
Friday, May 2, 2014

Out the window

I’m sorry I missed posting on Wednesday this week.
I’ve been having some stomach problems, and on Monday I had to work part of the day from home because I felt so bad. Late nights working and lots to do for the newspaper, plus spring allergies, have me worn out.
I was off Thursday and am also off from the newspaper today, so I have been enjoying some restful time.

Happy May! May is one of my favorite months, and not just because my birthday comes along. Spring seems to fully settle in during May, and the trees are showing off their new green in earnest. I feel surrounded by new life.

Chase Bird watching.

Chase Bird sometimes perches on top of the sofa in the living room and looks out the large window facing the backyard. I’m sure he sees things that I don’t.
I had to sneak to get the above photo of him. I “casually” walked over to the table and got out the camera without saying anything to him. I snapped off a few before he turned to look at me, wearing an expression of, “Again? Pictures again?”

A view of the backyard. The dogwoods are in front of Larry's shop and a tool shed. The raised bed garden is on on the right.

Out the window, the yard is looking so pretty. I took the photos of the dogwoods and spirea over the past weekend.
We had a bit of a stumbling block as soon as the mowing season started. The riding lawn mower wouldn’t start, and it took the repair shop about two weeks to fix it.
The push mower isn’t the best, so for a little while, a yard was looking a little raggedy.
I would love to make more of the backyard into gardening areas, partly to cut down on the parts that need mowing.

A closer look at the dogwoods silhouetted against the other trees.

Spirea in the backyard.

I met my minister for coffee this morning and we had a nice talk. I haven’t been attending church—for a variety of reasons, mostly from inertia.
But he’s so good about taking time to discuss spiritual and theological questions with me and is accepting of my doubts. He also knows about my OCD and how that has affected my spiritual life.
I want to get back to church, though. It helps me to focus on what’s important to me.

Last weekend I finished the latest Nevada Barr book, Destroyer Angel, featuring her character, Anna Pigeon. Anna works for the National Park Service, and most of Barr’s books take place in a national park.
The books are not formulaic, though. They’re well written, and Anna is a well-rounded character who loves animals and nature. I find that I have a lot in common with her.
Barr’s books are wonderful. She’s the only author I’ve read whose writing about frightening situations has made me scared to turn the page.
Have you read anything good lately?


  1. Tina, your photos are gorgeous, and Chase Bird is as sweet as ever. So sorry you had stomach issues, I pray that you heal very quickly. Allergies is affecting many right now. It was nice that you met your minister for coffee, and he sounds like a very kind and understanding man.

  2. Tina I hope you feel better soon! Happy Friday :) I love the photo of Chase Bird on top of the couch. My cat Ruby does that all the time. She loves looking out of the window. I always find myself wondering what she's thinking when she does that. Your yard is looking beautiful!!

  3. HI Tina I am your new follower. I am not a cat person but enjoy pictures of them Happy May!

  4. your yard is beautiful! glad you got the mower fixed. happy may to you!

  5. What a beautiful back yard...the word "lush" comes to mind!

  6. I like it when people discuss what they're reading. Discussion of books both people have read adds much more to what you get out of a book. I just finished Salt, Sugar and fat. Obviously it's a much different genre that what you're reading.

  7. I love Nevada Barr's books! I am excited because last night I found Harlan Coban's newest at the library. I can't wait to read it. First I have to finish Unsaid by Neil Abramson. Which is also excellent - good for the animal lover - you would likely enjoy it. HOpe your stomach feels better!

  8. I have not read any Nevada Barr - i guess it's time for me to check it out . .

  9. Lizzie is posed much the same as Chase Bird all day! We look for Goldie the Finch, Chippie the Monk, Bobby Cardinal and Mrs. Bobby C. and of course Bushy the Squirrel (whom we try to chase away!). It's all rather jolly. I wish I could say that we also share a similar yard but mine no longer has a flowering tree and it will be a long while before it is so beautiful as yours! I hope you're back in full form and feeling much better by now!

  10. oohhh Tina, your property is just beautiful, spring is all around you!! I am so happy to see you today and I am glad you are feeling better!!

    I ALWAYS enjoy your images!! Have a great weekend!!

  11. Beautiful photos! I sure hope you are feeling better by the time you get this comment. It's good that you have someone in the clergy to talk to. I talked to a nun several times last year and she was very comforting.

  12. what a beautiful yard you have! hope you are feeling better!

  13. your backyard is gorgeous, living on the West Coast of BC Canada the Dogwood was my favourite spring bloomer you are so lucky to have them in your backyard. I hope you are feeling better and the allergies are under control.

  14. not sure i have heard of spirea ... gorgeous blooms!! i read about few posts above this one & stopped here to write a comment. sounds like you have busy super busy. have a nice weekend. ( :


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