
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Blogging friends

One of the wonderful surprises I’ve experienced with blogging is the chance for new friendships.
No, online friendships are not the same as face-to-face friendships. But connections are made even when we don’t meet each other face-to-face.
With readers of this blog and writers of other blogs, I’ve shared life experiences. I’ve received moral support, inspiration and encouragement. And I’ve had plain fun conversations with people I would never have met if not for the Internet.
One of those blogging friends is Patty of Patty’s Pretty Things.
The word “pretty” goes perfectly with Patty. She’s a pretty lady with a pretty personality who makes creative and—you guessed it—pretty things.
I love reading her blog and seeing pictures of the art she makes. She takes vintage items and creates new pieces that are not only beautiful to look at, but honor the people who used those items first.
Her family and her home are very important to Patty, and she celebrates them with her art.
Patty recently sent me a Christmas package. When I opened the package, I was so excited to find this:

This lovely Christmas card is an example of the paper art Patty makes.

These cardinal tags came complete with ribbon to use to attach them to packages I give out this year.

The kitty faces on these cards are so sweet. How did Patty know I like cats? (smile)

I can’t wait to send out these butterfly cards.

Patty made my day with this fun and pretty package. She’s so sweet. I hope you will check out her blog and see many more pretty things she’s made.
Thank you, Patty! And thank you to all my blogging friends who make my life richer from just knowing you.

What do you like best about your blogging friendships?


  1. What a beautiful gift you were sent - so many specific touches to match who you are and what you love!

    I wish I could be as crafty as she is - that card is magnificent!

  2. Good Morning, what a lovely surprise and gift. I love the cute cardinal, kitty and butterfly tags. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  3. what a fun bloggy friendship to find. i love all the details. so creative. you enjoy!! ( :

  4. what a wonderful gift box, I so admire people like Patty who can create like's question is difficult to pinpoint...can I take a rain check on answering? :-0

  5. How wonderful of Patty to send you a Christmas package! I love my blogging friends. I love how we bond through our writing and sharing our stories with our fellow readers. It's actually a really special type of friendship.

  6. wow, those are REALLY nice! professional quality! beautiful!

  7. Oh wow!!! Those are amazing! She seems like a very special lady. : )

  8. Patty is one talented lady!! Lucky you.

    I love my online friendships. I'm normally a quiet person with not a lot to say, but I can say plenty with my keyboard! I guess I like online friendships because I express myself better through the written word.

  9. What beautiful cards and tags! And yes, very creative! I'll check out her blog. Thank you so much for sharing Tina. :)

  10. What I like is the energy in the blog contacts. Your post today is a good example as your energy is most evident.

  11. Such a beautiful cards. I like the ones with butterflies and cats.

  12. Oh what beautiful work Patty does and what a lovely blogger friend. I love bloggerland. Hug B

  13. How lovely! I've met some of the most amazing people in the blogging world. I've met two in person, and hope to meet more over the years. It's an amazing thing.

  14. These are so beautiful, Tina! I find it so wonderful to have friends from different parts of the world, and I find it amazing how much we can grow to care for people whom we have never met. It is a blessing.

  15. Beautiful cards!!! And a thoughtful friend :)

  16. Wow, Tina! What a nice post and friend you are! I am so glad you liked the package. Merry Christmas, my friend!

  17. How beautiful and special!! I don't follow patty but I will be sure to stop by and visit her blog!!

    What I love most about my blogging friendships are the way these special people make me feel!! I feel so special when I share my stories and read all the comments everyone leaves for me!! So much love and support!! My blog friends rock and that includes you!!

  18. Patty is indeed very talented and it looks like you were a lucky recipient! I love everything about my blogging friends -- their kindness when needed, the smiles they bring me, the ideas they share, the inspiration I receive. Meeting them in person is like bonus points -- and I've never been disappointed!

  19. she has a lovely talent, yes?
    Thanks so much for sharing with us.

  20. That's so sweet. The cards are so cute, especially the kitties!! Online friends are the best. I love the Internet!


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