
Friday, April 19, 2013

The Barbour cats: Random 5 Friday

If you’ve been reading my blog for long, you know how I feel about cats. I love them, especially the ones that make their home with my husband and me.
I grew up mostly with dogs, not cats. The cats of my childhood were mostly farm cats, living outside.
I love dogs, too. I enjoy their energy and their unconditional love. They are loyal companions.
But it was a cat, Waddles, who changed my life for the better. She helped me face my OCD and get past many of my fears of contamination and responsibility.
Cats continue to provide a way for me to get out of my head and to focus on taking care of other creatures. They help to soothe my anxiety and depression and help to give me purpose.
When Larry and I got married, I had Waddles, and he had two cats, Thunder Cat and Sam. We took in Chase Bird in September 2007.
Here are some facts about the Barbour cats. I’m linking up again with Nancy’s A Rural Journal for Random 5 Friday.

Waddles in the sunshine on the screened-in back porch.

Thunder Cat liked to sleep on his back, paws curled.

1. We have lost two cats, Waddles and Thunder Cat. I adopted Waddles in March 2000. She died on Oct. 13, 2011, when she was 21 years old. Larry adopted Thunder Cat around 1994. He died Feb. 12, 2009, when he was 15 years old. There are still empty places in our hearts for these two cats. But we feel their presence and talk about them often. On the night before Waddles died, Thunder Cat visited Larry in a dream and told him everything would be OK. And Waddles appears in my dreams sometimes, healthy and playful.

Sam adores Larry.

2. Larry adopted Samantha (Sam) when she was a kitten. She’s now 16 years old. Sam loves her Papa. She follows him around and lounges on the sofa with him in the evenings. Unlike our other cats, Sam loves to play with balls. We have small yellow balls that are her favorites. She leaps in the air and bats them like she’s playing tennis. She also likes ice. If we drop a piece on the kitchen floor, she’s on it, swatting it around the room like she’s playing ice hockey. Sam loves to be brushed. She also likes me to sing little songs to her.

Chase likes to roll around on the rug.

3. Chase Bird came to us. He lived under a bush in our yard before we took him in. The vet estimated he was one or two years old when we adopted him, so he is six or seven years old. Chase Bird is a lap cat. He loves to snuggle. He has long legs and I’m sure he could leap small buildings if needed. He cries sometimes when he wants attention. He tends to “talk” with his mouth full of food, which makes for some interesting noises and facial expressions.

It's not easy to get a photo of a cat. Lots of times, they move mid-flash and all you get is the tail.

4. We keep our cats indoors all the time. Cats who stay indoors tend to live longer than outside cats. It’s just safer for them. We provide a stimulating environment for them with plenty of toys, attention, hiding places, safe places and sleeping places.

Sam sniffs my leg as I try to get her picture.

5. Our cats are also spayed and neutered. There are so many cats who need homes. We don’t want to add to the overpopulation.

Are you a dog person or a cat person—or both? What's your favorite animal?


  1. It's wonderful that both you and your husband love cats! I'm allergic to cats, but someday might get a dog (probably after I retire). Thank you for the fun photos!!

    1. Thank you, Becky. We do love our cats! Actually, we are both allergic to cats. We found out after we already had them.

  2. Very pretty cats you have! I am a cat person, too, and I really wish to own a gray cat just like yours.

    1. Thank you, Jenn. We've had gray and black and white cats.

  3. Ah these are some sweet cats! :)

    I have one cat and two dogs! :)

  4. I must say I had always been a dog person but since we have daughters with cats I am now a big fan of cats they are very entertaining and loving. Your cats have been very lucky to find a loving home like yours so many have not been so lucky. They are beautiful and to live so long a life is wonderful. I do think having any animal is very soothing for anyone with OCD or depression it makes you think of more than yourself and that is always a good thing. B

    1. Thank you, Buttons. You are right--animals help to get us out of our heads.

  5. I love dogs and cats -- each for different reasons. We have both outdoor and indoor cats, but all are spayed or neutered.

    Love the photo of your hubby with Larry. xo

    1. Thank you, Nancy. I love that photo, too. Sam loves to follow Larry around.

  6. I love kitties, too. So nice to meet your furbabes.

  7. You are a terrific cat mom. Inside cats are also safe - for themselves - and make the world safer for songbirds . . .
    LOVE the photos!

    1. Thank you, Georgy. Yes, the birds are safer with the cats inside!

  8. Love all the pics. Your cats look awesome.

    Paul is making fun of me and calling me a crazy cat lady because I got tickets for Pierce and I to go see this weekend - it's going to be in Roanoke. I think it looks fun :-)

    1. Thank you, Lisa. That show looks awesome! I hope you take photos!!

  9. Beautiful kitties! Ours are strictly indoor, too. There are so many stray cats wandering around our neighborhood that our babies don't need to be outside, too.

    When you were describing Sam, you pretty much described my cat Seabass. He LOVES to chase balls. And he'll bat them in the air or "play soccer" and run up and down the hallway. It's the cutest thing!

    Also, I often struggle with taking good quality pictures of my cats. So often they'll move or turn their head or something causing me to have a blurry photo, or a picture of their backside!

    1. Thank you, Cindy. Yes, your Seabass sounds like our Sam. She could hit the tennis or soccer circuit with her skills! :-)

      I have to take many, many photos to get just a few good ones of the kitties.

  10. Sweet sweet sweet. I wish I could have a kitty cat but I am allergic to every cat I've ever been around :-(

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. Larry and I are allergic to cats, but we didn't find out until we already had cats.

  11. One dog, two cats here. Love them all!
    Enjoyed seeing your cats.
    Have a wonderful week-end!
    Lea's Menagerie

    1. Thank you, Lea. It's great that you enjoy dogs and cats.

  12. I've enjoyed getting to know your cats so well through this post........a nice diversion from everything going on in Boston.

    1. Thank you, Janet. I've been following the news and hoping for a peaceful end to the search.

  13. Lucky cats...having you to care for them!!

  14. I love both dogs and cats and truly believe thet are good for people for a variety of reasons. You seem to be a wonderful cat parent. I hope your cats bring you joy and comfort for many years to come.

    1. Thank you, Karen. I try to be a good cat parent. They do bring us lots of joy.

  15. All your babies are so beautiful!!

    When we got our Anna, we had to sign a contract saying that we would keep her indoors, get her spayed, and not declaw her. I think those are all really good things and we were more than happy to sign that contract! I like little dogs a lot, but I think I'm really more of a cat person. I love how they can just lay on your lap for hours without moving. In fact, my baby is sitting on me right now!

    1. Oh, sweet little Anna! Thank you, Sunny. That's a great contract! Unfortunately, Waddles' former owner (my mother--long story) had her front paws declawed. And whoever had Chase Bird before us also had his front paws declawed. :-(

  16. I think pets whether cats or dogs make us better people. I have always been a dog person, but an additional cat would be welcome.

    1. Deanna, I like how you put that, that cats and dogs "make us better people." I agree. Thank you for visiting and commenting.

  17. These are great pictures of cats! I liked this post very much.

    1. Thank you, Gina. I appreciate your visit and comment.

  18. Wonderful Random 5! I love cats so much and enjoyed reading about yours! We have always been both cat and dog people. Cats are such wonderful critters, and I do miss mine, as we don't have any pets at this phase of our life. Our last pet, a 95-pound Rhodesian Ridgeback named Penny, was our baby and losing her was hard. Our landlord won't let us have pets here, but when we move in two to three years (or after having been here so long, we are hoping he will relent! :-) ) we plan to get another dog.

    1. Thank you, Marie. I think Ridgebacks are beautiful! I hope you will be able to get a dog again. Having "critters" is so comforting.

  19. I'm a cat lover too. We have 3 and my oldest is 19 and still ticking!

    1. Tracey, that's great that your 19-year-old is still doing well. Waddles was in pretty good health up until about 6 months before she died. She had arthritis and failing kidneys, but she was a plucky little girl.

  20. i enjoy animals. i have friends that have both. cats sort to me are smarter than humans & it kind of freaks me out. ha. ha!! dogs are cute. i think if had more room - maybe lived on a farm or something. had more time to spend with them - i would have a dog. cats are good for keeping away pests. ( :

    1. Beth, you are so funny! My cats are definitely smarter than me. I can see it in their eyes. :-) Thanks for your comment.

  21. I don't have cats because I am allergic to them, but I do enjoy watching their antics.

    1. Denise, they are so funny to watch. I'm sorry you're allergic to them. I didn't find out I was allergic until I already had a cat, and I couldn't bear to let her go. Thank you for your comment.

  22. You are so right! It is hard to photograph cats but you did a great job.

    1. Dotti, cats certainly don't pose for you, do they? They typically stare at me like they're wondering what I'm doing, then walk away. Thanks for your comment.

  23. I like both- it would be hard to say I am just one or the other. Right now I am having a fussy time with my cat- but I couldn't live without her.

    1. Terri, I know what you mean. I love dogs, too. But it's just not a good time right now for us to have a dog. I hope your cat feels better soon! Thank you for your comment.

  24. I like hearing about your cats. I have always had one the way they purr ;)

    1. Thank you, Lisa. I love the sound of purring, too. It's so soothing.

  25. I'm a bird person! We had dogs growing up--one when I was really little and one we got when I was in high school. I'm allergic to cats, so we never had one though we kept a kitten overnight once. I lived with a family for a while who had a cat but it only bothered me if she was right in my face. Later I thought that since she was so old and didn't lick herself much anymore, that must have been why she didn't bother me that much.

    1. Kristina, your birds are beautiful! I don't know much about having birds as pets, but they must be fascinating and fun to have around. I don't start sneezing when I'm around the kitties. But if they scratch me or if a claw gets caught in my skin--doesn't even have to break the skin--I will start itching.

  26. I am a cat lover, too, even though I don't have one at the moment. But I did have a beautiful tuxedo cat at one time that looked a lot like your Sam. His name was Clousseau. I keep his birthday on my calendar because of all our cats, I actually knew his. If he were alive today, he would have been 32 on April 17. Do you think I still miss him? You bet. I also miss Gorky, Kitty, Burgess and Asta. They are all special and always in my heart. Your cats are all beautiful, too.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. What beautiful names you gave your cats! I know what you mean about them being in your heart. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of Waddles and Thunder Cat. True friends and companions.

  27. I'm not much of an animal person actually. Though in my growing up years we always had dogs at home. Outside dogs. No way would they be in the house sleeping in our beds like seems to be the norm these days. Aside from the germs and stuff, I'm always amazed at the number of people posting pictures of the damage their dogs usually have done to house and furniture, or pictures of how there's no room in the bed for them because a huge dog is sleeping there. Kinda makes me crazy. After I got married hubby and I had a cat and then one from one of the litters we couldn't find a home for. Socks, the mother cat looks like your Sam. She was very cool. I think cats are easier then dogs and am more comfortable with cats. Big dogs scare me, have been attacked twice, so have a bit of fear. I like being without pets, we travel alot; though I do agree the bring love and fun to a house. I get upset with the number of dogs in our neighborhood, not trained, not well cared for, so as a result they bark and bark and bark, and me like dogs even less. And then as I got older and allergies became more of problem, it's good we don't have animals around. Thanks for your visits, looking forward to getting acquainted through Friday 5

    1. Sandy, thank you for visiting and commenting. I can understand being afraid of big dogs after being attacked. I was afraid of dogs when I was a little girl, and it took me a while to get over it. I think cats are easier to care for than dogs. But any pet does take time. We don't travel a lot because of the difficulty of finding someone to care for the kitties.

  28. Beautiful kitties! :). I would love to see Chase Bird's expressions when heceats and talks! Samantha is a gorgeous girl indeed.

    I agree that it's a good thing for cats to stay indoors! All four of ours are indoors all the time. They're healthier, and it gives my huband and i peace of mind. :)

    Wonerful post, Tina! Have a good weekend!

    1. Thank you, Mary. We enjoy spending time with our kitties, and keeping them indoors gives us a lot of peace of mind, too.

  29. I am definitely a dog person, although I like cats just fine. I also like birds, though, and having birds (finches and canaries) and cats together are not a good mix. My sweet dog died last summer, and I have not gotten another one. I miss her, but I seem content with the birds for now. Loved the photos.

    1. Thank you, Galen. I don't think it would be a good idea for us to have birds in the house with our cats. Seems like a lot of pressure on cats and birds. On the other hand, Larry's cousin has birds, cats, fish and dogs in the same house. She seems to make it work. I don't know if I could.

  30. awww, they are so cute. i don't love cats mostly because i am allergic to their hair.

    i would LOVE to get a puppy....i adore farm animals!!

    1. Thank you, Debbie. I enjoy farm animals, too, and I enjoy watching wildlife. Animals are fascinating!

  31. oh, they are sweet! like you, i grew up with barn cats. then as an adult, had an indoor cat (even w/ my husband's allergies). then went back to a barn cat but lost him to illness last year. i miss him. would love to have more barn cats, but i have 4 big dogs are are big varmint hunters here and i won't take the chance on adding one (unless a stray decides to stay).

    thanks for finding me, via nancy! she's a doll, isn't she?

    1. Thank you, Tex. It sounds like you keep busy with 4 big dogs. But you never know--a stray cat might decide to come live with you! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Yes, Nancy is great!

  32. Beautiful cats, Tina! I, too, am a cat lover so this post pulls at my heartstrings. Yes, I agree, spaying and neutering is the best! As well, adopting rather than buying in a pet shop or from a breeder saves lives. Wonderful post and photos.

    1. Thank you, Linda. Yes, I agree--adopting can save lives.

  33. I love cats!! Samantha and Chase Bird are adorable. I love dogs too but I think I have become a cat person since I adopted Ruby (my gray tabby) three years ago. :)

    1. Thank you, Keith. I think cats have a way of wrapping us around their little paws, yes?

  34. Hi Tina, Love your random five. Thank you for sharing these adorable pictures of your cats. Have a lovely weekend. :-)

    1. Thank you, Madison. I hope you are having a great weekend, too!

  35. Your cats look soooo loving and wonderful. You are lucky to have them and they are lucky to have YOU!

    1. Thank you, Katherine. They are very loving and special.

  36. They are all so cute! What a gift Waddles was for you. I truly believe with all my heart that my cat came to our family at just the right time- a gift from God. Not many people are interested in my cat-story. It sounds weird to some I can imagine when you know that the Lord has sent to us what ever it may be, found to be of good chreer- to His children.
    I LOVE my Kiki cat! He's been here with us now for 5 years:)

    1. Thank you, Deanna. I'm interested in your cat story! I do believe that Waddles was a gift from God. He knew I needed her. God speaks to us in many ways.

  37. Beautiful cats! Mine enrich my life, too. :-)


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