
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

On the road

Sam in 2011.

Sam seems to be on the road to recovery. She is still not as active as she was, but she is improving every day. She is not totally healed, but she is so much better than she was.
She has been through a lot: constipation, arthritis and body pain, infection. Our vet used the words “life threatening” on Saturday.
We were reminded that Sam is 17 years old this month, and that any illness in a kitty that old can be serious.

Our plucky girl didn’t give up. She bravely withstood repeated vet visits, needles, x-rays. She put up with the worried attention Larry and I gave her. Poor baby probably needs a vacation from us.
And Larry and I didn’t give up on her. We shed tears and paced the floor. We lost sleep and had a lot of worried conversations. We held on to hope that Sam would come back to us.
And we are grateful that she is on that road back.

I appreciate your comments and messages of concern you sent.
I haven’t missed writing a post, but I feel like I’ve been away for a long time because I haven’t been keeping up with YOU. I have missed you and hope to get back to the routine I enjoy so much—reading your blogs and catching a bit of what you’re doing in life.
I’ve not been following my regular routine lately because of all that has been going on. My emotions have been all over the place. I hope I’m on the road back, too.

Let’s start with the comments section: what’s one thing YOU have been up to lately?


  1. Oh my goodness my thoughts and prayers and well-wishes are heading Sam's way, Our pets really are our family aren't they Tina? If anything happened to my Ruby I would be devastated!

  2. One thing......impossible!! We have been enjoying fall, car shows, craft shows, festivals, our bikes and the beach again!! This is my favorite time of year to be outdoors, and there are sooooo many wonderful things to do at the jersey shore during autumn!!

    I am sending you big, warm hugs from the Jersey Shore!!!

  3. i'm glad she's doing better! poor dear old lady...

  4. What a rough week. I hope she keeps getting better.

    As for me...well I'm getting ready to go take pics for the twins' preschool. Its firetruck day!

  5. I'm so happy that Sam is getting better, Tina. What wonderful news! :). I love this photo of her. She's a magnificent kitty for sure!

  6. Our cat has been sick with a kitty cat cold but seems be fine now.

    I have been up to nothing at all.

  7. Good for you, Sam! Give them another 17 years!

    I'm recovering from a panic attack. Usually I'm on my feet by now after one, but for some reason I seem to be taking longer to recover. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.

  8. Yay for Sam. :)
    Got some laundry done yesterday. :P

  9. Sometimes I think these events are harder on the humans than the pets..........thinking of you all and hoping everyone is back to themselves soon!

  10. That is good news. Sam is one tough kitty! I hope she continues on this good road. I've been working on cleaning up and shutting down the garden this week. It's that time...sigh...

  11. Hi Tina, I am so glad Sam is doing better. I was happy to read that your OCD has been better and hope kitty continues to recover so you and Larry can relax and not worry. I have not been able to be on the internet too much in the last month. My husband and I took off in August and spent over six weeks traveling the globe..we drove cross country and then flew to Hawaii for a week! and then to Micronesia where we got stuck in a monsoon and typhoon, which extended our vacation because we were stuck in an airport that had no flights going out. Oh, and it was flooding because water came up the drains and part of the roof caved in from rain. What an adventure. As awful as it was, people were so kind and helping one another by sharing food ( some locals even offered up their homes to us ) so it made us see first hand how much goodness is still in the world. Sometimes watching the news is depressing because you see so much evil...but there are so many willing to help and it lifted us emotionally and spiritually to witness that. We eventually made our way home and drove back home but stopped along the way to sightsee..saw the Grand Canyon for the first time. So that is what I have been up to. Krystallynn

  12. So happy to hear that Sam is doing better. It's always up and down when they get older but all you can do is cherish the good days. I've been out of the loop, too, but not for any legitimate reasons. Time just got away from me.

  13. This is great, Tina. I am very happy that Sam is improving. I love this photo.

  14. It's great that Sam is doing better. It's so tough when a beloved pet is ill!

    I'm busy planting, harvesting, mulching, and "putting up" food for the winter. I feel like a squirrel! I'm hoping to get back to the next draft of the novel next week. I, too, have been behind on reading blogs, and hope to start getting caught up.

  15. I'm so happy to read this - and glad that Sam is on the mend.

    As for me, I've been busy with school, forgetting about exams, and doing them quickly before class!

  16. grocery shopping. my feet hurt ... lots of walking. exhausted. the leaves are falling like crazy & i know i need to get to raking or blowing them up. oh well ... i will enjoy the view. ( :
    glad to hear that Sam is getting better.


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