
Monday, October 21, 2013

A movie, hope, a soaring bird and joy

Larry and I saw the movie “Gravity” this weekend. This post is not a review of the movie, and I won’t include any spoilers for those of you who haven’t seen the movie but want to see it.
I will say that it profoundly affected both of us.
We talked about it later. I asked Larry what he thought the meaning of the movie was. He thought about it and said, “Don’t lose hope.”
I agreed.
And, I added, my favorite line was when Sandra Bullock’s character said something to the effect that she may live or she may die, but either way, it was going to be one hell of a ride.
Her statement was a strong one, especially since she had, up to that point in the movie, been hiding from life, not quite wanting to die, not quite wanting to live.
This movie reminded me that whatever life handed me, I wanted to live with hope and joy. To live fully and die gracefully.

So that’s the movie part of this post. The soaring bird? I saw him on Sunday. I went out into the yard to get some photos. I haven’t meandered around like that in nature since we lost Sam almost two weeks ago.
The temperature was perfect, the sky was blue, the sun was bright. We still have a lot of green left on the trees, but I saw some changes in the leaves.
When I take photos, I try to remind myself to look up, look down, turn around and look behind me—see the different perspectives.
I looked up and saw a large bird sailing through the sky.
I lost sight of it, but then when I was filling up the bird bath, a shadow crossed over me. I looked up and saw the bird again. Then another.
I thought I was seeing a pair of hawks, though I realized later they were vultures.
I snapped photo after photo. I walked around with my neck bent backwards, focused on the sky, trying to follow the lovely path of these birds.

The birds, the sky, the sun, the trees—they are all so much bigger than me. Nature is so much bigger than me. God is so much bigger than me.
It all pooled together: the movie, the hope, the bird, the joy.
I wanted to cry from that joy.

What is something that has given you joy lately? And if you’ve seen “Gravity,” what did you think of it?


  1. I like your description of the movie, Tina, it sounds like a worthwhile one to see. to your question at the end of this post, "What is something that has given me joy lately?" Not sure I can answer the lately part because I try to find joy and beauty in every moment, but I guess taking my walks and sharing things on my blog definitely gives me joy.

    1. Thank you, Linda. You have the right attitude--finding joy every day. I'm grateful that you share that on your blog.

  2. Beautiful shots of the bird!!! love the photos with cool background, i.c blue sky..

  3. Oh Tina Nature has always given me everything I need when I take the time to surround myself with it. I sometimes forget the power it has. I spend most everyday in it whether I have time or no and I am a better calmer more insightful person for it. It does indeed have the power to heal and sooth. Love the soaring Vulture they have such a graceful soar. Take care Hug B

    1. Thank you, B. I'm finding more and more that nature soothes me, too, when I get out there and wander. I loved how the birds looked in the sky.

  4. Stupendous shots Tina. I think that every morning when I see Sami our outdoor cat waiting patiently at one of his two spots for breakfast my heart soars with happiness and my days begins smoothly. Being outside makes me feel joyful.

    1. Thank you, Lynn. That's wonderful that Sami starts your day so well. I'm sure he is glad to see you, too!

  5. Tina I saw Gravity and LOVED it. I think it was the best movie I've seen in the past 3-4 years. Amazing film and I see several Oscars in store.

    As far as what's been bringing me joy lately, I have to say the autumn weather :)

    1. Thanks, Keith. Yes, I see Oscars coming out of this movie, too. I have so enjoyed the cooler weather. This morning was the coldest yet.

  6. My favorite thing to think about is our upcoming trip to Nicaragua. Oh joy.

  7. The movie sounds good. I don't even know what it is about.

    1. Thanks, Lisa. I think you would like it. Sandra Bullock plays a doctor/engineer (not sure what type) who is in space on a mission when everything that could go wrong goes wrong. It focuses on her struggles to survive. Very intense.

  8. i absolutely fill my heart with a walk outside. :) i love watching the vultures soar, too. the pic of the sunspots is my favorite. :)

    1. Thanks, Theresa. I was snapping photos like crazy. I had a crick in my neck after craning it for so long, trying to capture the pictures. :-)

  9. I loved Gravity! The dilemma of Bullock's character is one that I had to face, too. I didn't know that was part of the story line, and I shed copious tears.

    What brings me joy? Working in the garden or hiking. Revising a novel and seeing that it's getting better, and that my writing is improving. The holy-mother-of-God view from the back of my house.

    1. Thank you, Nadine. The movie was very sad and touching in those places where we find out about Bullock's character. I wasn't expecting the movie to go that way.

  10. i really enjoy shot #3 & 5 ... nice ones. i have not been to the movie a while. i have heard some great reviews about the movie. we will see. i am never against a good one. ( :
    have a great week.

    1. Thanks, Beth. We don't go to the movies very often, but Larry loves space movies, and we went for his birthday. You have a great week, too!

  11. Well, this is an all round general post. It's really hard to photograph flying birds. I am fortunate to be an eternal optimist. However, I do understand what it means to be the other way. I worry about nothing. I understand the people who worry about everything. So keep up the hope. It's all worth while.

    1. Thanks, Red. I agree--keep up the hope. I think it's great that you are an eternal optimist. Sometimes I have to remind myself to have an optimistic view.

  12. a wonderful entry tina, now i will see the movie, i had no idea of it's meaning!!

    the image with the sun spots is amazing. i see a tiny lil heart in the right hand corner. no accident, i believe!! xo

    1. Thank you, Debbie. I didn't see that heart until you pointed it out. :-)

  13. I was planning on seeing the movie with my family a week or so ago, but they went without me! I want to go ahead and see it soon - the preview of it just about did me in, though, so we'll see!

    I think the way you take photographs can be applied to life, at least for me. I think it's important for us to look all around, to see other "pictures" and to take in account of what's going on around us. If we focus entirely ahead, we miss so much.

    You've given me much to think about!

    1. Thank you, Amanda. Based on the previews, I didn't want to see it, but after seeing it with Larry, I'm glad I did.

      I agree--if we focus on any one area too much, we miss so much.

  14. "God is so much bigger than me".....I love that you reminded us of that fact....and you did so in beautiful ways...Your photographs are amazing...We saw Gravity too and I felt some of the same things you mentioned...It's a great movie with a great message....

    1. Thank you, Nancy. I loved taking the photos of the birds. I was trying to follow them around. :-)

  15. Now, how is it we are thinking along the same thought patterns???
    I enjoy this post -

    1. Thanks, g. I thought the same think when I read your post! :-)

  16. I'm glad you reminded me to look up! I need to do more of that before all the leaves are gone. Your bird pics are wonderful. We haven't seen "Gravity" yet although we would like to. How can two retired people have so little time, I ask you?? I am just relishing this season. The fall has been spectacular here and I love it so much.

    1. Thank you, Barb. I don't always remember to look up myself. Or behind me. But sometimes I find something cool.

  17. I love this post, Tina. Thank you so much for sharing it. :). Duane and i haven't seen Gravity, but plan to this weekend. We're looking forward to it. Everyone we know who has seen it says how wonderful and thought provoking it us!

    1. Thank you, Mary. I think you'll enjoy Gravity. Lots to think about, and beautiful scenes.

  18. I try to remember this too when I set out to take photos- always look at things from every angle. I want to see Gravity, but don't do I'll just wait for it to come out on dvd.

    1. Thanks, Terri. It's amazing what you see when you look in every direction, isn't it? We don't go to the theaters very often--a few times a year.

  19. I also like your thoughts on the movie. It was really something.

  20. What a beautiful post! Those are wonderful photos of a bird soaring. And a good way for us to live life. Soar through it! I try to remind myself to live my life fully. What other way is there? When the end comes, I want to have lived as extensively as I possibly could. I haven't seen the movie 'Gravity' yet, but I've seen previews of it and certainly intend to!


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