
Monday, November 25, 2013

Counting blessings on a walk

Thanksgiving is this week in the U.S., and I find it’s a good time to remember the blessings I have.
I try to count my blessings every night before I go to sleep, but I think it’s good for me—perhaps for all of us—to take the time to really think about what we’re thankful for.
I am chiefly thankful for Larry and my family, which includes our Chase Bird.
Today’s post focuses on blessings that I thought about as I walked around my yard on Sunday, enjoying the sunshine and taking photos of things that caught my eye.
It was a cold day, only getting into the 30s, with a breeze blowing. Before going out, I put on a coat and a knit cap and slipped on my gloves.
I was thankful that I had warm outerwear to put on to protect me from the elements. I was thankful for the gloves that Larry gave me a year or two ago.
They keep my hands warm, but if I have to take photos, the mitten-like top folds back and my fingers are free.

I was thankful that we had such beautiful trees in our yard and that their shapes were fully visible to admire and photograph.

I was thankful for Larry’s hard work in getting up the many leaves that fall from those trees. This is one batch down by the street, waiting for pickup by the town. Such town services are another thing to be thankful for.

I was thankful that I found a few acorns. There aren’t many this year, but I hope the squirrels and deer are able to find the ones that are there.

I also found half a nut in the yard with the insides gone. Larry thought it was a hickory nut. I hope it fed an animal a good meal.

I was thankful for the blue sky behind the trees. Fall is a time with so much less humidity than during the summer, and I love seeing the true blue of the sky.

I was thankful that I had the ability to walk around. I was thankful that I had a camera to capture some of the beauty. And I was thankful that I had a warm home to return to.

When you go for a walk, what blessings do you see?


  1. What a delightful post, Tina! Feeling and expressing gratitude is so good and important to our mental and physical health. Your photos are lovely. The coat you are wearing looks to be polar fleece. I could be wrong, but I have to say that I find polar fleece the most comfortable and it a coat, sweater, blanket, nightie, whatever. I love it and have a coat, sweater, scarf, hat and gloves in polar fleece. Great post, as always.

  2. It was pretty cold yesterday. I ran 10 miles outside, and had to wear 3 layers! It took hot cocoa and a hot shower to warm me up when I came in.
    I like your picture of the nut shell.

    I don't know if you're interested, but Barn Cat Buddies (the rescue we adopted two of our cats from) is having their big bowling fundraiser on the 7th of Dec. from 1-4. I think I'm going to take Pierce - he has never been bowling before. It's in Salem. Email me if you're interested - it would be all cat people :-)

  3. Beautiful post! If we take a few minutes each day to look around, we find many things to be thankful for. I do that every day. It helps kick back moods!

  4. Vibrant Fall photos. And those mittens are cool beans for sure.

  5. i love the trees and skies. we didn't have many acorns here either. really cool mittens!

  6. Those gloves/mittens (glottens?) are super cool! How neat. Love all your photos. I am grateful for even the blades of grass in God's creation. A wonderful, thoughtful post!

  7. I think gratitude has been on everyone's mind lately -- and it should be every day. Beautiful words, beautiful photos. Giving thanks -- it's what it's all about. Lovely.

  8. There's nothing like a good walk to help us focus on our inner self and how fortunate we are. While doing that you also made some observations and proved the fact with your photos.

  9. I notice and am happy when people have gone out of their way to help preserve Nature, helping bees, bugs etc and like now seeing the Winter preparations to help Nature along, erecting bug hostels. Beautiful shots, that sky is such a rich blue.

  10. I think thankfulness is so imperative. In this day and age with so much going on that is out of our control, things can get scary. But if we keep our focus on what we are blessed with instead of what "could" happen, it can help us keep our sanity. Beautiful photos, Tina. I'm thankful for YOU! Hugs my friend.

  11. I saw lots of nuts earlier this month, but they seem to be few now. Love the blue, blue much prettier than my gray and dreary we have today..but I am thankful to see it nonetheless!

  12. I am thankful for the blessing of your friendship!!

    LOVE those mittens/gloves!!

    When I look at my life I am thankful for the hubs, my family, my beautiful home and my health! Even though my health is not perfect, I do know it could be a lot worse!!

    I enjoyed this entry and your beautiful images!!

  13. Those are the coolest mittens ever. Here's hoping that you and Larry and all your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  14. Thank you for sharing your many blessings with the rest of us!

  15. What a wonderful post filled with gratitude and blue sky, Tina! Wishing you and Larry a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  16. Beautiful post, Tina! I love your gloves. Those are neat. And i too love the bare trees against the clear blue sky. Nature's sculptures!

  17. Ooooh - Bright and beautiful - AND - That's My Favorite kind of gloves . . . .
    Thankful for YOU!!!!

  18. I want those gloves Tina, they are awesome! Thank you for sharing your gratefulness, the photo's are lovely. This is a great topic for this time of the year.:)


  19. Those sky pictures are really beautiful. I try to remember to make a gratitude list in my head or on paper before going to bed each night. We do have so much to be grateful for.


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