
Friday, October 4, 2013

Collections and randoms for Random 5 Friday

I’m joining in with Nancy of A Rural Journal for her Random 5 Friday meme, where, as she says, “you can share 5 random facts about you, your day, your pets, your kids, whatever!”

I’ve always liked jewelry, and through the years I’ve collected quite a bit of—surprise!—cat and other animal-themed jewelry.
Here are some photos of some my cat and paw jewelry. Just about every day, I wear a piece of jewelry showcasing my love of animals, cats in particular.

I also collect bookmarks. Yes, I am a bookworm, and I love all things book.
I keep the bookmarks stored in a basket on one of our bookcases. I enjoy using different ones, depending on the book I’m reading and my mood.
Do you collect anything?

I probably wouldn’t be any good at collecting something that I had to protect in the original box or behind a locked door. I like to use what I collect.

The company that owns the newspaper I work for held its annual editorial conference this week in Danville, a city about 45 minutes south of Altavista. Editors and reporters from about 15 papers gathered for a day of presentations and discussions.
It was fun to have the opportunity to talk with others in the same profession and exchange ideas.


Sam showed more improvement Thursday than she has all week. She walked around more and interacted with us like normal. Talk about happy—that’s what Larry and I were!


  1. I don't wear earrings but those cat earring are awesome! I have a small collection of bookmarks that I never remember to use.
    So happy to hear Sam is doing well. Our older cat Sheldon had a cold last week but has not sneezed in a couple of days. I let him go outside today to sit in the sun. Silly cat went straight for a puddle on the sun deck and walked through it to get a drink.

  2. Cat jewelry - cool! And I went to a work conference yesterday - how ironic! it was in Bowling Green, KY and it is our annual admissions counselor conference. Have a beautiful Friday Tina :)

  3. Good news about Sam. Love the cat jewelry and I collect old plastic phone cards and camera cards with my photos on them. They do not take up a lot of room and make me happy. Oh Yes I collect chairs I have no idea why and they are not little:) Hug B

  4. I used to collect wine stoppers. But I stopped. Ha!

  5. I have a bit of cat jewelry too. Love yours - really cute stuff!

    So happy to hear Sam is feeling better!

  6. Great news about Sam...yay!

  7. The paw print jewelry is so cute!

  8. I was wondering about Sam and so when I saw your link at Nancy's I went straight to you this morning. I'm so glad she's improving, poor little sweetie. :) Don't ask me about collecting...waaay too much stuff, but I completely agree with you; I have to use it and touch it otherwise it's not wort it. One year I decided to make my business cards into bookmarks. That's worked out so well that that's what my business card have been ever since. Hope you're having a wonderful Friday and will have a terrific weekend.

  9. Hurray Sam!!!

    I USED to collect several things - BUT, a noodle headed person decided to clean me out . . as in all things, it turned out okay . . . things always do, as long as we keep breathing. Now, if something comes along in my life I particularly like - I give it to the first person who envies it . . . it's simpler that way - and, then i know it has a proper home . . . (sigh.)

    The annual meeting sounds great! I bet lots of people were happy to see you!
    Happy Friday!

  10. So glad Sam is feeling better!

    Oh my I love those earrings! So cute.

    I don't anymore because I do most reading on a Kindle now, but I used to collect bookmarks too, and I would change them up based on my mood as well.

    I collect perfume and I agree - collections should be used and enjoyed!

  11. I used to have a bookmark collection but they didn't make the move.

  12. What a fun collection of jewelry. I have a few "cat pieces" as well. Mostly pins because I can't wear earring anymore (my ears get infected when I try to wear them now). I have some collections, Cat figurines, frog figurines and Gone With The Wind items. Most of that though is stored in boxes and I'm seriously considering trying to sell them.

  13. Oh goodness Tina I went back to Sam's illness, I hope she keeps improving, I am so,sorry to read this. I enjoyed my catch with past posts. I have introduced your blog to my cousin back home, she finds your directness your sincereity honesty so encouraging. Good luck to Sam.

  14. i collection book marks as a kid. only have a few now. wonder where they went? good question??! ha. ha!! ( :

  15. Love your collections Tina -- especially the bookmarks. :)

  16. I used to have a small collection of book marks...mostly for bible study. I read so much now on the Kindle though. Love your cat jewelry!

  17. I love the jewelry and the bookmarks. And how nice that you actually use the bookmarks.
    I used to collect anything frog ..... until it got out of hand .... now they are all boxed up somewhere in the basement!!!

  18. Love those cat earrings! I know just the person who would wear them! :)

  19. Cool jewelry! I am, unfortunately, allergic to anything but rings, so I merely admire.

    Glad Sam continues to heal. We will continue to hope for the best!

  20. Your cat jewelry is adorable! What a nice collection you have. I collect shot glasses. I pick up one or two new ones every time I visit a place I've never been to before. I have an assortment of them, and most of are in display cases. My brother and my daughter are well aware of this interest, and both have brought me back pieces from their own travels, which is really special!

    That is great news about Sam!

  21. I did collect rooster and chicken things....I really like roosters, but people buy me some chickens and I like them okay. I don't want any more...trying to rid myself of 'things' now....I like your jewelry....I could say I have been a cat collector....

  22. I like earrings, though I don't wear them much. I recently discovered/realized that I need to wear nickel-free earrings, so I want to get some nickel-free dangly earrings.

  23. I'm so glad to hear Sam is doing better! I love your jewelry collection. I love cats, too. I think maybe I should start a similar collection :)

  24. wonderful news about sam, i am so happy he is feeling better!!

    i collect shells and sea glass....i am probably more of a saver. i save a lot of "stuff" memorbilia from trips or special times in my life. i have every single card the hubs has ever sent to me!!

    have a great weekend tina, i hope sam continues to improve!!

  25. It just so happens that I was looking at a cat necklace online recently.. We have four.. I have a collection of postcards, a few thimbles and little bottles. I hope Sam gets better each day!

  26. I like your random 5, Tina. I like your pendant with a paw and collection of bookmarks. Glad you got to network with others in your field.


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