
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Photo: Sunday afternoon

I don’t usually post on Tuesdays, but this week I decided to join Tuesday Muse, a meme hosted by Nancy of A Rural Journal, who also hosts Random 5 Friday.
I’ve been taking more photographs for the last several months. In doing so, I’ve begun to notice things I never noticed before.
With that extra attention comes more opportunities to practice mindfulness, being in the moment, seeing what’s in front of me.
That’s a very positive thing for me because anxiety and worry are often centered not on the present but on the past or imagined future.
Here’s my first photo for Tuesday Muse. Thanks for hosting, Nancy!

"Broad Street, Sunday afternoon."

This is a view of Broad Street in Altavista. I took the photo looking down from the library, which is perched at the top of the street.
If you follow the yellow lines all the way to the end of the street, and cross the step-bridge over the railroad tracks, you’ll be in English Park and just a short walk from the Staunton River.

What sights have you enjoyed lately where you live?


  1. I love this photo, Tina! And it looks like a wonderful town to call home. :) I can see myself walking down this street.

    PS.. I also love your new header. It's perfect!

    1. Thank you, Mary. It is a nice town. I didn't grow up here, but it has been my home for almost 10 years.

      I'm still debating the header and tweaking it here and there. It may change again! :-)

  2. I started getting interested in Mindful Photography (there is actually a word for it, Miksang) a few years back after reading about it in a magazine. What I love about Miksang is it doesn't have to be pretty or breathtaking but just something that you slow down to notice. Sadly, I have not been doing anything Mindful of late.

    And I love the cats on your blog! A great deal of my time is spent befriending the cats of the world.

    1. Thank you, Birdie. I have never heard of Mindful Photography, so I appreciate you telling me about it. I will definitely be looking into that.

      I have periods where it's hard for me to be mindful, too. I think I try too hard sometimes, and then I defeat its purpose. But I think it's something we have to keep practicing, over and over.

  3. Isn't that great, Tina, noticing things in a different way once photographing more actively?? I quit blogging a while ago, but really started to miss the feeling, where I was looking really closely EVERYTHING around me, to see the beaty in everyday things and objects, and blog about them. So I started again, and will never quit now. Too much fun, too good for the soul and spirit!

  4. Looks like a quiet Sunday afternoon, and a cute little town.

  5. this looks like it could be a movie set-I feel the same way as you, a camera in hand brings us to the moment and away from ourselves and the bigness around us..allowing us to see in a different manner, even looking to see in a different manner...which helps change the ideas that race around inside our head...I could live in this town.

  6. I felt a little calmness come over me when I viewed your photo Tina -- love how the lines in the foreground lead your eyes to those lovely blue hills in the background. Great shot.

  7. What a lovely little town. It looks nice and quiet there on a Sunday afternoon.

  8. What a unique looking street Tina. I love the area near the stop light. My favorite sight where I live is this giant hand painted with smaller different colored hands right in the middle of town. It was an art project by the students of the local college.

  9. You are the coolest! This photo gives a lot of room for dreaming . . . .

  10. i like that middle-of-the-road scene. :)

  11. Years ago, my hubby and I would spend glorious weekends in a mountain cabin with dear friends. When we walked in the woods, or whatever, our friend Frank was forever recording what we were doing with a video camera. His wife and I were always fussing at him, telling him to put the darned camera down and enjoy what we were doing instead of recording it for "posterity." Then he died. Now those videos are precious to us. That kinda changed my perspective about carrying a camera around, and I rarely go anywhere without my digital camera... just in case a special photo op presents itself. For posterity.

  12. Nice shot- looks very much like main street here in a nearby larger town.

  13. I needed your post today to remind me of staying in the moment....I have lots going on right now and concerned about how I am going to get it all done but you have reminded me to be mindful of the moment....Thank you friend....

    I love this shot of a lazy Sunday afternoon in never know when that perfect shot is going to present itself so I try to always keep a camera with me

  14. I love the expanse of Broad Street in your photo, Tina! I am so glad you are able to live in the moment more and more. It is such a joy to be able to do this. In my area, (Montreal), I have enjoyed so many nature views...and also graffiti art on some buildings.

  15. Your photo reminds me of a great memory. I taught outdoor education. One of the field trips was to ride up a mountain highway which lead to one of the highest passes with a road over it.. The road is closed most of the year. I took the kids out just before the road opened for the summer. They all wanted to lie on the center line of the highway and have their picture taken because there was no traffic.

  16. Nice photo. Love those wide streets! I think you are right that photography helps us look at things more closely. I have been enjoying the sight of less traffic around here now that kids are back in school and the summer vacation crowd has lessened. That will last until the leaf peepers come out of the woods.

  17. Looks like a most pleasant place to live!!

  18. Beautiful picture, I know how you feel. At times I work quite hard to see the beauty in small, ordinary things that we usually take for granted.

  19. Looks like a nice, calm street! I like the new look of your blog, especially the photos of your kitties :)

  20. Looks like you made a new header, Tina. Looks great! I have fallen in love with a park close by that I didn't know existed until this summer.

  21. a cute, quiet place, love your new header!!

  22. Great photo Tina. Your town looks very pleasant and I love the blue sky. I love digital photography. I keep my little point-and-shoot and an extra battery in my camera and take a lot of photos, usually of plants, sometimes graffiti or some other interesting thing, rarely people though.

    What's cool is that there is no risk with digital photography. You can just delete what you don't want. And now with the Internet we can share our photos with the world. I love it! Kudos to the brains behind this awesome technology.

  23. Sorry. Forgot to mention that I love your new banner too. Your kitties are adorable.


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