
Monday, January 13, 2014

Open for business

Tina F. Barbour Editing Services LLC is open for business.
I decided in 2013 to explore starting my own freelance editing business. It took a lot of research and preparation before I was ready to say, I’m going to do it.
I started with lists of things to consider. In a notebook I bought for the planning, I made my first list on April 21, 2013. I didn’t make my next one until November 3, 2013.
Why the delay?
Probably fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure.
This past fall, the desire to edit for others and to own my own business outweighed the fear, and I started making lists with more purpose.

Discuss structure/taxes with CPA. Check.
Settle on name of business. Check.
Discuss structure with attorney. Check.
Write a business plan. Check.
Decide what services to offer. Check.
Begin stocking my reference library. Check.

The only real headache in all this was when I applied for a business license from my town. I learned that I first had to register my business name with the county circuit court.
I went to the court. They weren’t sure if I had to register and sent me to the commissioner of revenue. They said, yes, I had to register, assisted me with the paperwork, and sent me back to the circuit court.
Then it was back to town hall for the business license.
But all is in order now.

A second headache is developing a business website, which I’m still in the process of doing. I hope to have that up and running very soon.
In the meantime, here are the services that I will offer:

I provide editing and proofreading services to writers working on a variety of manuscripts and copy, including blog posts, other Web works, nonfiction books, nonfiction periodical articles, essays, business writing (articles, Web copy, and newsletters), medical and scientific articles/copy for the lay person, and government agency copy.

I provide the following types of copyediting:

Mechanical editing: Reviewing and making corrections in consistent use of style, capitalization, spelling, use of hyphens, abbreviations, punctuation, numbers, grammar, syntax, word choice, consistent use of names, and consistent use of documentation.
Substantive editing: Includes mechanical editing. Also includes reviewing and suggesting changes in structure, organization of content, paragraphing, clarity of the content, audience consideration, and obvious factual errors.

I also provide proofreading services:

Proofreading: The last phase of editing a manuscript. Usually done by comparing proofs with last edited copy, reviewing for and correcting typographical errors, spacing, inaccurate punctuation marks, consistency in font and point size, page numbers, missing words, accurate hyperlinks, and accurate indexes.

I’m excited about this new adventure! If you have any questions about my services, please contact me through this website or by emailing TinaFBarbourEditing(at)gmail(dot)com.

Have you ever had your own business? If you could have any kind of business, what would it be?


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!! I just KNOW you're going to be great at this! I wish you much success.

  2. Hi Tina, I am so happy you took the leap and have your own business now. I have never had my own business but my husband has an LLC. If I had a business I suppose I would want it to be a bookstore or maybe something to do with chocolate....or to be a hiking guide if I lived somewhere near a grand hiking area. It is fun just to think about! Krystallynn

  3. With so many people self-publishing these days, I think you will be successful Tina. Happy for you! xo

  4. How wonderful, Tina! I am so happy for you, and I wish you great success!

  5. Congratulations Tina!!!! This is so awesome. I just know you'll be successful :)

  6. Congratulations, Tina! This is so exciting -- probably the kind of business I would start if I was looking to get back into the work market (I do a little of that freelance, but mostly for folks I know.) I find that writers who are self publishing may have some great plots but mess up on some of the simplest things -- like spelling character names the same way all the way through or messing up contractions with their homonyms (you're / your). I would think you'd have a lot going for you! Best wishes!

  7. so exciting. i had no idea there were so many steps. i hope the times will go smoothly & quick too ... so you can get to do with you enjoy & love to do. ( :

  8. CONGRATULATIONS!!! i do hope this is a successful business for you!

  9. I'm also excited about your venture. I didn't know that there were still people in this world who knew or practised the guidelines we have for our language.
    Much success in your new venture.

  10. I am so, so, SO proud of you!! This is going to be an amazing ADVENTURE!

  11. Congratulations! How exciting. I hope it does very well for you. If I hear of anyone looking for some editing, I will definitely send them your way.

  12. Tina, I wish you much success in your new venture!! And I admire you for taking all the necessary steps to make it happen. I have always wanted my own business, but I'm too afraid. IF I had my own business it would be photography, but since I only feel comfortable around domestic animals and wildlife, that won't translate into $$$. Best of luck to you!!!

  13. Yay and congratulations! I'm so very happy for you. :) What a wonderful business plan and just your thing. And editing is so much fun! Good luck with this great new venture/adventure!

  14. This is exciting news, you DID it Tina, I so admire your skills. Once I considered doing 'meals' for special occasions, I cooked at home or at the recipients home. I'd deliver my cooking gift or prepare in our motorhome and carry the birthday or anniversary couple off to a romantic site by the ocean. I'd use fancy crockery and linen etc. My family and friends thought I'd do well as a business as their friends requested me as well, but I had zero confidence, and an extremely high level of fear. That was 30 years ago now...I love that you are going to realize your dream.

  15. Hurray!!! celebratory Dancing in YOUR Honor! This is the start of something WONDERFUL!!!!!

  16. Congrats and best of luck! At some point I will need manuscript proofing (I'm still revising, and my editor hasn't seen my work yet), and I will keep you in mind.

  17. Tina, I love this Bill Cosby quote: "In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." You alluded to this feeling at the beginning of your post. It is the exact same feeling that got me to publish a book. I'm SO delighted that you're going for it. I know you'll be top notch and I'll keep you in mind if I am in need of an editor. You'll be my first choice. Congratulations!!!!!!

  18. Congratulations!! I'm a new follower and I've been loving your blog! That is so exciting! Best wishes to you! I completely understand the feeling of having to overcome the fear of doing something and just jumping in :)

  19. Congratulations, Tina. I wish you much success!

  20. Congrats and wishing you good luck and lots of success with your new business!

  21. Congratulations, Tina - I am sure that, although this will be hard work, it will also be very rewarding.

  22. oh tina, YeS....and i have had all the headaches you talked about, x's 20. with each property purchase, the hubs starts a new copy, so each stands independent of the other. 50 + tennants, a few pieces of vacant land, tax season is a nightmare for me!!

    BUT congrats to you, i hope it's fun and so wonderful for you!! and successful and rewarding!!

  23. * company not copy....i love autocorrect ;)

  24. Congratulations....I am so proud of you for making that dream come true...I know you will be very successful and I can't wait to hear more as the business progresses...

  25. Congrats....oh my your own business up and working, that is so exciting.


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