
Friday, December 6, 2013

A parade, a cardinal, and other randoms

Hello, friends! I hope you’re doing well on this Friday. It’s time for another Random 5 Friday, a great meme started by Nancy at A Rural Journal.

The Altavista Christmas Parade was held last night. I took photos for the newspaper. This is the fifth Altavista parade I’ve covered. Larry met me and watched the floats go by as I stood in the street and tried for the best shots.

It was in the 60s during the parade—it definitely seemed too warm for such an event. Last year it was so cold, we bundled up and my fingers I used for picture-taking felt frozen. This year, I got hot.
The unseasonably warm weather will give way to a cold front on Saturday, with freezing rain expected on Sunday. Mother Nature never ceases to keep us on our toes!

We haven't needed a fire for the last couple of days.

Tuesday morning as I moved around the kitchen getting my breakfast, I looked out the window and saw a cardinal sitting in one of the holly bushes in the front yard. I grabbed my camera and tried a few shots through the window pane. I was reminded that I need to clean the windows.
Then I tried to sneak outside and around the house to get a better photo, even though I was wearing my Christmas pajamas and an old sweater.
But the bird must have heard me, or was frightened by my candy-cane-covered pajamas. He flew through the bushes as I came around the corner and flew into a camellia bush on the other side of the yard.

It's not a great shot, but I thought he was so pretty, I had to try.

Yesterday was a workday that reminded me of the saying that variety is the spice of life. I covered the annual planning session of the Board of Supervisors for much of the day. Then I stopped by the sheriff’s office to talk with an investigator about a couple of cases I’m covering. Then I had the parade photos to take. Yep, being a reporter for a small paper keeps me doing different things.

The plan is to put up our Christmas tree and do other decorating sometime this weekend. I can’t wait to have Christmas lights all around me.

What do you have planned for the weekend?


  1. "...frightened by my candy-cane-covered pajamas" :)

  2. Love your photos, Tina! The fireplace looks warm and inviting and the cardinal is delightful. You are braver than I, I don't like parades due to all the noise and crowds. I am sure you got some great photos.

  3. your cardinal shot is fantastic! there is nothing like a fireplace with a crackling fire, lucky you. You are a Lois Lane :-) what a cool job. Weekend, staying warm and knitting...

  4. Christmas pajamas are the perfect photo wearing outfits I would always find the best photos in my frolicking Monkey flannels:) The cardinal is beautiful. Your reporting job sounds like the best kind of job where you would never get bored and always have a challenge. Enjoy your Christmas lights Tina. Hug B

  5. Will you be posting any photos of the parade on here? And my goodness yes 60 degrees does not feel very Christmassy does it?? I like my Decembers cold!!

  6. That may have been a rushed photo of the cardinal, but it's a very good one!

  7. such a perfect christmas photo, the red bird on holly! have a great weekend!

  8. Wow, your job must be so gratifying! I'd love to do something like that. This crazy weather is driving me...well...crazy. Yesterday was 80 and the a/c going; today it's supposed to be cold. Those cardinals are such shy creatures. I think you got a great shot of him through the windows. :)

  9. Have fun decorating this weekend! Love your photos.

  10. the cardinal shot is pretty. happy decorating to you!

  11. Answering your question - I work on the weekend - and - it's pure JOY -
    The cardinal photo - you think isn't top quality???
    Looks like the kind of photo that earns a lot of do-re-mi.
    It's exceptional.

    and - So Are YOU!

  12. i think your cardinal photo is quite lovely -- amazing aren't they -- color that is so bright. I find myself taking a lot of photos through the windows -- i know i won't make it outside in time and they will move faster than i can! enjoy the decorating .. i'm another light lover! ;)

  13. your cardinal image is beautiful tina, i love that he posed in the holly!!

    i am shopping with youngest son mike tomorrow, well he's shopping, i am to be company and his lunch date. i don't want to go, i hate chopping and i really don't like shopping with mike. i hope we are still friends afterward!!

    my house is all decorated and looking spiffy!!

  14. you fire looks oh so warm. always a fan of cardinals. i wonder about our weather this weekend. we will see?? i hope for snow over ice. happy weekend. ( :

  15. Great shots! My tree is up, but all the work I did on the house lights was for naught. One single dumb strand has gone out- and I can't find any more light strings like it to replace it with. I guess I will have to take the whole thing down. :(

  16. Great cardinal photo. And I LOVE a Christmas parade. This afternoon we watched one in the small Mississippi town where Rick's son lives!

  17. Wonderful photos! You were busy, the parade sounds like fun! It is snowing here today, so we are in and staying warm. Have a great day and week ahead. PS, thank you for visiting my blog, I hope to see you again.

  18. The pic of the cardinal is so pretty, Tina. Your job sounds very interesting. I hope you got your decorating done.


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