
Friday, December 20, 2013

Random 5 Friday: Leaves and Christmas preparations

I’m so happy that this week Nancy of A Rural Journal is again hosting her wonderful meme, Random 5 Friday. During her break, I have been posting randoms on Friday, but it’s not the same without Nancy.
Check out her blog HERE, and find other bloggers enjoying sharing their random facts and experiences.

Larry got up the last of the leaves Wednesday (yes, we still had leaves in the yard) and then put up the lighted trees he made last year, along with the lighted Santa. I like having a festive display in the yard.

We never know the exact day the town truck will come by to pick up leaves. While Larry was working on the leaves the other day, he looked up and saw the truck. The driver slowed down in front of the house but then drove on by. Larry thought he had missed it, and we’d have the leaves down by the street for a while.
But later that day, the truck came back to get them. I thought that was a great customer service by the town.

When I was at Avoca last week, I saw some vases with tree ornaments in them. 

I thought it was a pretty and simple way to decorate. So I tried it at home.

Another little decoration that gets pulled out each year is this snowman that plugs into Larry’s laptop. He turns different colors.

For reasons he doesn’t know, Larry’s dad called him “Frosty” as a nickname when Larry was a boy. And Larry also loves snow. So we have several snowman decorations around the house, and they bring back sweet memories of Larry’s dad, who passed away seven years ago.

I finally—finally—finished shopping and decorating. I want to do a little cooking, just simple dishes to enjoy.

One thing I didn’t get done is Christmas card writing. I’ve decided it’s OK. 


  1. Christmas cards didn't really work out for me this year either. I wanted to get a photo taken and get those photo greeting cards. I made one (non-opening) card for my dad and I want to at least send a card to an older lady I know.

  2. Oh my ... Christmas cards are sitting on my nightstand, completely unopened and hold no writing whatsoever! My hope was to write them all out tonight, and send them off tomorrow, but I took the night to respond to all of my emails!

    Your fireplace looks lovely - and the ornament decorations are lovely - I would've never thought to do that!

  3. Your simple decorations looks great. Color changing snow man also looks nice...

  4. Hi Tina, those Christmas balls are the best! they look great in the glass jars. I love Larry's light-up snowman too. Handel's Messiah reminds me of my father because I always went to see it with him at Christmas. This year I got on top of the Christmas cards but the ones for our village friends are still here...unsigned. Have to get those organised and deliver them...probably today. :) Lovely to catch up with you again and I hope your Christmas it turning out to be tranquil and happy. :)

  5. I love the ornaments in bases. That snowman is too cute!

  6. Love the ornaments in a vase and soooo easy to do to add a pop of light and bright to a room. I still want to try a small string of lights in a clear vase some year. And that little Santa looks like so much fun!

  7. i think you have to give up some tasks to make life more easier & less stressful. i love baking but at times it is very stressful or exhausting. i am a planner & i want to make sure i leave them to the last minute to make sure they are still fresh for Christmas. it is tough to figure it all out. i love your Santa & trees. so festive. ( :

  8. Hi Tina, your home is lovely. The decorations in your yard are beautiful and I love the vases, great idea!


  9. I love all your decorations. Larry's trees and Santa; the snowman and the decorations in vases -- gorgeous -- I like how the light flickers off the glass. I got my cards out early -- yippee! Looks like you all ready to celebrate. Merry Merry and a Happy Happy!

  10. 'frosty' - so cute. i really like the decorations in the vases. very pretty and simply elegant.

  11. I like the ornaments in the vases. If I had less clutter, I might try it too. You could even get several bunches of different colors, and use them to denote a change in seasons, or other holidays you celebrate.

  12. The vase/ornament idea is great and presents a very pretty picture -- love your outdoor santa too! :)

  13. I love those decorated outdoor trees and I LOVE your fireplace. Looks rather cozy. Have a very Merry Christmas Tina :)

  14. I did the bowls of ornaments for decorations too. Simple to do and looks elegant. Also skipped the card sending this year. Seem a lot of people are doing that.

  15. The vases with ornaments in them is such a great idea! I should do that. I have so many glass containers around that would be perfect for this.

  16. The shopping is done and now it is time to celebrate. Merry Christmas!

  17. I love your outdoor decorations, and the vases are a great idea! Merry Christmas!

  18. Your trio of outdoor trees is so beautiful! And I really love the ornaments inside the vase idea. Enjoy your cooking time and don't stress over the cards. It seems that many folks have abandoned that chore these days.

  19. Your Yard is amazing - (so are YOU)
    It's ALL Alright - every bit of it is Perfect - (cards, no cards, leaves, no leaves . . . All Is Well)
    Merry and Bright to YOU!!!

  20. These trees and Santa are gorgeous, the little lap top santa is adorable and I do love that filling the vase with balls, everything is so pretty..I've only done a few cards and am okay with that, plus the baking is lagging but I'm okay with this too...

  21. I nixed sending out Christmas cards this year .... unfortunately, it seems to be a dying art!
    Simple decorations are the best ... love the ornaments in the glass vases/jars. Lovely!
    Merry Christmas!
    diane @ aug's blog

  22. Your decorations are so pretty! I like to fill glass jars with balls or nuts, too. So festive and yes, so easy!

    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  23. Merry Christmas Tina to you and your Larry. It is beautiful the decorations and yes it is OK about the cards:) Hug B

  24. What a happy post. Everything looks so festive. I must try that ornament/vase idea next year (too late for this one). Adorable snowman, I love that it changes color.

  25. i hope i remember all the things i want to say ;)

    i decorate everything with christmas balls/ornaments. all the "everyday" pieces/bowls around the house get filled with shredded glittery tinsel and i plop a few ornaments in them. my everyday candlesticks get christmas ribbon bows and the ones that hold votives are perfect for holding large, pretty ornaments.

    i find the department of public works people to be amazing, kind and very thoughtful. we have done our lawn /leaves twice and it could use a touch up!!

    my christmas cards are still at american stationary, apparently at christmas time 1 - 3 days = at least 10 days and i still don't have them!! oh well, i tried!!

    merry christmas tina, there was more but this is starting to look more like a post then a comment!!

  26. I didn't write out my cards this year, either. And it's ok! Hoping you and Larry enjoy your Christmas!

  27. Santa and the trees are delightful. How nice of the leaf pick-up truck to come back and get yours. I'm impressed. Your ornaments in the glass vases turned out great! So pretty. Frosty is cute. I'm sorry Larry lost his dad. Memories like "Frosty" mean so much, don't they? Have a Merry Christmas.

  28. Random five certainly gives you the opportunity ti see what you've accomplished in a week.

  29. Yes Christmas cards haven't happened for me for a few years now. Maybe I will return to the tradition, someday.

  30. your house looks wonderful and i love that little frosty and the happy memories he brings! merry christmas miss tina...and p.s. i didn't get cards out either ;)

  31. LOVE the ornaments in the vases!!! Your place is looking so festive. :)

    My mom sent out Christmas cards/letters to almost a hundred people every year when I was growing up, so I'm kind of over the whole Christmas card thing. I'd rather write a letter (or a blog!) to let someone know I'm thinking of them and keep in touch.

  32. I do love your tree and santa yard decorations. Very nice. Merry Christmas

  33. I gave up my Christmas Card mailing two years ago. I've been pretty good accepting that. You can only do...what ya can do!

  34. I'm sending cards this year, but I never got around to it last year. It's all good! Just stopped by to say thank you for being such a good blog friend. Wishing you all the best, Galen

  35. Your decorations are so nice, Tina! Hope you enjoy your holiday!


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