
Friday, October 18, 2013

Random 5 Friday: Cooking and lost objects

I’m joining in with Random 5 Friday, the great meme hosted by Nancy of A Rural Journal. Follow the link and find other blogs participating.
First some photos from a recent early morning.

Saturday is Larry’s birthday. The gifts and cards have been bought and the cake has been ordered. On his birthday, we’re planning to go see the movie “Gravity.” It’s one he’s wanted to see. Then we’ll have a nice dinner out.
It has been a hard month, and I want him to have a nice, enjoyable day.

Yes, I ordered a birthday cake instead of making one. I’ve never made a cake from scratch, and I thought the bought one with decorations would be better than me making one from a mix.
It bothers me that I don’t like to cook. I keep thinking that I should like to cook, that I should cook even if I don’t like it. I wonder if I’m a cook who just hasn’t realized it yet.

Larry must be reading my mind because Thursday he returned from a trip to Sam’s with a package of three plain, black aprons. Aprons?
I have one that my mother made me many years ago. And I told Larry ages ago that I would try to make him one, but sewing seems to be another one of those things that my mother did beautifully but I can’t seem to understand.
I asked Larry what we were going to do with the aprons, and he said cook.
He cooks sometimes, mostly breakfast foods and pots of beans and spaghetti sauce. He does a great job.
Maybe his purchase of the plain black aprons is a nudge for me?

I discovered this week that my camera card reader that I use to download photos to my computer is gone. I keep it in a side pocket of my camera bag, but when I wanted to use it at work, it was gone. I’ve looked high and low at home and at work, to no avail.
It was a nice reader in a nice pouch to protect it. I am assuming that somewhere, sometime it fell out of the bag without me noticing.
I can download from my camera directly, but it’s a bit more complicated. I hate to lose things.

I had my regular dental check-up on Thursday. They found no problems. Actually, the dental hygienist told me I didn’t give her much work to do.
I tend to be rather religious about my teeth. For whatever reason—growing up without fluoride in the water, thin enamel, genetics—I’ve had a lot of dental work over the years.
I can’t say enough good things about my dentist, who I’ve been seeing for almost 28 years. It helps to have a dentist you can trust.


  1. Happy early Birthday to Larry, a bought cake will be super. My mom hated the kitchen and did it only because she had to, and sew she could sew like a pro. She finished my sewing projects in Home Economics in Junior High, I'd sneak it home and she'd complete it for me only if I'd make something from scratch at home and this is why I can sew today. Hope you find your reader, I love our dentist and am scared he'll retire soon.

  2. Give yourself a break on the cooking thing, not everyone likes it. Most days I'd rather not have to cook, but I find that if I have a lot of time at home (rare) I kind of enjoy it. So maybe there's a hidden chef in me that just doesn't have the time for it. It's sweet of you to be planning a special day for Larry - happy birthday to him and enjoy!

  3. Cooking, baking -- I've found it's like anything else. Practice makes perfect (maybe not perfect, but who cares if it tastes good!) Plus, it would be a nice activity for you and Larry to enjoy together.
    I always download directly from my camera and delete automatically afterwards. Otherwise, I know I'd lose that card...
    And I love my dentist and his staff too -- they are great. I just don't like having my teeth worked on.
    Thanks so much for sharing this week Tina and Happy Birthday to your honey. xo

  4. Hey, I enjoy reading your post. I hate cooking. But I love to eat.

    Thanks for the lovely post!

  5. Happy Birthday Larry and I love that he bought the aprons to cook. I could not knit but I am doing it now so Tina you may start sewing you just never know:)
    would love to see Gravity have a great time. I am looking for a new dentist not fun and I am sorry about your card that bothers me too. Hug B

  6. Happy early birthday to Lary! Have lots of cake :) and you’ll love gravity. What an amazing film. Hopefully your camera card reader shows up soon.

  7. Happy Birthday to Larry! Enjoy the cake. I haven't seen Gravity, but have heard it's great. if you decide to start cooking, you now have the aprons. good luck finding the camera reader ... it may walk back in the door! have a fun filled weekend.

  8. Here's a happy birthday shout out to Larry. Wasn't he a sweetie to buy BLACK aprons? That way if you spill anything on them while you are learning to cook it won't show. hehe.

  9. i need to share with you my carrot cake recipe ... all fresh & good. it is heavenly & so worth all the effort to get it all made in ready to eat. ( :

  10. I have all my Mom's old aprons. I should wear them. Good karma.

  11. hope larry has a great birthday weekend. i think the aprons were for him - spaghetti sauce gets messy. :) i never feel guilty about not liking to cook or bake. i can do both, i just prefer not to. :)

  12. I hope you both enjoy this weekend! You deserve to have some fun.

    We saw Gravity and loved it. (Keep some tissue on hand.)

    I enjoy cooking...sometimes. As much as I enjoy all our fresh, healthy produce, I get tired of making meal after meal. I'm trying to get better about making big batches and freezing them so that I don't feel like I'm in the kitchen all the time.

  13. Happy birthday to Larry! I've been catching up with you on Fridays now for a good while and getting to know you and Larry it nice for me. :) Hooray for your dentist visit Tina! You're much luckier than poor Nancy this week. Lovely photos of your morning. Hope you have as lovely a weekend. :)

  14. oohhhh tina, i hate to cook and i love to bake. i have the same guilt!! i am actually pretty good at both but the last few years, i just don't enjoy it!!

    i hope larry has a great birthday weekend.....sounds like it's going to be awesome!!

    and i am a lil curious to hear your take on gravity!!

  15. I just love the morning shots .... I have got to start getting up in the morning and getting some. Let me know how the movie was .... it's on husband's list of "wanna see".
    Have a great weekend.

  16. Well a Happy Birthday shout out to Larry. Hope that cake is yummy. Some people really don't like cooking. Me I find it fun (most of the time).
    Seems like this week was go to the Dentist for several of us here on R5F. Good for you for having such a good report.
    Gorgeous pictures of the morning sunrise.

  17. Happy birthday to Larry! I hope you have a wonderful day together. There is no rule that says you have to like cooking. It can be a real chores at times.

    I love your morning shots! Just beautiful.

  18. Lucky you to have such a good dentist! Happy Birthday to Larry- I hope he has a fabulous birthday..and don't worry about not enjoying cooking. My niece does not cook at all and I think it's fabulous. Her husband does the major stuff and they eat out a lot.

  19. I think it is hilarious that Larry brought home three aprons...I don't know why but it cracks me up. I have certain things that I like to cook but I like baking more. My husband cooks if it involves the grill and I do the sides. I wish I liked to entertain more, but having people over to dinner freaks me out and I hardly ever enjoy it when I force myself too..and then I wonder if people notice I am not enjoying it. I think you can learn to enjoy do some things but I also think it is okay to be content with not being able or enjoying everything, Love your photo's and Happy Birthday to Larry!

  20. Your photos are lovely, Tina. Happy birthday to Larry!

  21. hope the birthday celebrations are lovely and memorable!

  22. Oh, lucky you to have your dental hygienist tell you she didn't have much work to do. I go to the dentist every 4 months, and even though I floss, brush diligently, etc., she still has a lot to do. Argh!
    I liked your early morning photos, especially that last one. Stunning. Hope Larry has a wonderful birthday. Sounds like you are going to present him with a great celebration. Don't feel bad about not liking to cook. Many people don't. I like to cook, but it's best when I'm in the mood.

  23. Happy Birthday to your husband....hope you two enjoy the movie and the dinner out. I gave up cooking when it was just me at home, I figured I had done enough over the years. Great shots of the early morning. Have fun with those 3 aprons and why black?? Glad to hear you had a good dental check-up, not my favorite thing to do.

  24. I just saw gravity too. Did you like it? Hope Larry had a fab birthday. I struggle with the cooking thing too!


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