
Monday, June 9, 2014

Will the squirrels come back?

“Everything is made out of Magic, leaves and trees, flowers and birds, badgers and foxes and squirrels and people. So it must be all around us.”
― Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

In 2013, the acorn crop in our area of Virginia was poor—almost nonexistent. According to the Virginia Department of Forestry, several factors could have led to the poor crop, including weather conditions during pollination.

Whatever the reasons, most of the squirrels left the neighborhood last fall.
The lack of acorns affected other wildlife, too, including black bears. This spring, there have been numerous sightings of black bears around homes in my part of the state, even in the city of Lynchburg.

I haven’t seen a bear in my neighborhood. But this spring, I’ve seen a few squirrels here and there. I recently saw one in our yard, and I grabbed my camera and got some shots through the den window.

Here, he seems to be contemplating his next move, leg in air.

Here, he’s apparently had enough of this area. Or perhaps he senses a human nearby snapping photos of him.

I hope the squirrels come back. And I hope the acorn crop is better this year, which will help other wildlife, too, including bears and deer.

“It is when we are trapped in incessant streams of compulsive thinking that the universe really disintegrates for us, and we lose the ability to sense the interconnectedness of all that exists.”
― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

The loss of the acorns reminds me that all of life is interconnected. What affects the tree affects the animals. What affects the animals affects humans. And on and on and on, around and around.
I like that feeling of connection. It tells me I’m not alone. None of us are. No matter how anxious or depressed I might sometimes feel, I’m not alone.
And it reminds me that the squirrel in my yard matters.

What kinds of wildlife do you find in your yard?


  1. I don't have a yard, but in the past we've seen ducks around our apartment complex. Oh squirrels drove me crazy when I was trying to put bark down at my mom's house years ago! They would steal the black cloth stuff that I put down to go underneath the bark.

  2. I wonder what in the world is behind the missing acorns?? Makes me wonder if it's environmental? Or just a seasonal anomaly. And you are right when you write that everyone and every animal is inter-connected. One cannot be affected without the other being affected. I don't see a lot of wildlife where I live now in my subdivision, but I see a lot when I go hiking, mainly tons of birds :)

  3. Oh I think I know where your squirrels went to live Tina our forest is full of them and the barn and the hen house they are doing very well here. Don't worry I will give them the memo that you want them to come back if you would like. They are very healthy here there are some as large as a little dog, we must have had a lot of food for them over the winter. O love watching them move from tree to tree.Hug B

  4. if you ever run short of them, i'd be happy to send you some texas varmints. i had 11 at my feeder tree one day - usually 6 - 8 is average. :)

  5. I see one squirrel at my new place ever so often. Not many seem to be in the woods here. I like squirrels but don't send me no bears!!

  6. Your first quote says it all. We are all connected. Right now we're doing a good job of destroying things including ourselves. Usually I'm not so black. I have a squirrel in my yard and she's a nuisance.

  7. I had a black bear run across the road about a week ago, right in front of my car. I was surprised. It was late at night, but in a small town, so it seemed unusual to me.

  8. We have rabbits, fox, giant turtles, turkeys, deer, coyote, tons of birds, and lots of squirrels. I wish I could ship some of the squirrels down to you :)!

  9. You already know the answer to that question!! Awesome captures, I love my squirrels and got some really funny pictures of junior yesterday!!

  10. We get EVERYTHING. Squirrels, all kinds of birds, urban (and annoying) deer, feral cats - everything. The mountain behind us has mountain lions (!) and wolves have been known to come strolling down off the mountain, too.

    I hope your squirrels come back! :D

  11. I love the Eckhart Tolle quote and have added it to my collection!
    In our yard we have a beaver family, birds, squirrels and a mystery creature that digs small random holes in front yard but we have yet to spot it. My mother who lives in the city has rabbits and a deer that visits nightly to eat from one spot in her yard she did have coyotes but thankfully for the deers sake they are gone since the den was destroyed.

    Hope your squirrels return!

  12. a lot of squirrels. miss the box turtle. haven't seen him in a while? snakes. birds. i love the hummingbirds & all the pretty chirpers ... ( :

    have a nice week.

  13. I've noticed fewer bunnies here this year. Squirrels about the same. And yes, I know what you mean...

  14. There is a tremendous amount of wildlife on our church property. A blue heron, deer, and even a bear recently! Lots of geese and their babies too. I love watching them all.

  15. I'd like to send the squirrels that try to live in my garage your way!

  16. I wish I could send you some of mine - although now that we finally managed to get them out of our attic and sealed up the vent, I don't mind them as much. But you do make a wonderful point about how all life in interconnected. We should all be mindful of that.

  17. We do have plenty of squirrels in our neighborhood that keep my Toby busy. We also have those little chipmunks that are so cute, but can really do some damage with their digging. I hope your squirrels come back, it's always nice to have wildlife around.

  18. We live in the bush, so we have lots of deer, chipmunks, the occasional bear, and this past winter moles. We didn't actually see the moles but saw the havoc they left on the lawn when the snow melted! Not many squirrels here tho.

  19. In the middle of the village we have birds, lizards, scorpions (little bitty ones),butterflies and hawk moths (my favourite), stray cats, snails and slugs :-) not too shabby.


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