for you.

  9. I am so sorry for you and Larry. Sam was a beautiful one.

  10. i am very sorry. i am glad she rallied long enough to give you a few more days with her...

  11. Oh Tina, I am so so sorry to hear this. Thinking of you and Larry, and your other cats, as I know it will be a sad time for you all. Hugs.

  12. Oh Tina, I'm so sorry for you both. Know that you are thought of in this part of the world too.

  13. I'm sorry. You are such a great cat mom and you gave her a great life.

  14. So so sorry to hear the sad news, Tina. My thoughts are with you and Larry.

  15. I'm very very sorry ... I know this must be a terrible time for you and Larry.

    Thinking of you and keeping you close in heart.

  16. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this. Many prayers and hugs.

  17. Oh Tina, this post just made my heart sink. I am so sorry for your and Larry's loss.

  18. Tina, I was so very sorry to read this news. Sam was a beautiful cat. My thoughts are with you and Larry at this difficult time. Helen x

  19. Hi Tina just dropping in to give you a hug and hoping you are doing OK today. HUG B

  20. I can't image how much pain you must be in right now with the loss of Sam....Such a beautiful pet and I know missed beyond measure....Please know I am sending you big hugs right now and cry with you for your loss.

  21. oh tina, i am so sorry....i could feel how much you loved her, how much joy she brought both of you!! i am hugging you tina, i know you are going to miss her so!! xo

  22. Such a beautiful cat -- I know you and Larry will miss her very much. Big hugs Tina. xo

  23. Oh I am so very sorry for you and Larry, ah Tina those holes in our hearts can be so painful, take care my lovely friend...sending hugs full of love across the ocean...

  24. So sorry to hear this Tina. I know there is nothing I can say to make you feel better but know you and Larry are in my thoughts and prayers.Krystallynn

  25. Hi Tina:( instantly my face turned sad once I read the first sentence. I am so so sorry. I know it must be a 'head on' tug in your heart because we do love our pets so. May your memories with Sam always bring a little chuckle when the tears and sorrow become a little too much in one sitting. Bless you. Bless you.

  26. Tina, I'm so sorry I missed this. Thinking of you and Larry.

  27. Oh, no. I am just reading this post now. I am sorry. She tried hard but was just too tired.

  28. I don't know how I missed this. I am so sorry. I know what if feels like to lose a dear friend. Losing a feline friend can be as hard as losing a human friend. I hope you can find peace with Sam's passing.


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