
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Saturday’s Critters: Chase Bird in the Sun

Today I’m joining Saturday’s Critters, a new meme started by Eileen of Viewing Nature with Eileen.
We have an enclosed back porch, and Chase Bird loves to roam the perimeter and make sure all is safe and sound or sit in the sun.
I admit that I get nervous when he is out there and tend to hover around, making sure he’s OK.
Mind you, the doors on the porch are locked, and there’s no way he can get out or something else get in. But I tend to worry, as you know.
On this particular day—Dec. 1—the sun was shining and Chase Bird was so obviously enjoying himself. I relaxed and tried to capture his contentment in these photos.


  1. love the warmth of the sun in these shots!

  2. die sehen sich wirklich SEHR ähnlich

    LG vom katerchen und dem Pauli..mann

  3. That's great he has someplace safe in which to relax and feel like part of the outdoors. Glad he can't get to any birds, too. :) Wonderful images.

  4. What a lovely spot to soak up the sun. He is beautiful! :)

  5. Chasebird is a beauty. Delightful photo's.:)

  6. Chase Bird looks happy laying in the warm sun! Wonderful photos. Thanks for linking up to my critter party. Have a happy weekend!

  7. He's SO handsome!!!

  8. what wonderful images!! the second was my favorite, until i saw the third.....and so on!!

    what a beauty he is!!

  9. Chase Bird is a gorgeous cat, and you have photographed him beautifully! I love the second shot! Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. I am your newest follower!

  10. My uncle used to have a sun room just off of his dining room - and it was glorious! It led out onto the deck outside. I used to sit on the couch out there and stare outside. Your post reminds me of that ... and sweet Chase Bird is adorable :)

  11. Oh, my goodness! Look how beautiful he is! I love that second pic in particular. Great profile! We used to have a screen porch in our old house and the cats loved going out there and catching bugs. Good memories!

  12. Is there anything more beautiful than the eyes of a cat? Gorgeous.

  13. Chase Bird is so gorgeous! What marvelous photos of a beautiful animal.

  14. Pretty kitty -- so alert! I hope he doesn't catch too many birds!

  15. What a handsome cat! And great photos!
    I love them.

  16. He's such a handsome dude. And he looks quite content out there!

  17. I think he might be the most beautiful cat I've ever seen :)


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