
Friday, February 21, 2014

A Truly Random “Random 5 Friday”

It’s Friday, so I’m joining Nancy of A Rural Journal for Random 5 Friday.

When I told my editor at the newspaper about my sledding adventure, he asked me to write a first-person account of it for this week’s paper. We rarely do anything like that, but he thought it would be fun for readers.
If you’d like to read the article, you can click HERE.

Last week when it was snowing, I went to English Park, which is along the Staunton River in Altavista and found these ducks.

Back at the house, I found these tracks in the snow outside Larry’s shop. Can you tell what animal they belong to?

I was at the newspaper office on Wednesday, working at my desk. My cell phone was in my pocket. Suddenly, the phone sounded a shrill and very loud alarm. Simultaneously, my co-workers’ cell phones did the same thing.
It was an AMBER alert. A little girl in another part of Virginia had gone missing.
Thankfully, the little girl was found in less than an hour after the alert went out.
The alarm may frighten you the first time you hear it, but I’m so glad such alerts are in place to help.

I’m reading another mystery/thriller by John Sandford. It’s called Rough Country and features a character named Virgil Flowers. It’s very well-written and a great read, too.
But as I’m reading it, I’m also studying the structure and how the mystery flows. I hope such study will help my own writing as I tackle the mystery writing process.

I am taking next week off from blogging. I need some time for rejuvenation. I will be back on March 3. Blessings to all of you, dear readers!


  1. Great Random 5 - so glad the little girl was found!
    The prints are a bird, but not those ducks...
    Have a fab Friday and a restful week :)

  2. HI linking up with nancy! That is kind of cool that your cell phones can do that. SO glad they found the little girl.

  3. Gorgeous shots! Love the b&w theme.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  4. Super article and how cool, you are a published writer :-). Have a great break...and the AMBERT is a thing of genius. Ta for now...

  5. Oh Tina I love the newspaper article and that photo is priceless you have the look of that little girl flying down the hill on the farm:) Well done.Enjoy your bloggy break Tina and rejuvenating sounds wonderful. HUG hug B

  6. i understand their need for a loud alarm for the Amber Alert ... but i almost had a heart attack myself. that was very scary. not cool. i love the photo of the ducks & the bird feet. one reason why i love snow so .. you can see what creatures are walking around & checking out your place. so fun. ( :

  7. Like how there's a domestic duck mixed in with the wild ones and seems to be getting along well.

    Enjoy your blog break Tina -- I'm off to read your article! :)

  8. I love the ducks in the snow pic Tina! And I give, what do those footprints belong to? A robin?? I will most definitely check your article out :)

  9. love your ducks - look like mallard hybrids. :) going to read your article, now.

  10. I don't know who the tracks belong to but they are adorable!

  11. I am so glad they published the article on your sledding adventure...That's definitely one for the treasure box...I am thankful for the Amber alert as I think it's saved lots of lives....With all the madness in the world today, it's good to know such things exist....Have fun and be refreshed on your time away. I will look forward to your return....

  12. I got that amber alert text this week too. First time I have gotten one.

  13. We had our first Amber alert a couple months ago - quite a shock! But I'm very glad for it. Your snow adventure must have been great fun! I love the way it was printed in the paper!

  14. the article was awesome and you picked the BEST picture for it!!

    and i really like the picture of the know me and wildlife!!

  15. Tina, I love the article you wrote and it was fun! I also love that photo of you, what a blast! I love the duck photos here! Thank you so much for sharing.

  16. Love the article, Tina! Enjoy your well-deserved time off!

  17. Loved your article! It's nice to do something now and then that helps us feel young again, isn't it? I recognize the Mallards in your duck pics, but don't know that bigger black and white one. Terrific shots! I just started listening to the new J. K. Rowling mystery that she wrote under her pseudonym. It's really quite good.

  18. I love the duck photos. No matter the weather, they are always in the water! I will definitely check out your article. Enjoy your time off from blogging!

  19. Great randoms.
    Those ducks didn't seem to mind the snow.
    I'm guessing bird tracks - perhaps crows?
    I haven't read in some time but find it relaxing when I do.
    I need a nap today, I'm having a hard time finishing up commenting on blogs. I'll check your article out soon.

  20. I think that Amber Alerts have saved a lot of children.
    Love your Random 5 and awesome shots of the ducks!
    diane @ thoughts and shots

  21. Enjoy your time off from blogging. It is good to take a break now and again. My husband loves the John Sanford books.

  22. Sandford is one of my all time favorite authors, but he won't write those books fast enough for me! I haven't gotten an amber alert yet, but I have received a weather one..I think putting that out on cell phones is a fantastic resource for law enforcement. Have a great week of rest!

  23. Good news on the amber alert. Hmmm. I don't know about the tracks. Turkeys?

  24. Great article that you wrote for the paper!

  25. Lots of great randoms here; I will have to check out the book you're reading and the article. How exciting! Enjoy your week of rest. All bloggers need a break from time to time.

  26. your article is packed with so much love and joy - i am giggling still. Thank you for allowing all of us to read it, too.

    I know all of your books will be fabulous.

  27. That Amber Alert would have been a little disconcerting, for sure. I'm glad the little girl is okay. Great random stuff here, Tina. Enjoy your break.

  28. Great article! My last sledding adventure was last winter when I went down the hill with my daughter. My boots were off the sled and threw all the snow in our faces. After that she did it herself. Not as much fun as your sledding experience!

  29. Tina, that was a really fun article about you and the snow, and it was well written. Your editor is a smart one!


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