
Friday, February 7, 2014

Random 5 Friday: Down by the River

Happy Friday, dear readers! I hope you’ve had a good week. My thoughts go out to those who are in the middle of snow and ice and power outages.
It’s time for Random 5 Friday, a great meme started by Nancy of A Rural Journal. Click HERE to find more bloggers who have posted their Random 5!

The Staunton River at Altavista, Virginia. Seeing all these spots in the photo makes me think I need to clean my lens cover.

I was off from my newspaper job on Thursday, so Larry and I had lunch at a local café. I had the vegan four-bean chili—delicious! I failed to get a photo, though.
Then we went to English Park and enjoyed walking around and taking photos of the Staunton River. It has been a while since we’ve been down there. It’s always good to see what changes have occurred and to hear the sound of the water once again.

I like the look of the light in the trees surrounding Larry. The river is right beyond his feet.

We watched a bit of the Winter Olympics, including figure skating. I get a little nervous when I watch the skaters go into one of those high jumps where they spin in mid-air. I’m always wondering if they’ll land OK.
Even when the announcers sound disappointed in the performance, I think, Well, most people can’t do any of that on ice. Looks pretty good to me.

We enjoy watching the snowboarding, too. I’ve never been snowboarding. I’ve never even gone skiing. But it seems like flying through the air must be such an exhilarating feeling.
Wintergreen Resort is not that far from where we live. I’d like to try skiing sometime. It would such an adventure, and this year is about adventure. But I am rather clumsy, and I don’t want to deal with a broken bone. If I don’t go skiing, am I being practical or afraid—or both?
Do you ski or snowboard?

When you do creative endeavors such as writing, painting, drawing, crafting or photo editing, do you listen to music? If so, what kind?
I am experimenting with what works for me. I don’t listen to music when I’m doing editing work or journalism. But when I’m writing fiction or poetry, I often like to listen to music. Words get in the way, though. Any suggestions for some good instrumental music to listen to?

I love doing research. I love learning new things and making connections between what I learned yesterday and what I’m learning today.
The research I’m doing for my novel is fun. I have a lot to do, but it’s so interesting, it doesn’t seem like work.

What do you love to research?


  1. When it comes to creative endeavors, it's classical all the way!

  2. I love doing research, too - and love that the web makes finding things so easy. I ski - didn't lean until I was nearly 40. I'll never be very good at it, but I love it anyway. I rarely listen to music when I'm doing creative things - it tends to distract me. Maybe if I listened to classical I'd be more creative.

  3. I agree with Karen that when I'm doing something creative classical music is my choice.

  4. Oh Tina for some reason the song Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' Down the River is now stuck in my head thanks for that. Lately I have been listening to Old Rock and Roll I have no idea why. Memories I suppose triggering:) Hug B

  5. I love researching family history...I worked on it for 25 years and finally had a 300+ page book published a couple of years ago. It was a work of love.
    Speaking of love...I LOVE the photo of Larry by the river bank. The lighting is perfect.

  6. what a great day you spent with your honey! lol, i posted about skiing too. i tried it once. i'm not a fan of winter sports though, too cold!

  7. If I had grown up in an area with lots of snow and if snowboards were around when I grew up, I definitely think I would have been a pro! I think. :) Thanks for joining in R5F this week.

  8. had to heard that Wintergreen is for sale? they didn't say the price? but they usually say when you don't give a price you don't want to know. ha. ha!! millions i bet. i loved working there in the past ... i was a housekeeper. awesome times. great tips. ( :

  9. I haven't been skiing in years, but I do like it. We went to Wintergreen a couple of summers ago and had a great time.

  10. I find that snowboarding extremely scary. One bad move and face plant.

  11. I don't ski anymore -- knees don't like it. Enjoy watching the Olympics. Glad you had a day off and were able to get out and about. I love the sound of water. It's been cold and damp here -- not very good for walking. Music choice has more to do with mood. I love research -- bring it on! Happy Friday!

  12. Rats, I forgot about the Olympics last night. I love it! Mostly I listen to telly or video when I'm working. The noise blocks my tinnitus and it's usually so inconsequential it doesn't distract me!

  13. Gorgeous photos! It's my first Random 5, so lovely to 'meet' you and learn a wee bit about you :)

  14. i draw in quiet. i blog in quiet. well, except for what noise the pups make and those hordes of whistlers outside my window! :)

    have never been skiing. always wanted to cross-country but moved from the land of snow when i was 20, so...

  15. Andrea Bocelli's music sends me into a creative swoon. I can feel the colors of Tuscany pouring out when he sings in Italian.

  16. Hey! #5 indicates high intelligence. As a teacher it was always interesting to watch those who made many connections out of one idea. Some of those connections completely amazed me.

  17. first and foremost, if you are going to talk about food on your blog, there MUST be a picture ;)

    we attended the summer games in 1996, all 4 of us. it was a once in a lifetime and the last real family vacation we had with our boys. i will never forget it.

    and i agree, we are never too old, and we should never stop learning. now go clean your lens ;)

  18. Music tends to take my attention away from what I'm doing, whether writing or editing photos. However, for those who enjoy it, I'd think some classical music might be worth a try. Let us know what you decide!

    On your last question, I love to research birds! Surprised, aren't you? :)

  19. I used to LOVE research in grad school. All my classmates thought I was weird lol. I will probably watch some of the Winter Olympics this weekend.

  20. Bach is good. The Brandenburg Concertos are some of my favorite pieces. Stephen Sharp Nelson/The Piano Guys are fantastic as well, and Tim Janis is an eternal favorite. His music is very artistically inspiring to me I'm so attuned to music, though, that (especially if there are words) my mind is always half on listening to the music and I don't have full concentration for the task at hand. I like to put on my Yoga Radio station on Pandora (generally flute music over nature sounds) to sleep sometimes, though usually I reserve music for cleaning or driving.

    Skiing. I have been cross country skiing a grand total of once in my life and downhill skiing never. I messed up my knee pretty bad though, because my sister wiped out on the trail ahead of me (going down a curvaceous mountain trail at the time) but didn't move to the side. She just sat there, in the middle of the trail, right around a blind curve and I didn't have the time or skill to stop correctly. Actually, this happened twice in the same day and I hyperextended my knee sideways (same knee) both times. NOT a happy camper… It was thrilling to be going that fast when we got over the mountain and got to go downhill, but it was also terrifying. I'm not much of a speed demon, especially because I am clumsy and lose control easily.

  21. I like to blog when it is quiet...most of the time. When I do quilting, I sometimes listen to an audio book, sometimes, listen to music...a mixture but mostly pop/rock-n-roll. And I also watch netflix if I am going to be sitting sewing a lot.

    I have never been skiing or snowboarding...would have loved either as a kid but grew up in Tennessee so didn't.

  22. I usually have the television on whenever I'm doing anything. I don't know why.
    Enjoy the weekend.
    diane @ thoughts and shots

  23. We spent our first overnight in Staunton, VA on our trip to Texas. Are you in Staunton? I just connected the two. I might watch some of the curling in the Olympics, otherwise, not so much. I did learn to ski in my twenties, but I really don't like flying through the air so it never took. And I can't think and listen to music at the same time. So I do prefer the silence. However, I am a huge Yo-Yo Ma fan and if you like Bach, Ma's Bach cello concertos are indescribably fantastic.

  24. I love love love to do research! So much fun; it's not at all like work to me. And i like to listen to music while i do my arty stuff. I like instrumental like you do. Vivaldi is wonderful. And there's Rachmaninoff and Chopin. I also enjoy bluegrass. Just the music when i'm working, lyrics only when i'm relaxing. Have a lovely weekend, Tina. I love your park photos!

  25. Hi Tina, as far as suggestions go for instrumental music, if you go to YouTube there are videos by Johnnie Lawson. I think you will enjoy them, there are nature sounds as well.

  26. Good random five! For instrumental music, listen to soundtrack music by Carter Burwell!! So good!

  27. I have been skiing and I despise it. It is frightening to go down a hill at 100 km/hour on two sticks.

  28. I KNEW it! I knew you had a book in you! I will definitely read it. Happy dance. Beautiful photos of the river and your hubby. I can't watch the figure skating. It makes me too nervous and I find it kind of boring. I skied when I was a teenager. It was a lot of fun but I doubt I'll ever do it again. The only time I listen to music is in the car. It distracts me at home. And you have said it perfectly. When it's what you enjoy doing, it's not work at all. It's fun! Again, congrats on your book. I'm so psyched! Have a great weekend.

  29. Hi Tina, besides Johnnie Lawson on YouTube for music, you may enjoy this as well!

  30. My one foray into skiing landed me on my nose, skidding down the hill. Was the most painful & embarrassing moment of my life. I used to love ice skating when we lived in Canada- now that was fun. At my age though, I am even scared to ride a bike..I have become so clumsy..or maybe I always was and it's more pronounced now.

  31. Another great random 5! Lovely pictures, enjoy your weekend.:-)

  32. I haven't watched much of the Olympics yet. I love the Figure Skating but mostly the ladies competition which is later in the week.
    Nice shot of your hubby by the river.

  33. Love the winter Olympics! We like to watch the snowboarding and figure skating stuff too.

  34. Love the river scenes, looks like a pretty place for a walk. I have ice skated but have not tried skiing. It is amazing to watch the Olympic Figure Skaters. They are wonderful. I hope you have a happy week ahead!

  35. I really like the photo with the trees . . Larry & the River picture . . . it gives me a nice "ahhhhh" feeling inside.

    I don't listen to music with words - because my mind thinks it's working - I do listen to sounds - right now my go to choice is a CD called "33 Bowls." It's Tibetan Singing Bowls . . helps me relax -

    I enjoy learning all kinds of things - in story form - (right brain in gear - I'm good to go . . . ) last week I had a copy of National Geographic one day and Smithsonian the next - always something to interest this inquisitive mind.

    Love to YOU!!!

  36. I usually don't have anything playing while I am at home....not even the TV. Only usually watch TV in the evenings, but I do have Sirius thru my computer and when I listen I like to listen to oldies, Frank Sinatra, etc. or instrumental music. So far I haven't watched any of the Olympics, but I do enjoy the ice skating. I get nervous watching the downhill skiing and bobsledding, so dangerous!!


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