
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Gardening update: The thrill of watching things grow


As I write this on Tuesday night, it’s falling into the 30s outside. There’s a freeze warning, with temperatures expected to be in the 20s by morning.
I didn’t get home from the newspaper office until 9:30. Then I went outside to help Larry put a tarp and other protection around our tender plants.
The little green shoots are so pretty.

Radishes and onions in an open part of the raised bed.

On Saturday, April 5, I planted a variety of vegetables, including two kinds of lettuce, two kinds of onions, radishes, carrots, broccoli, and cucumbers.
Larry did the watering during the following week because work kept me inside much of the time.
On Saturday, I checked on the progress of the plants and watered them.
I was so excited to see the little bits of green popping up.

Radishes on Saturday.

Little onions on Saturday.
Lettuce on Saturday.

I know many of you have gardened for years, but it has been a long time since I’ve enjoyed the wonder of planting a seed and seeing something grow from it. It’s a thrill.

Sunday morning, I watered again and thought I noticed a little more growth.
Monday evening, things needed water, but I knew that the forecast was calling for heavy rain overnight Monday into Tuesday. So I just checked on the progress.
And boy, did I see progress. The radishes had grown significantly, and there were more onions popping up.

Radishes on Monday.
Onions on Monday.

Enough lettuce had grown to see the rows that I had laid out.

Lettuce on Monday.

On Saturday, I feared for my broccoli and cucumbers. But by Monday, little shoots were popping up.



Now if they can just withstand any freezing.

Do you like to see new plants popping up out of the soil? What’s your favorite vegetable to grow?

Note: I am still a bit frustrated with my new computer. Bear with me if this page doesn't look like normal!


  1. Oh Tina there is nothing more exciting for me to see green sprouts popping out of the earth after all the work that put them there. Oh this is going to be fun watching. I love to see Kale come up I think it is the curly edges. Salad days ahead. Hug B

  2. i can feel your glee. :) i've not tried gardening in texas since the first few years i was here. can't get used to the southern growing season after being raised in wis. :)

  3. Tender stuff like this could be damaged with frost. I don't worry about it as it's close to the ground and soil heat will be enough to keep them from freezing.

  4. It is wonderful to see the earth waking up, and witness all these things growing. My favourite vegetables to grow are eggplant, peppers (any colour, but particularly red and orange), cherry tomatoes and zucchini!

  5. That is great progress! Congratulations! I am not a gardener having learned many years ago that I possess a black thumb. But I so admire people who can make things grow!

  6. ummmm, define normal....hehe!!

    my daffadols are up and i had to brush the snow off of them this morning. i'm glad i have not planted anything outside, as of yet. i did start my tomato plants and some wild flowers indoors!!

    lookin' good!!

  7. I still consider myself a newbie gardener, having been at it for only about four years now. The excitement of new shoots never stops! It's always a thrill, and I think it always will be.

    From the looks of my yard, I seem to have become a berry fanatic. Blueberries, raspberries, huckleberries, salal, Oregon Grape...they're everywhere! As for vegetables, I have a real fondness for beets. They're easy to grow here, and Henry & I both love them. I also enjoy growing tomatoes, because they are a challenge here because the summers are mild. I grow them on my deck, which is the sunniest spot on my property, in black pots to generate heat. Last year I picked tomatoes every day from June until September. I'd set them out in a bowl, and we'd just snack on them all day long.

  8. I'm so glad you're gardening, Tina. It's wonderful to see the progress of your veggies. So fun to see little shoots popping up. It's one of the things I'm most looking forward to when we have our own place again. My favorite vegetable to grow is not a vegetable technically. I love to grow tomatoes. The taste of homegrown tomatoes cannot compare to those purchased in a super market. ~ Nancy

  9. You are so lucky to have things coming up already! We have had snow 2x this week, and although it does melt quickly, I still have to look at it! It is still pretty cold here, and we normally don't plant flowers until after Mother's Day and the veggies around Memorial Day. Hard to wait when you just itch to have some dirt under your nails!! Be sure to thin your radishes pretty soon. So many people hate to thin because they are so excited to see things growing! But, if each of those shoots is going to support a radish, they can't all possibly grow so closely together underground. Your beds are beautiful, and I am excited to see how your garden grows!! Your blog looks good to me! I do so enjoy your posts and look forward to each one!

  10. How nice to see things springing up now, Tina. Here in Montreal we had light snow mixed with rain yesterday, and it is very cold and windy (and sunny) today, so no signs yet of flowers or trees blooming.

  11. I hope they fare well in this cold spell. Hopefully this will be the last one, right?!

  12. I love watching things grow. I haven't had a garden in several years though.

  13. Your garden is coming along nicely. I can see why you are so excited about it. I haven't gardened since my grandparents were alive. We grew corn, potatoes, onions, okra, and the like. Growing up on fresh food was the best experience, though I was unaware at the time, and probably why I was always so healthy. Wishing you all the best with your new garden!

  14. This is so exciting, I love when those little bitty sprouts show, it is all magic to me :-). I like growing zucchinis because they are the only one I can...

  15. Oh my! It's coming so well! I get that same happy feeling when things start to grow. It just seems like magic!

  16. It's been a long time since I've had a garden - all shade at my current home, and not enough time, anyway - so, yeah, I'm a little bit jealous of your wonderful garden :-) your plants look great, and just imagine all the fresh veggies you'll have! I used to love planting spinach, because it grows early, and I live in the North - so early isn't really all that early....

  17. your garden is super exciting!

  18. I love watching little sprouts come up! it's hard to thin them out, after all they GREW. but it must be done so the veggies will grow on them. I love growing tomatoes- esp. cherry ones I can eat right off the plants, zucchini because you get so much, and herbs because I love using them in my cooking.


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