
Friday, June 20, 2014

The boot is back

Yes, that is a picture of an orthopedic boot on my foot. I am back in it after reinjuring my foot.

Do you remember when I broke my foot last year? I broke the fifth metatarsal in my right foot in a break called a Jones fracture. It’s a break in a part of the foot that doesn’t have a good blood supply, so it is slow to heal.
Mine finally healed nearly 100 percent last year. I had to wear the boot for a little over three months, then an ankle stabilizer.
It was so nice to put that boot away in the closet.

Tuesday morning, I put on sandals to wear to work. They have a little bit of a heel, and no strap around the back of the foot.
I walked out the door to go to my car. I don’t know what I did to cause it. But I felt my right ankle roll over and a lot of my weight went on the side of my foot.
I wanted to cry, and not just from the pain. From fear that I’d broken the foot again.
I saw my orthopedic doctor Wednesday. He can’t tell from the x-rays whether or not I broke it again. He thinks it’s OK, but as a precaution, he wants me to wear the boot for three weeks, then x-ray it again to see if a break shows up.
Within those three weeks, if all the pain goes away, I can cancel the appointment with him and ditch the boot. Then I’ll wear the ankle stabilizer for a couple of weeks. That’s the path I’d like this to go.

So ….. I am trying to stay positive. It could be so much worse. Many people deal with a lot worse. This is mostly inconvenience.
I am bummed that I can’t go for a walk.
But I’m trying to stay active. Thursday I had some errands to run. It’s a hassle to drive in a supportive shoe, then put the boot on, walk around, go back to the car, take the boot off, drive, and repeat. But I made it. And I kept moving.

I can’t add “go for a walk most days” to my list of habits to develop, but there are many things I can still work on. I’ll just be thumping along in my boot as I do them.


  1. Oh I am sorry Tina it will heal quickly at least it is not broken again. Take it easy. Hug B

  2. awwwww Tina, a limitless advice, if I may!! Never wear heels, of any kind......hehehe, this never happens in flip flops!!

    Now that hopefully you are smiling, I am so sorry, and I feel awful!! I hope this time it's not broken and you heal quickly!!

  3. How did little go to limitless?? So yes, I was giving a little advice!!

  4. ouch!! that sounds really uncomfortable. is it something that will heal quick? a sort wearing time? or? ( :

  5. Tina, it sounds as if it may be a severe sprain, as opposed to a break. I am hoping that's what it is! I have sprained a many an ankle in my sports-playing days. I am sorry that you have to wear the boot again. Hopefully only for three weeks this time :)

  6. Sorry about your foot, I hope it heals quickly.. At least you can drive! Happy Friday!

  7. Sorry to hear you rolled the ankle. These might help after the pain is gone. I roll mine a lot, and if I do the PT it helps a lot.

  8. Oh, Tina... NO! Those are always annoying but especially in the hot summer. But I suppose if it can help heal, well -- it's a good thing. Not a fun one, but a good one...

    Sending healing hugs!

  9. How frustrating! I'm sorry you have to wear the boot. I hope that it is short lived.

  10. I have one of those boots and I thought you were going to say plantar fasciitis. I sure hope you don't have a refracture. I'll keep my fingers crossed and will be thinking of you.

  11. i am so sorry - and hoping it will be fine again!

  12. oh stink sorry for this set back, your garden is a wonderful substitute for the 'go for a walk' :-), bending and pulling weeds (if you have weeds) is great exercise. Fingers crossed that it all turns out okay ie no fresh break!

  13. Oh no! Sorry to see you have to wear a boot. Hope it heals lickety split!

  14. Ugh! Sorry to hear you have to wear the boot again.

  15. Awwww.....Tina, I know that staying positive is easier said than done, but I have no doubt that you will heal. I pray that you will heal quickly. Sending you a warm hug and much love.

  16. So sorry to hear you are wearing "the boot" again, Tina.......I cheered when you were finally done with it last time! Hope healing is very quick this time.

  17. Oh, I'm sorry to hear this, Tina, and I hope you heal quickly!

  18. Oh sorry about the ankle and that boot. I can easily roll my ankle when I have just a small heel, so I know how easily that can be done.


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