
Monday, September 9, 2013


When Larry and I got home after dinner on a recent evening, we saw a little head at one of the windows in the house.
It was Chase Bird.
I grabbed my iPhone for a photo. It was dark outside and it’s a pretty grainy photo, but I was so happy to get a photo of him in that position.
Chase likes to sit on a stool that we placed on top of a table under a window. He can watch the goings on outside.
Sometimes he watches us come and go. We look up at the window and see his head and know he’s sending us off or welcoming us home.
I like to think that our cats are glad to see us when we get home after an absence. And we are glad that they are they to greet us and help us make our home.

What are some things that make your house a home?


  1. Hi Tina, so glad you captured that photo!!! What a beautiful sight to come home to. :) I absolutely love your header!!!

    1. Thank you, Linda. That was a wonderful sight to see as we pulled up the driveway. :-)

  2. heh you've changed your header, it is great full of lovely shots. This is a great catch of Chase Bird, too sweet. I love to see our (or any) little creatures in windows, at doors-answer to your question would be our animals, and those things that we only see in our place.

    1. Thank you, Lynn. The header is a work in progress. :-) I like how you worded "those things that we only see in our place"--that help make your home your home. I, too, think the things that make our homes unique for us are so important. And little creatures.

  3. I absolutely think our cats are glad to see us when we get home after an absence. My Ruby purrs like crazy when I get home from work :)

    1. Thanks, Keith. Our cats usually look glad to see us and purr, too. But if we've been away too long, we get fussed at a bit before the purrs begins. :-)

  4. i love it. a sweet moment! :)

    my 4 pups make my home - and fill it with love. :)

    i like your new header, too.

    1. Thank you, Theresa. It's amazing how much of a home our houses are with our critters!

  5. Love your blog's new look....our cats and children made our house a home, but currently we have neither living here. It still feels like home, though :)

    1. Thanks, Janet. Don't you think you need to get another cat, or two? :-)

  6. LOVE your new header!! for me, home is where the hubs is!!

    sweet smells, flowers and all my pictures. that's home to me!!

    1. Thanks, Debbie. That's a wonderful list of what makes your house a home.

  7. I love those little ears in the window - what a fun shot! We used to have a cat that was always lying on the back of a couch in the front window. I loved seeing her as I approached the house. Nowadays, we don't have any pets, but they sure do make a house seem more homey!

    1. Thanks, Karen. Our pets do make our home more homey. Chase is such a sweet boy. He and Sam nearly always verbally greet us when we get home.

  8. Good question. I hadn't thought of that before. I do know that when my daughter lived here her dog made the place. You always knew Maggie would be at the door to greet you. I guess things don't really make your home.

    1. Thanks, Red. It's so wonderful to be greeted at the door by a beloved pet.

  9. There is just something so comforting about seeing your pet in the window, whether coming or going. Toby has a chair by the window that helps him keep a look out for me when I return. But what is really special, is the fact he always meets me at the door when I return...if he isn't there, then he is fallen into a deep sleep upstairs on my bed. Tina, thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your sweet thoughts on my appreciated.

    1. Thanks, Deanna. That is so sweet that your dog naps on your bed. :-) Sometimes when we're getting ready to leave the house and say good-bye to the kitties, they lift open one eye, then kind of shrug as if to say, OK, leave me alone now.

  10. I love this picture and you are so right about how wonderful our furry friends are to love us so much....My Simon, if not in a deep sleep, runs to the door when I come home waiting to be picked up and loved on....

    I love your new header; it's beautiful...

    1. Thank you, Nancy. Simon sounds like a sweetie. Kitties do like to be made over, don't they? But it's fun. :-)

  11. He looks happy to see you because he is :). Dontcha just love that unconditional love? :)

  12. Aw, thanks, Kathy. :-) I am amazed at unconditional love.

  13. Hi-ya. I wandered over from Carol Z's blog.

    That picture of your cat at the window is adorable! We have two spoiled kitties, too, and it always makes us laugh to see the two of them, side-by-side looking out the front window. Critters really add something special to a home, don't they?

    Count me in as your newest follower. Nice to meetcha!

    1. Thanks so much, Susan, and nice to meet you! That is so sweet that your two sit side by side by the window. Our two are completely spoiled, but that's the way it's supposed to be. :-)

  14. What a marvelous photo - Better than a light in a window any day.

  15. Bandit & I have this routine every time I come in from work where she miaows away (telling me about her day), does the normal leaving her scent on me, but specifically then always rolls on her back (don't even think about touching her tummy!) & then has to scratch at my rucksack. It's mainly that she wants her tea, but I honestly do think she's pleased to see me.

  16. What a sweet picture, Tina. You snapped it at the right time! What makes my house a home? I guess my decorative touches with the things I love in it.


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