
Friday, March 14, 2014

An upcoming adventure and other randoms

I’m once again joining Random 5 Friday with Nancy of A Rural Journal. Check out her website for more bloggers joining in with their own randoms.

I didn't have any basketball photos to share. So I'm sharing a photo of my messy work desk on a layout day. The proof sheets are on my desk. The InDesign program with a newspaper page is pulled up on my computer.

Last week, my editor called me into his office.
“What’s your word for this year?” he asked.
“Adventure,” I said.
“Well, I have an adventure for you,” he said, and laughed.
“Oh, you’re going to give me a horrible assignment, aren’t you?”
“Oh, no, no. It’s going to be fun,” he said.
He asked me to cover the state basketball finals.

Why is this assignment significant? I’m not a sportswriter. I’ve never covered a basketball game. I’ve never written about a basketball game.
But my editor has to be out of town this weekend, and both the Altavista boys and girls teams were playing in the state semifinals last Friday in Salem.
If either or both teams won, I would have to go to Richmond on March 15 to cover the game or games, along with the other staff writer, who would take photographs.
The girls lost, but the boys won last Friday.

So I’ll be on the road to Richmond tomorrow to the Siegel Center on the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University.
I’ll sit in the press row with the other reporters and follow the game, then interview coaches and players afterwards.
I’ll write a short overview for the website, and then on Monday, I’ll write the full story for next week’s paper.
My co-worker, who will be doing the photography, is an old hand at covering such events, so he’ll be a big help.
I understand the game—I love the game! And I’m going to do my best to write a great story.

The Altavista Colonels will play the Radford Bobcats.
Altavista won the state title last year in the Group 1A division. Radford won the state title last year in the Group 2A division.
After last year’s games, schools were reclassified, and Radford got moved to the Group 1A based on size of school.
So in a twist, the game will feature two defending state champs.

I’m nervous, but I’m also looking forward to the experience. It will be an adventure—doing something I’ve never done, watching the game and trying to capture it in words, being a part of all the excitement.
I’ll have to maintain my professional distance while I’m covering the game. So let me give a shout out now: Go, Colonels!

What adventure do you have planned for this weekend!


  1. Tina, you are so good with words, and looking at this as an adventure is wonderful. I am willing to bet you will do a fantastic job! I am rooting for you while you are rooting for the Colonels!

  2. I quite enjoy the fact that your boss knows your word for the year, and that he's adding in pieces of adventure! I hope you have a wonderful time covering the game!

  3. I'm sure you'll do a GREAT job AND have a fab adventure along the way...
    Have a happy Friday :)

  4. this is sounds like a fantastic adventure Tina...I love the comfy look of your work space.

  5. Yes - this will be a great adventure! I'm sure you'll write a fantastic story - have fun!

  6. Oh sometimes stepping out of our comfort box with a shove by someone that believes in you is just what a girl needs. You are going to do great and you will enjoy the game even if you have to be impartial:) Hug B

  7. It'll be so fun to do something different! Hope you enjoy it.

  8. Tina, I know you'll do great with this assignment! I have to admit I know very little about basketball and this would scare the bajeezus out of me! Good luck and have fun!

  9. This will be a wonderful experience. Basketball is a HUGE deal here in KY! We love the state tournament - it's like Christmas here lol

  10. have fun - can't wait to see what you will say next ... you have a great way with words. do you say "good luck" or more "break a leg"? either way ... do well. ( :

  11. I'm sure you'll do an amazing job! Well, you did ask for adventure and you are getting it...Enjoy!

  12. good luck, but i know you'll do great. breaking out of your mold - you go, girl!

  13. From time to time we need something out of our comfort zone.

  14. How exciting! It truly sounds like an adventure on all levels and just getting the chance to do something different can be fun.
    My adventure is going to a basketball game as well the Celtics which is WAY outside my comfort zone!
    Best of luck can't wait to hear how it all went.

  15. Tina, you are going to have such fun on this adventure. You are great with words and you like basketball -- have fun! Enjoy! Happy Friday.

  16. Yes, I love it!!!!

  17. Oh what a wonderful opportunity- this may be fate! Have a super time!

  18. how exciting!! i'm sure you'll do great, tina! from time to time we must break out of our current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown...

    enjoy your friday/weekend!

  19. Tina - you'll thank your boss for this new adventure - I can already tell you'll be good at it.

  20. That sounds like a pretty exciting adventure! Good luck! Basketball playoffs are exciting no matter who is playing. We will be glued to the March Madness games, but I can't imagine writing about them. Maybe I should try it in my blog...nah! You can do a great job of it though, I bet!

  21. I'm sure you will do a fantastic job!
    Have faith in yourself!
    diane @ thoughts and shots

  22. What an "adventure" indeed. I understand Basketball (for the most part) but would not know how to report on it at all. Have fun and I'm sure you'll be great at it.

  23. oooohhhhh Tina, it's going to be awesome, you're going to be awesome!!

    I can help with cleaning up that desk ;)

    It's a strength of mine!!

  24. I'm late so suspect you have already finished your assignment. Hope it went well. Love your word!

  25. You'll rock it. And after all, it is an adventure!


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