
Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day

My father.

The above photo is of my father, a veteran of World War II. He served in the Army as a medic and left the service in 1945 as a staff sergeant. He served in the Pacific Theatre.
Daddy was forever grateful for being one who was able to come home from war. He never forgot those who did not come home. He told me that on Memorial Day 1996, a little over a year before he died.

Larry and I watched the National Memorial Day Concert on PBS Sunday night. It has become a ritual for us to watch it.
This year there was a special section commemorating the 70th anniversary of D-Day, the invasion of Normandy in June 1944.
One of the 12 men on stage for the commemoration was a local man, Jack Shields of Altavista.

Thank you to all those who served their country in the military and to those who made the highest sacrifice, with their lives.

I pray for the day when there will be no more war.


  1. yes a world without war!!!

  2. Tina I hope upon hope that we someday live in a world without war. And my goodness you look so much like your father it's amazing. You have the EXACT same eyes!

  3. Oh I too wish for that day. Your Father was an amazing man. Take care Tina HUG B

  4. Your father sounds like an amazing man. My grandfather served in WW2 as well. He drove a tank. He got injured, but he never spoke of it.

  5. i cannot imagine that day... terrifying and terrible. bless them all.

  6. Beautiful photo of your dear father, Tina. He sounds like a wonderful human being!

  7. You have some great ways to remember. Many people establish traditions that keep the memory alive of those who served.

  8. what a sweet picture tina, we can only hope!!!

  9. Yes, I too hope for the day when there is peace on earth.......

  10. Oh for the world to know real peace.

  11. Oh my goodness, Tina, you surely do favor your Dad.

  12. i have been away on a camping adventure. & now just getting back to replying & talking to you guys again. hope you are well. the VA weather has been so great!! take care. ( ;

  13. I also pray for that day. You look so much like your dad:-)


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