
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Snow and expectations

Whatever it is you're seeking won't come in the form you're expecting.”
― Haruki Murakami

I made a private vow that I was going to place less value on expectations. But, like a lot of things we decide to do, it’s harder than it seems at first.

We got our first real snow of the winter on Tuesday. I expected we would get at least a couple of inches.
We didn’t get enough to cover the grass completely.
I was disappointed. But the snow that did fall was pretty. And I still took some photos. The pictures aren’t good—I didn’t get much chance to be outdoors until after dark—but I still enjoyed it.

Snow outside the office in the late afternoon Tuesday.

Snow in our front yard in the evening.

A little snow on the bench by our side door.

The HVAC people came on Monday to work on the heat pump. I expected that they would complete the work that day.
They didn’t. They asked if they could go finish a more pressing job (and it was) and come back Wednesday.
I thought I couldn’t relax until the work was done and everything was back in place. But I can.

I’ve got deadlines and big stories to cover at the office. I expected to be able to relax a bit after gritting my teeth and getting through it. I had my schedule all planned.
Then I was reminded of another story responsibility on the very day I had set aside (in my mind) for relief.
I’ve got time every day to relax and do things I enjoy. I’ve got time every day to do the things I need to do. I’m grateful for that. I don’t need to wait for a far off day, after everything is “done,” to enjoy life.

Expectations don’t have to drive my life. Though I expect I’ll have to learn that lesson many more times.

How about you? Have you had your expectations dashed lately? 


  1. I love snow photos, Tina! Thank you so much for sharing yours! The first one is dreamy!

  2. These are beautiful photos! If you need more snow, I'd be happy to send some (lots) of our your way :)

  3. We finally got our first measurable snow of the year here in Berea, KY. We got four inches! I was in heaven lol. It turns me into an 8-year-old boy haha.

  4. I'm wondering if you might not have more snow this morning -- It sounded like parts of Virginia were really slammed, although I'm not sure where you are! It IS fun to hear that people are getting excited about things we not only take for granted here in Michigan but sure do wish would disappear!

    I love that you have time to enjoy every day and do what you need to do. I didn't feel that for a lot of time during my working career and now every day is good, even if I don't feel so great or have something on the schedule I'd rather not. Makes all the difference in the world to have that time -- even if it is a short time -- just for you.

  5. too what is frustrating or plain annoying is how weather folks really gab it up & really make it sound like it will be a big event & then we get only a bit. the kid in me is so heartbroken - i wonder if that will ever change? i get all those emotions like when i was a kid & i knew school would be cancelled & then we ended up going any ways. nuts!! i'm happy that folks don't have to worry to much about traveling & getting around - but for me ... i am still hoping we will get a wild wild storm. don't hate. but i wish those days of being stuck in with all that glorious snow. i loved snowy pics. a joke between my Dad & I (he got a snow blower probably 2 years ago) & it has not snowed in a long time - not big enough for him to use it any ways. ha. ha!! oh well ... i guess VA has become a state of no snow. sad but it looks to be true. ( :

  6. Oh Tina even that dusting of snow makes everything beautiful and gives a sense of new where everyone can do anything they wish like you:) Hug B

  7. Ah expectations can be a killer. I've had to work hard through that one myself. Recognizing them is half the battle I believe. So you are on your way already!

  8. We got about an inch and a half. Unfortunately, our road hasn't been plowed and is curvy and hilly enough that I can't get out to a dr. appt. The boys are happy to be home though.

  9. you are balancing everything well.

  10. I hate to even comment on that because I have such a problem with that. Especially with my friends. I always feel let down. I know I shouldn't expect things. But I do. Shoot.

  11. Want some of our snow? Minnesota's got plenty to share. ;-)

  12. Now you were really stretching things to find snow. I know I shouldn't belittle your snow.
    One thing I learned when I spent much time outdoors and had to depend on the weather was to let nature take it's course.

  13. I am expecting myself to clean the house but I don't want to...what does it really matter? Today I can feel peace about what I do. It's a choice. Your snow is pretty. Have a great day, Tina.

  14. I try and keep expectations low, not to say that I accept just any old outcome but projected expectations sometimes aren't worth the disappointment they bring when unfulfilled, I learned this very young and it has helped enrich my life rather than the opposite. Sometimes I forget and I find the disappointment hard to bear.

  15. Love the light dusting of snow. It's so soothing and pretty. As for expectations, I try not to get my hopes up too much because I'm usually disappointed. I like your approach to just go with the flow and enjoy things as they happen in the moment.

  16. Well, I always EXPECT your posts to be insightful and informative, and I haven't been disappointed yet. :)

  17. I always expect to get more done than I do. *sigh* No matter what I do, I'm still Type A...

  18. expect nothing, you will never be disappointed!! your images are sooooo pretty!! i love snow, in any quantity!!

  19. i was a little disappointed with the lack of snow too. although we did get more later in the afternoon, we just haven't gotten a really great snowfall yet have we?!! i love the photos!

  20. Even a little snow is better than none! Love your bench shot!

  21. Wonderful pics of your snow. And I love Murakami and have read many of his books. Great quote and so true.


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