
Friday, November 15, 2013

A blog anniversary and other randoms

View at Mountain Lake, Virginia, November 2003.

Happy Friday, dear readers! I hope you’ve had a good week and are looking forward to a good weekend.
As I’ve done for many months, I’m sharing my randoms on a Friday post. Nancy of A Rural Journal started many of us on this journey. Though the meme Random 5 Friday is suspended now, I still like to share random facts and bits with you.

Thursday was my two year blog anniversary. Is that blogiversary? Blogoversary? Bloganniversary?
Whatever, I am blessed to have spent two years writing about my life and sharing with you. And I am blessed to have connected with such wonderful readers and commenters and other bloggers. Thank you for your part in this!

Earlier this fall, Tanya at Around Roanoke . . . A Daily Photo Blog posted photos from a visit to Mountain Lake, Virginia.
I loved seeing them. Larry and I went to Mountain Lake for our honeymoon 10 years ago.
In one of her posts about Mountain Lake, Tanya shared a link to information about the Thanksgiving buffet at the resort.
That got me thinking about a visit back to Mountain Lake. I discussed it with Larry, and we decided to do something different this year for Thanksgiving. We made reservations and are looking forward to traveling to Mountain Lake and enjoying their Thanksgiving buffet and the beautiful sights.
Click here for more information about this resort in Giles County, Virginia.
Thank you, Tanya, for inspiring me to consider something different this year!

Sunrise view from our cabin's deck, Mountain Lake, Virginia, November 2003.

We have big oak trees in our front yard and woods border our backyard. So we usually have lots of squirrels running around our yard.
This fall, we’re not seeing many. I think it’s because the trees have yielded very few acorns. Normally, there are so many acorns, we walk with trepidation over the driveway and yard at this point in the year, trying not to fall as they roll under our feet.
We haven’t seen as many deer in the yard either. They eat acorns, too, so I don’t know if there’s a connection or not.
Larry usually rakes the acorns and piles them behind the shop, making a kind of buffet for the animals. Not this year.
I’m sorry that the food supply seems to be so poor for the critters this year, and I hope they can find a good source nearby.
I found this handout about things to consider before feeding wildlife. It gave me pause.

Squirrel in our yard, summer 2013.

Our indoor critter, Chase Bird, is a delight. He’s such a sweet cat. I know you’re tired of me writing that, but he is.
He has taken to sitting on top of our chairs when we are in the den watching TV or reading. I usually sit in a recliner that I’ve had for years. He sits on top of the chair, near my head. Sometimes I can hear him purring.

Chase Bird hanging out on top of the recliner.

Last weekend, as we shopped in a big box store, Larry and I strolled through the Christmas decorations aisles. We even bought some paper and bows. It’s the closest I’ve gotten to Christmas so far.
I usually hold off on listening to Christmas music until after Thanksgiving. It’s a self-imposed, arbitrary rule of mine. But this year, I may break my own rule. I love the music of the season.


  1. I have been hearing a lot about the Mountain Lake buffet for Thanksgiving this year. I hope it's as good as it sounds! Yum!
    Happy blogiversary :-)

  2. happy 2nd blogiversary! i hope the acorn supply is low because you'll have a mild winter. one can hope...

    so glad chase bird is getting a chance to blossom. :)

  3. I remember Tanya's post on that buffet, what a great idea to spend your anniversary there. And big 2 year blog congratulations to you. Never tired of hearing all about Chase Bird. We've not had many squirrels around here for ages, though the area is drowning in Acorns...

  4. happy blog anniversary. i think you can spell any way you like. is it in the dictionary yet? ( :
    love the mountain sunset shot. beautiful VA view.
    enjoy your weekend.

  5. Hi Tina, I love the way you played with the blog anniversary words. :) Happy blog anniversary to you! Your photos are lovely.

  6. Happy two year blog anniversary Tina :) I feel like we've known each other for even longer than that lol! And my cat Ruby sits on top of the chair as well - especially when I'm sitting in it. Aren't cats adorable? And heck I've been listening to Christmas music since August :)

  7. like your five, love your images......

    and congrats on 2 years, i so enjoy reading and following!!

  8. Congrats!

    I love your plan for Thanksgiving, it sounds so cozy. :)

    Your kitty is so cute! One of my cats does that too. :)

  9. happy blogaversary, or whatever it's called ;) i am sooo happy you are going for the thanksgiving dinner! you will have to take lots of pics and bring me a doggy bag please!! :D i love chase bird's name! have a great weekend :)


  11. That is wonderful news about Mountain Lake! You'll have such a great time.

    Happy second anniversary for your blog! It's such a wonderful part of the internet; you meet so many interesting folks along the way.

    Chase Bird is a beautiful cat. I bet he loves being close to both of you.

  12. I can certainly see why you are going back to Mountain Lake. It looks beautiful! Squirrels are pretty ingenious. I bet they are doing okay. We didn't have many acorns this year either for some reason. I usually fear walking down my driveway this time of year because of the oak trees along it, but they don't seem to be dropping so many on me this year.

  13. Congrats on two years of quality blogging. I enjoy my visits to Bringing Along OCD.

  14. Happy Blogiversary or whatever you want to call it. No matter the name, it's been two wonderful years of blogging!

  15. I like your self imposed moratorium on Christmas music until after Thanksgiving, and your plans to do something different for the holiday... sounds wonderful!

  16. Happy Blogoversary! Chase Bird looks extremely comfy!

  17. Congratulations on your two years Tina -- so glad to have met you!

    And how sweet that you and Larry are going back for that second honeymoon. Looks like a wonderful place.

  18. Happy blogaversary, and here's to many more years of blogging. Your Thanksgiving plans sound great. Look forward to the photos.

  19. Happy blogging anniversary! I started about the same time as you...I'm 2 1/2 years. Can't imagine my life without blogging. Here's to many more anniversaries for you and your blog :)

  20. i never know how to spell the blogaversary either - I think you made a good choice with a blog anniversary! I am coming up on my 2nd as well in January. It's been so much fun meeting people like you, Tina!

  21. I enjoyed your Random 5--your Chase Bird is such a pretty cat.


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