
Friday, January 17, 2014

Random 5 Friday

Happy Friday! I’m joining Random 5 Friday, a wonderful meme started by and coordinated by Nancy of A Rural Journal.

Thank you for all the kind comments regarding Larry’s trip to the ER. He’s doing fine now. He (finally) called his regular doctor today to make an appointment for follow-up as advised by the ER docs. His regular doctor is out of town until week after next, so he’ll have to wait a couple of weeks to see him.

The HVAC contractor is coming over at 7:30 this morning to start replacing the heat pump, so I’ll be up and out early to get to the office.
He told Larry it would take about three days to install it. We’re scratching our heads over that one. Apparently they are not going to put in three full days on it. Today they are just going to measure and plan, I think, because he said he didn’t want to leave a mess over the weekend.

During this heat-pump-installation opportunity, Larry wants to install attic steps into the crawl space over the den where the heat pump apparatus is. He’s going to work on that this weekend. My job—I’ve been told—will be to help lift the steps to the hole in the ceiling so Larry can attach them.
I am not particularly adept at jobs like this. Do you like home repair or renovation projects?

I hope to have my website for my editing business ready to go live by Monday. It has certainly been a learning experience, buying a domain name and creating a website.

I have not been taking many photographs lately. It seems like either the weather doesn’t cooperate or it’s dark outside.
If I take photos inside, they are usually of Chase Bird. I think he’s growing a bit weary of seeing the camera lens pointed in his direction.
What have you been photographing lately?


  1. Oh no! I missed your Larry in hospital post (jet-lag). Much love and speedy recovery to him. Don't talk to me of home repairs! R and I are constantly working on something. This winter we insulated the loft at West Cottage and this spring we plan to do the same thing here in Van. Ugh I hate insulation but hate paying for something I can do myself. Chase Bird is a handsome boy and very photogenic. Buck up big boy and say cheese! I take photos for a living, so, yes I have been. Lol. Bit late saying much love and happy New Year to you and yours Tina, but saying it with all my heart. :)

  2. Hi! I'm visiting from Nancy's; I was drawn to your blog by your beautiful kitty (I'm guessing Chase Bird? Cute name!)
    Good luck with that heat pump replacement AND the attic steps!
    What have I been photographing? (From #5 on my RFF today, just about everything!)

  3. Good luck with the house improvements... I'm frequently called upon to be the helper around here and don't mind at all. Kinda goes with the territory. :)

  4. I love seeing Chase Bird. It took three days to have my heater and AC replaced ... 1 full day to take the old ones out and 2 days that were hit and miss to complete the job. Good luck! Exciting about your website for your business.

  5. Those are beautiful photos of Chase Bird. I haven't been taking many photos lately. The weather just hasn't appealed to me. I do miss it, and hope to get to it soon.

    I don't mind home repairs. I tackle some minor jobs on my own, but for the major ones, I'm just a helper.

  6. Love the photos of Chase Bird. I haven't been photographing much lately either. It's so gloomy this time of year. 2 months, 4 days until spring!

  7. I'm so glad that Larry is feeling better Tina. I am sending prayers and plenty of positive vibes!!

  8. the in-laws have to get a new heat pump ... i wonder if this past cold snap really effected them?! hope you get back to pictures soon. ( :

  9. my creatures do NOT like me pointing a camera in their direction. That seems funny - because i used to travel with a border collie - who was a professional model . . . he would see a camera and "strike a pose.' Ah!! we are all unique, i get it . . so, you don't see any pictures nearly as lovely as your furry friend . . .

  10. Got to read more to see what happened with your hubby...but will say I have taken very few pics the past year. It has been first one thing and then another. Chase is a pretty kitty!

  11. Glad Larry is feeling better, Tina. What is it with so many husbands in the ER the last few months? I have been photographing birds and squirrels thru my window and that's about it. Chase Bird would be a fun addition! Sophie hates for me to take pictures of her, but Bruce just sits and poses. It's hilarious.
    Be careful with those attic steps!

  12. i've been photographing whistling ducks! - no surprise there! :)

    good luck on the heat pump AND the attic stairs project! yuck!

  13. lol, 3 days? that's crazy!! chase bird is cute as usual! have a great weekend :)

  14. I love that moon shot, and your cat is sweet! Hope the heat pump installation goes well.

  15. Oh No....I missed your post about Larry's ER visit. Hope everything is okay!
    I haven't been photographing much either ... winter seems to do that for some reason. But once Spring arrives I'm outside as much as possible!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    diane @ aug's blog

  16. Oh, we are not home improvement people. We always have to call someone. I hope your job as assistant goes well and there are no mishaps. Chase Bird looks like he is actively avoiding your camera lens. Brighter and warmer days are ahead and we will appreciate them all the more when they come. Enjoy your weekend!

  17. Chase Bird is such a magnificent kitty, and very photogenic! :). Our Otis tires of having his photo taken too. But he's so beautiful i can't resist.

    I'm glad Larry is doing well. And good luck with your DIY project. No, i'm not good at things like that either. I don't have the eye for them. My husband is great at them and loves them though.

    Have a lovely weekend Tina!

  18. I hate home reno. I would prefer to have "people." Good luck with that!

  19. I too missed the post about your hubby being in the hospital. I hope he's doing much better now and doesn't over do it with the repair project. - We have so many things that needed repaired around here but hubby is to busy trying to earn a living to work on the house. Maybe someday...
    Your kitty does appear to be trying to avoid the camera. Ours don't seem to mind having pictures, well one does but the rest are pretty good at posing for me.

  20. We're on the road and I haven't had a lot of computer time so I missed Larry's ER visit. So happy to first get to read that things are okay! I admire you helping with home repairs. Greg and I don't work well together at all. We travel well together though so I am happy about that. Well, tell Chase Bird that he will just have to endure the camera because I want to see more of him.

  21. I am happy to hear Larry is Ok! What a worry! My son is learning HVAC it seems to be a great job for him right now. Your kitty is so cute, wonderful photos. Have a happy weekend!

  22. Hmm...I like home repair/renovation projects. You can tell if you visit my blog. We are in the midst of a big project this weekend. Lately I have been photographing the patio project we are doing.

    Glad Larry is doing ok. Your pics of ChaseBird are lovely. He is photogenic.

  23. What a cute kitty cat! My photo's have been lacking as well. Mainly because I don't take my photo's indoors, and the weather hasn't been allowing me to be out much. Hopefully soon!

  24. Good luck with your projects...I'm entirely too impatient to be much help to anyone. I'm better just making a go of it alone, or letting someone else do it. Glad to hear that Larry is better...wishing continued good health for both of you

  25. I'm glad that Larry is doing okay, and hope all continues to be well.

    My photos have been lacking as well - the weather makes me lack energy to get outside and grab some. I've been having a bit of trouble with my camera also ... I'm trying to get out of the "auto zone!"

    I hope you're having a lovely weekend :)

  26. as you know tina, i photograph EVERYTHING!!! as long as it's standing still, i'm taking a picture!! hehe

    have a wonderful sunday!!

  27. Chase Bird looks like what I imagine George would have looked like in his younger years. My photo taking has slowed down a lot since the arrive of all this snow and cold. Snow only seems to be photogenic when it is freshly fallen.

  28. Glad you hubby is doing okay. I've been in your shoes. . .that can be a very scary thing. I don't like to have my own in a mess. Not sure what I do to cope. . .pray my way through it I guess, and remind myself it's temporary. I like to help with home improvement projects. Always have. Hope your week is off to a good start.


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