
Monday, December 30, 2013


I’ll tell you about the boots in a minute. But first . . .
My word for 2014 is adventure.
This is the word that will guide me throughout the year, much as the phrase “letting go” was my guide in 2013.

I wanted the word for 2014 to come to me in a natural way, so I didn’t make lists of words or sit and think about it. I just kind of mulled it over as I did other things.
And as I was doing some housework within the last month or so, the word “adventure” popped into my head.
At first it didn’t seem right. It didn’t seem very Tina. It didn’t seem serious enough to provide me with a plan and goals for the New Year.
Some of the definitions of adventure in The American Heritage Dictionary didn’t help: “An undertaking or enterprise of a hazardous nature. An undertaking of a questionable nature, especially one involving intervention in another state’s affairs.”

But there were also these definitions: As a noun, adventure can mean “An unusual or exciting experience.” As a verb, it can mean “To venture upon; undertake or try.”

When I think of this word, I think of accepting each day I have as a gift, something to be enjoyed, not something to get through.
I think of taking chances, yes, of doing things that I need to do despite my fears. To serve others, to live my purpose, to live with joy despite OCD, despite anxiety, despite depression.


One way 2014 is already shaping up to be adventurous is that I am starting my editing business. Tina F. Barbour Editing Services LLC was born earlier this month and will be open for business soon.
This dream of mine to have my own business was a long time coming. I can read about something and think about something all day long, but take action? Well, there are all those fears. What if I fail? What if everyone thinks I’m stupid?
I got past those fears and did what I needed to do to create the business and prepare for the work. I’m still finishing up the details, but it’s all coming together.
Oh, and did I mention that I’m enjoying myself? That I love doing this?


For the first time in my life, I am in a place where I can even consider life as an adventure. During the past couple of years, I’ve let go of a lot of junk that was weighing me down. I got healthier mentally and emotionally. I gained a lot of tools in how to handle life with love and hope rather than fear. I have a much better relationship with my thoughts, which used to torture me.
I’m not happy all the time, but I have a contentment and joy that I’ve yearned for. I don’t take it for granted. I want to nurture it. I want to become a better person. I want to serve more.
And it’s going to be an adventure.

Now to explain why I have a photo of boots at the top of this post: I asked for boots for Christmas. I tried on several pair like I thought I wanted: plain, sturdy looking boots. Nothing seemed quite right.
Larry walked around the store and found another section of boots. They didn’t look like my type. But I tried on one. It felt comfortable. It supported my foot where I needed support. So I tried on the other one. I walked around the store. And I chose them.
I never thought I’d wear boots like this. The practical side of me loves the comfort. And the fun side of me that often gets pushed aside loves the style.
They’ll take me on lots of adventures, don’t you think?

Tomorrow I’ll talk about another way I’m approaching 2014.

Do you make resolutions for the New Year? Do you ever choose a word or theme to guide you?


  1. Wow! Yay! Starting your business IS an adventure.

  2. Congrats on the new business! I'm sure it will be a wonderful success!

  3. I think those boots are made for adventures.. Enjoy!! I do not usually make resolutions.. Good Luck on your new business.

    Wishing you all the best in 2014, a Happy New Year to you and your family!

  4. no resolutions for me ... just goals!! ( :
    Congrats on the business ... i had not heard it was a-go ... just thinking about it - the last i had heard. that is awesome news!! i wish you all the best ... big big hugs.

  5. Oh Tina CONGRATULATIONS on your new venture I know you are going to do very well. AWESOME boots the only thing that could have been better is if they had some pink on them. Do they have them I truly love that style you chose.
    Goals and words well that is a tough one for me, I do think I need to try to do more with my writing and since I finally had a story published in our local paper I know I can do it and I think that is what I need to do so my word may be Believe.:)
    I understand the fear of new things but we are both going to BELIEVE and DO:) HUGS HUGS B

  6. Wowzer! You have set the standard for 2014!!! I so enjoy your guiding intention "ADVENTURE!" - Congratulations on your new business - you are so gonna rock . . AND - I LOVE Your New Boots!!!
    yeppers, what a Great Adventure 2014 is Shaping Up to Be.
    Love & Love to YOU . . AND . . Stellar New Year!

  7. oohhhh i LOVE your word, "adventure"....perfect for you at this time in your life!!

    no new years resolutions for this girl, life is good and i am happy!! be well tina and i love those well worn boots!!

  8. hooray! love that you've begun the adventure of 2014. :)

  9. Congratulations on what you've achieved in the last couple of years. It's a huge challenge and I understand why you don't want to let it go. All the best to you on your adventure in 2014.

  10. I am so impressed with your journey and that you've shared it with us plus I think these are Tina boots. Adventure and a dream taking shape, what an awesome year this is going to be! xxoo

  11. Those are great boots, and I hope they take you on many adventures in 2014...and beyond! 'Adventure' is a wonderful word to define the new year with. I don't make resolutions anymore; I just try to be the best person I can be, and take it one day at a time.

  12. What a word - what a place to take yourself over the next year! And those (amazing) boots will take you there, I'm sure of it!!

    Last year was the first time I came up with "a word" for the year, and this year, I think I'm going to focus on a motto. I don't know yet!

  13. I'm so excited for you! And I love your boots!

  14. I am so happy for you, Tina! Those boots are so nice! I don't make resolutions for the New Year, because I try to become a better person on a daily basis. I think adventure is just what you need!

  15. Those boots are kickin'! (Sorry, couldn't resist!)

    Congratulations on your business - what an adventure indeed! I think that your word will lead you to all sorts of interesting places in 2014!

  16. Love the boots, and love the business......I bet they will both take you on adventures!

  17. Those boots rock! Love them!! I like your word for the year, too, and hope it brings you much success and happiness. I chose my first word last year which was Peace. After that, I kinda forgot about it, so I don't really think I did my word justice. Instead of one word this year, I've been asking God to help me love overs and see others they way HE seems them. I need to love more and be more accepting, so that's my goal. :)

  18. LOVE this post! Giddy up, 2014!

  19. Lovely post, Tina. And congrats on getting your business going! You will do well! The boots are a great symbol for your word of the year. I'll have to think of a word for myself...

  20. those boots are made for walking.... through your new adventures. I can't wait to see and hear what all you get into this coming year. My best to you... always, Latane

  21. That's a great word! I have mine, too -- have to start on the post for it, which I think will be on New Year's! I send you wishes for a new year of great adventures, personally and professionally!

  22. Congratulations on starting your business! Best of luck on your new adventure!! Love the boots. They do look comfy. I rarely make resolutions because I am so bad at keeping them. This year I want to get our house in order so we can eventually downsize. I should downsize myself as well. lol. Maybe that should be my word for 2014: Downsize.

  23. I think those boots were just made for adventures. May many happy adventures & good wishes come to you in 2014, Tina as you begin your new "business" adventure.

  24. Adventure is a great word, Tina, and seems appropriate given the way your life is changing! May 2014 be filled with adventures of the most wonderful kind.


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