
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Leaves and light

I have enjoyed trees so much this fall.
The leaves on the trees. The shape of the branches as they empty themselves of this year’s leaves.
But mostly I’ve enjoyed the way the colorful leaves reflect the light. Even brown or rust-colored leaves take on a glow when the sunshine hits them a certain way.

One of the things I’ve learned as I live with depression is to enjoy the beauty in life. To notice even the small things that can give so much joy—if we just take a moment to see them, not just glance over them.
Carrying around a camera--or thinking about taking pictures--is one of the best ways I've found to help me pay attention. 
I’ve been looking at trees all my life. I’m living through my 51st autumn. But the older I get, the more I realize that a big part of contentment is enjoying the moment, savoring the beauty, and being grateful for it all.
It’s part of my therapy.

What bit of beauty have you enjoyed lately?


  1. amazing glow. i love fall. i find i feel most happy & at peace during the fall. i know some really really dislike it ... but life goes on. ( :
    finding beauty in the small things. perfect!!

  2. gorgeous, tina! yes, i, too, find that the camera brings me to attention to things i might otherwise miss. (and i'm also living thru my 51st autumn. cheers!)

  3. Lovely images, Tina! This morning I watched the sun rise in an explosion of color as I sat writing at my desk. I can't help but feel lucky and awed when I see nature waking up.
    PS: Since you removed the "name and URL" option on your comments, I've been spit out o the system numerous times. At least I figured out how to leave a comment with "Unknown." If there's a will, there's a way. :-)

  4. - and that's a wonderful lesson to learn! You really did capture the way the light shines off of these leaves and I'm happy you took a moment to enjoy it and share it with us!

  5. I love fall and all the colors! It's a special treat after living in Houston for 30 years and never seeing the seasons change. I find that it's essential for me to get outside every day in some form, whether in the garden or on a walk. Nature is so healing.

  6. awww, i love your descriptive words and beautiful pictures. and i am so happy that you are sharing your life with us through pictures!

    i adore the fall and all the beautiful seasons. we got just a spritz of snow today and i so enjoyed it!!

  7. Great photos, Tina, Enjoying the beauty in life really helps with depression. My recent attack with gout that I am taking meds for came close to pushing me down into a depressed state but thankfully with all the prayers I received on my behalf and trying to keep my mind on positive things I am O.K....for now. Sending you a hug. :)

  8. I think you and I walk the same path...enjoying life's everyday beauty's and the joy they give!! A sure-fire way to beat those blues.

  9. Thank you for sharing your world with all of us.
    So Beautiful!!!!

  10. Bravo, Tina. This is such good advice for all of us. Just tonight as I was driving home from work, twilight made the looming fog kind of eerie and spectacular. I thought to myself, "Okay, Grace, this is not your favorite time of year, but it's really kind of cool, just how it is." I agree that having a camera and a blog to post my photos is a wonderful way to pay attention and then share the beauty with friends. My big thing right now is moss. Western Oregon gets a lot of rain, the perfect environment for moss to thrive. I'll be posting the photos soon. I admit, I've been known to pull the car over to take a photo or ten. Life is good.

  11. Fall is my favourite season, maybe because of my Sept. birthday and I'm a home body and Fall is the beginning of cozy for me. When I'm upset like you that camera is a God's send, takes me out of myself and into the surrounding detail and big picture, I forgot how I may have felt blue or worried or stressed. Fabulous photos.

  12. This is exactly why I love fall. The way the light dances through the yellow and read and orange leaves. It's truly amazing. As these last days of autumn are nearing, I find myself appreciating it even more and more.

  13. I think some of my favorite photos and favorite autumn views are of the light coming through tree leaves. It looks like your fall was as lovely as ours. I hope it continues a bit longer! (Our recent cold and wind seems to have taken care of much of it...sigh.)


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