
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring fever, stuck in winter

I’m missing spring.
Or, to be more accurate, I feel like I’m missing spring.
I was looking through some photos on my computer and found a whole folder of pictures that I took last spring. Some I shared with you on this blog. I seemed to be out and about a lot, catching shots of blooms and a little wildlife. There are even photos of me on a bike. Me, being active!
It seems like a long time since I’ve been very active. I’ve been in The Monster Boot and on crutches for a little over five weeks. Even before then, for weeks, my foot hurt so much that I wasn’t walking much.

(Note: There’s a lesson here. If your foot hurts and doesn’t stop, go to the doctor. Do not wait, thinking, “It will get better soon.” It might not get better on its own.)

I’m sorry to whine. I really am. But I’m feeling like—well, like I’m missing something. A whole season.
Part of it is the OCD. I could go out into the yard on my crutches. I’m sure if I asked, Larry would drive me down to the park and I could walk around.
But there’s all that dirt, some of it damp, some of it plain mud. And there are other things on the ground that I don’t know about. What if I get my crutches and boot dirty? I know how hard it would be to clean them “good enough.”
Or so my OCD thinking goes.
Maybe there’s an exposure there waiting to happen. Maybe I should just go out into the yard and take pictures and feel the warmth of spring. And if I get dirt on my crutches or boot, then I’ll clean them. And deal with it.
Actually, that’s what I am going to have to do. Face the anxiety, be uncomfortable, but get outside!
But probably not today. I have another appointment with my orthopedic doctor this afternoon. More X-rays. I hope that the bone is healing. I hope I can give up the crutches.
If I have to keep the crutches, I’ll deal with it. They’re my extra paws, you know.
For the time being, here are some of those photos from last spring. They were taken in my neighborhood, in the park by the river and at a nearby pond.

Please share in the comments what you’re doing to enjoy spring.

A housekeeping note: I’ve had problems with spam, so I experimented with different settings for making comments.
I did word verification for a while, but I was afraid that might be dissuading some of you from commenting.
So I tried the setting where you have to be registered to comment. That took care of the spam, but some of you were not able to comment, or it was a problem to comment.
I’ve gone back to the open setting. Your comments are precious to me!


  1. I like the pictures! We had some beautiful spring weather and then it went back to cloudy for a while. I need to get out and take some pictures, too.

    1. Thank you, Kristina. It's been actually hot here this week. Too early for me--I prefer the temperate weather of spring.

  2. Sorry about the spam. I don't accept anonymous comments anymore because I was getting so much spam.

    Hope you get positive news from the doctor today.

    I've been out in the garden a bit, enjoying spring. And I took my client hiking on Sunday. She was having a rough day Saturday, and needed to get out.

    1. Thank you, Lisa. What a great thing to do with your client. Being outside and moving around can be so comforting.

  3. I know it may be easier said than done but I totally think you should just go out in the yard and feel the warmth and clean the bandage aferward if need be :)

    1. You're right, Keith. I just need to do it. Thanks for the support.

  4. darn that monster boot!! the pictures you shared today are just lovely!!

    it was 54 on monday, 81 yesterday and it's going to be 81 today!!

    where's spring?? we hit the beach yesterday!!

    1. Debbie, it's in the 80s here today. I would love to be at the beach! :-)

  5. Here's hoping that you are continuing to heal! Being outdoors brings me a lot of joy, so it would be tough to feel trapped inside. Yeah, I know you could get out there, but I wouldn't want to get the boot dirty, either, and I don't have OCD! I know you'll work something out, as you always do.

    Spring is a crazy busy time in the garden. I'm planting and weeding like crazy. I still have two raised beds that need attention, but I need to have the soil reasonably dry before I can do anything with them. In the meantime, everything is growing like...well...weeds. Lots and lots and lots of weeds. :)

    1. Thank you, Nadine. Your gardening activities sound so fun! When I gardened, I enjoyed even the weeding. It was kind of meditative work.

  6. Oh Tina slap a plastic bag around your foot paw and get outside it will make everything seem alright. I do know there is nothing more soothing and gets you out of your head. I do hope the doc has good news for you.
    Love those pics.
    I have put comment moderation on I was afraid of people not being able to comment also. STUPID spam I never had a problem before I did block a few followers with questionable profiles and that seemed to help I am in the process of adding some back one at a time to see how it goes. I detest word verification I am not smart enough to read it:) I do hope we can find a solution. I love my commentors. Get outside and smile. Hug B

    1. Buttons, your comment made me smile! I just may do that--slap a plastic bag on my foot/paw before going outside. That's what I did when it snowed, and it helped protect the boot. I agree that nature is so soothing to the spirit. Thank you for your comment.

  7. I actually don't think that wrapping a bag around monster boot is so bad. If it was muddy out a person without OCD would probably wear boots or take their shoes off when they came inside - I mean, OCD or not you don't want to be dragging mud in your house.
    We are having a wave of Winter coming back and they say we could even get snow tomorrow. It is making me crazy. Monday it was in the 50's but it has been so cold here that 50 seemed like beach weather.

    1. Krystal Lynn, you're right. Thank you for your sound reasoning. I don't worry so much about my shoes getting dirty, so why the hang-up about the boot? I hope if winter does come back to your area, it doesn't linger!

  8. I'm sorry you're feeling like you're missing something. Maybe watching a beautiful springtime movie like "Enchanted April" will help?


  9. Enchanted April:

    1. Elizabeth, I've never watched "Enchanted April." Thank you for recommending it!

  10. Hope your doctor had good news for you Tina!
    And that you will find a way to get out of the house.
    Here it's been cold and raining and overcast all week, but, FINALLY, they say from Sunday it will really get warm. Looking forward to that so much as it's really been a long Winter.

    1. Thank you, Klaaske. The bone is in the process of healing, and it's better now than it was the last time I had it x-rayed. So that's progress!

      I hope it does warm up soon where you are. It's time for some sunshine! :-)

    2. I'm so pleased to hear your foot is getting better Tina!

  11. Hi Tina, so sorry to hear you are missing Spring...many of us are. In Montreal we are due to get snow on Friday...again. At any rate, your photos are lovely, thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Linda. More snow? Maybe it won't last too long. It was summertime hot here today. April is being temperamental! :-)

  12. Oh what beautiful pictures! I love the flowers.

    I don't think you're whining at all. Being stuck on crutches for that long is sure a pain in the neck. I would be feeling crummy about it too. I hope your doc's appointment went ok.

    I'm not really enjoying Spring yet, because we pretty much haven't had one here. Very often, we go from winter straight into summer in New Hampshire. But a little spring would sure be nice!

    Hope your foot feels better soon. Hugs.

    1. Thank you, Sunny. The x-rays yesterday showed more healing, so it looks like things are on the right track. It is already so hot here. Back in the 80s today. I'm not quite ready for that!

  13. I am so sorry about your foot! And I loved your beautiful photos from last year. Good advice to seek medical help if your foot is hurting! I had neuroma (pain in the toe area) and also another condition I have forgotten the name of that has to do with the tendons and makes it painful in the heel and suffered with both for over a year. Wearing more supporting shoes, with inserts helped immensely. There are also stretching exercises that help. NOW, for over the past two years or maybe close to three, I have been having a different pain and numbness in two of my toes. It has even made one toe move to the left. I FINALLY asked the Dr. about it two days ago and was told it was probably arthritis and I am to try Aleve for two weeks and see if that helps. We'll see....

    1. Thank you, Marie. I'm so sorry you're having foot problems. I hope the medicine helps and you feel better soon.

  14. Tina, I nominated your blog in one of my posts:

    You don't have to do it if you don't want to, but I had to pay you props as one of my favorite bloggers for mental health!

  15. Hi Tina. It has been raining here. I'm anxious to get out. I want to join a hiking club. I hope you are well soon!

    1. Thank you, Patty. A hiking club sounds like a good idea. That would be a good way to stay motivated and have fun.

  16. What lovely photos.
    Thank you for taking care of yourself - i hope you heal rapidly -
    Also hope your approaching storm is friendly . . .

    Really like visiting your blog,

    1. Georgy, thank you. The storm wasn't too bad. Thank you so much for reading and commenting.


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