
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It’s a Snow Cat

If the weather forecasters are correct, there’s snow coming to Virginia, including Altavista, today and tomorrow. Finally, we are supposed to get a storm from the south, which brings more snow than the little “clippers” we’ve been getting.
I haven’t made any snowmen this year—not enough snow. But I thought I’d be brave and show you a snow creature that I built almost five years ago, in March 2009.
We had an unexpectedly deep snow. I worked for a state agency then, and we closed for the day. So I got to get out and play in the snow.
I carefully created a Snow Cat.

Larry looked at it and asked, “Why did you make a Snow Squirrel?”
“It’s a cat,” I said.
“It’s a squirrel,” he said.

Can you believe that we still have this discussion whenever it snows?
I say it was a Snow Cat. He says it was a Snow Squirrel.

Have you made a snowman, or another kind of snow creature, lately?


  1. Ha first comment! Ha ha ha, I DEFINITELY think it's a snowcat. I mean, those whiskers and ears, c'mon!

  2. I say it is a snowcat! LOL! I haven't made snow sculptures or snowmen of any kind since my childhood, so thanks, Tina, for bringing back some fond memories for me.

  3. It's definitely a cat. It's got those long legs in front--those aren't squirrel paws.

  4. Cute snow kittie! Enjoy the snow and your day!

  5. I am going to side with the Snow Cat :-) so cute.

  6. Hahaha - whichever it is, it's very cute!

  7. So cute! This snow is supposed to rival the big snow from 2009. Pierce's school is cancelled, but the twins have preschool this morning on an abbreviated schedule. It should give me just enough time to sneak off to the eye doctor. I woke up with what I think is a sty. Ick!

  8. too cute! and funny! i definitely say cat. :)

  9. Of course you would make a snow cat! And it's really cute! I'm impressed that you got out there at all. I hybernate when it snows and that is not good for physical or mental health especially when you get a lot of it like we have. Sure am ready for spring. Happy Valentine's Day, Tina!

  10. Awesome! I agree with you: it's absolutely a CAT. :)

  11. oh how fun!! definitely a cat ;)

  12. Well, tell'em to put his money where his mouth is. See what he can come up with. I wouldn't compete with you. You have a cat!

  13. If you say it's a cat, it's a cat. You are its creator :)!

  14. Our snow has been too dry for making snow cats or snow squirrels -- I like your creation. :)

  15. I totally see a cute kitty! :). Love him! Stay safe in the coming storm.

  16. Very cute little CAT! I don't see anything that looks squirrelly...HA HA

  17. Continuous Shared Humor is often the very best kind.
    Although, i say - if You created it - you are the final authority - SO, it is really sweet of you to allow the conversation to continue. (My dad has been gone a very long time now - I STILL repeat his favorite one liners and laugh . . )

  18. Definitely a snow CAT. Doesn't even look like a squirrel. I think if you have snow this time, you should get him to create a snow squirrel and then you can compare his creation to your creation and see the difference between a snow cat and a snow squirrel once and for all. :)


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