
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Praying for Boston

All evening I’ve been trying to piece together what to write. Even now, as I sit and type, I’m not sure what to write next.
I’m sad, along with many, many people around the world, about the tragedy at the Boston Marathon.
I cannot add any words to the conversation about why people do these kinds of terrible things.
I can pray, and have prayed, but I’m not the best at prayer. That’s when words seem to be in the way, not my friend.
So I have turned to the prayer that my minister shared after the Newtown tragedy in December:

Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Your prayers may be different. But I believe that your prayers, whether they be formal prayers or thoughts of concern or sad feelings, will join with all the other prayers lifted up, and they will all be for good.


  1. I do feel for the runners and families involved. So sad that this happened.

    1. Lisa, so very sad. I know you must feel a kinship with the runners.

  2. Mercy should be fore front in our minds and hearts right now. Rather than revenge. Revenge continues to hurt us.

    1. Jodi, I agree completely. Thank you for reminding us of the importance of mercy.

  3. So well-said Tina. Beautifully expressed. May we all pull together in these times...

    1. Thank you, Keith. I enjoyed your blog post on the importance of pulling together.

  4. Even when we don't have the words, I believe God knows what we long for in our hearts. I agree, words are certainly hard to find right now.

    1. Sunny, I agree. I think what is in our hearts is most important.

  5. i didn't know what to write either, how to talk about such a tragic event. i did what i often do on my blog, nothing.....when i just don't know what to say.

    you always have such a gentle, purposeful, well written entry. this was no different!! bless you tina!!

    1. Debbie, thank you. I appreciate your kind words. Your blog is so full of life and compassion, and you are too!

  6. Sometimes there are no words, but I can feel your emotions, Tina.I am a Bostonian, so this has hit hard. Thank you for your prayers.

    1. Janet, I didn't realize you were a Bostonian. I'm so sorry for what happened in your city. My prayers will continue.

  7. Hatred can not dispel hatred - only Love can do that . . .
    Reaching to express more Love & Light in my life.
    Thank you for sharing your heart,

  8. Good thoughts Tina -- it's all we can really do. xo

  9. Beautiful post, Tina. Prayers, thoughts, good vibes and energy bring amazingly positive results, I truly believe that. All of those for Boston:)

  10. Such a heart-wrenching time for all of us...I have had a very "down" week with it all. Keeping the victims of the Boston Massacre, and their families in prayer, and also the West, TX fertilizer plant explosion. This was a lovely post, so heartfelt, and I think reflects all our feelings.


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