
Friday, June 27, 2014

Garden update

As we near the end of June, I thought I’d give you an update on our garden. These photos were taken June 15, so some things have developed since then.

Our raised garden is overflowing. We have an abundance of lettuce and plenty of onions. We lost the broccoli to green worms.
 Some of our tomatoes have blight, but others are doing OK. We’re hoping for some ripe ones soon.

The cucumbers have spread up the side of the garden, clinging to the wire. We’ve gotten one ripe one off of the vines, and others are nearly ready for picking.

A cucumber vine clinging to the fencing.

A baby cucumber.

The peppers have blooms on them now. Here you can see the irrigation system Larry built doing its watering work.

We’ve been frustrated and thrilled at the results from the garden so far. I guess that’s part of being gardeners. We hope to learn from our missteps and try different things in the future.

I’m planning a salad of two types of lettuce, onions, cucumbers and blueberries for lunch today. The blueberries aren’t homegrown, but the rest of it will be.


I have been pondering the future of this blog and trying to find a way to be of better value to my readers. I’m taking next week off from blogging, but I’ll be back Monday, July 7. I hope to still visit others’ blogs and keep in touch with you.

If you’re gardening this year, how are your plots growing? And for all of you, how is your summer going so far?


  1. Our lettuce came, we ate, and now it's gone.. but we have planted a second crop. The tomatoes are doing well... not ripe yet, but getting big. Green tail onions are awesome! Radishes were good but now gone, carrots look great! Strawberries won't give us anything until next year, peppers are on the vine, etc. It's been a good gardening season thus far I LOVE your garden enclosure!!

  2. It looks like it's doing great! We ate a couple of summer squash from our garden this week - they were delicious!

  3. i think you've done really well for your first garden attempt! really well!

    don't ponder too hard. blog what you feel. :)

  4. Oh my goodness, your garden is epic! And I bet it is so tasty!

    We aren't growing a garden but my mother in law is. She has strawberries ripening, and her tomatoes are in bloom. Radishes, green onion, peas are also flourishing. She's a little worried about her carrots and the raspberry bush is having some massive stress. I really can't wait until we have room for a garden!

  5. goodness, i have garden envy!! have i said that before?? i have lots of flowers and seeds growing in various parts of the yard. as for vegtables, i have 3 pots, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplant and they are all doing awesome. i LOVE container growing!!

    i had no idea our blogs were suppose to have "value"....i thought they were just suppose to be fun. but your blog does have a ton of value and a ton of fun!! you do awesome things tina, def worth sharing!!!

  6. That is one healthy looking garden, Tina! Good for you! As for your blog, I wouldn't worry about "us." Write about what YOU want to write about and your readers will be happy, I just know it!

  7. Our gardens grow very rapidly through a 6 week period. Right now they're growing rapidly but up until now they've looked pathetic. I just have blooms on the tomatoes.

  8. So cool! It's great to see our hard work pay off. Hope the salad was good.

  9. Love the garden Tina. I hope you have some ripe ones soon!! Have a good week off from blogging. How's your foot doing?

  10. Looks wonderful! Love how the cucumbers are climbing and fresh homemade pickles are the best. Enjoy.

  11. It's looking fabulous! We've had our first batches of strawberries and peas and if we don't have a big salad for dinner tonight, I will lose my lettuce! Basil and dill are booming, tomatoes flowering... life is good!

  12. Oh lordy look at those cucumbers go! :)

  13. What a wonderful garden! It's growing and blooming and I love the green color of everything :) Cucumbers and lettuce and tomatoes from the own garden are the best. I'm a lucky girl, my landlords grow everything and they are so wonderful to share it with me. I just love fresh vegetables picked right before eaten :) Have a wonderful week off!

  14. Your garden looks wonderful, the cucumbers are outstanding! We only grow flowers now and they are coming along splendidly. Enjoy your week of pondering :-).

  15. I'm glad you are having pretty good results with your raised garden...I had wondered how it would do. Our grapes are muddling along after a bad fungus ordeal, but we are learning as we go how to take care of them. Have a great and safe 4th!


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