
Friday, February 14, 2014

Random 5 Friday: Adventures in the snow

Happy Friday, and Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you are all doing well.
I’m joining Nancy of A Rural Journal in Random 5 Friday, a very fun meme. To join in the fun, go HERE.

Our upper driveway as the snow fell on Thursday.

Virginia got snow! Altavista got snow!
I’ve written before how I love snow, so Wednesday and Thursday were exciting for me. We haven’t had this much snow in about four years. We got around 10 inches, maybe a bit more since it snowed again all afternoon Thursday. Lots of other parts of Virginia got more.
It started snowing Wednesday afternoon and snowed all night into Thursday morning, plus Thursday afternoon.

Looking down our street.

Looking up our street.

I have marveled at the beauty of the snow, especially how it looked on the trees and branches of bare shrubs.

Looking out the window on the side yard.

Each branch made beautiful by the snow. 

I have not been sledding in years. In fact, I don’t remember going sledding since I was a teenager. But Thursday, we got out a sled and a snowboard, and Larry and I packed a good path in the side yard. Then I went flying!
Adventure is my word this year, but foolhardy is not. I knew I couldn’t stand on the snowboard, so I sat on it.
Larry wouldn't try it. He said he didn't want to break something. But he pushed me and took photos. And laughed with me.

Me taking a break. I am soaking wet. 

This photo is a little blurry, but you can still see I'm having a great adventure!

I didn’t know I had so much laughter and yelling—the joyful kind—in me. I laughed, yelled, squealed, and had a fabulous time sliding down the hill and falling into the snow.
After one fall, I just rolled over on my back and lay in the snow, looking up at the sky. It was turning gray, getting ready for more weather. The branches of the trees were stark against the sky. And I was content.


For Valentine’s Day, Larry and I are going to eat tonight at Main Street Café and Coffee, a restaurant in Altavista where we often enjoy lunch. They don’t normally serve dinner, but they are having a special Valentine’s dinner featuring tastes of Italy. We’re looking forward to a nice evening.


  1. These are terrific photos, wish I was there with you! AltaVista is a Winter wonderland...going out for VD is cool, enjoy.

  2. What fun to go sledding. For sure I haven't done that for years!

  3. I haven't gone sledding since the boys were young and wanted to go. You look like you are having so much fun. Treasure those photos.

  4. i love, love, love the action shots!! too great!! you are so fun!! i wish i was there to play in the snow with ya. i did a bit of shoveling yesterday. & will do some today as well. Happy <3 Day!! ( :

  5. Oh Tina what a way to start my day with the photos of the incredible joy and laughter that shows in every shot of your smiling face. I LOVE that. Hug B Happy Valentines Day

  6. I am so glad that you finally got your snow!! I know you had been eagerly anticipating it :)
    And the pictures of you on the sled are priceless!! I love it!

  7. Love the look of joy on your face as you go down the hill! Such a fun post. :)

  8. Good for you! I believe in never growing up. ;) Dance and make snow angels! Have a wonderful dinner. Happy Friday!

  9. So glad you enjoyed your snow. And it is beautiful (for a few days). Enjoy your special dinner tonight with Larry.

  10. You look like you are having such a wonderful time! Good for you! Enjoy your Italian dinner tonight.

  11. As ALL know I hate snow...let me backtrack...I really like snow, as long as I don't have to get out in it and it doesn't wear out it's welcome. Those photos are great. You are having a GREAT time!

  12. absolutely wonderful expressions on your face! i can hear you laughing and squealing. :)

  13. Loved the pictures! Looks like so much fun! Hope you enjoy your evening!

  14. I can see your joy! We're pretty much sick of the snow up here in the Northeast, so I'm glad to see YOU enjoying it :)!

  15. It's just crazy but we got about 20 inches!!! I can't believe it. It's melting rapidly now that the sun is out. I love that you went sledding.

  16. Nothing better than playing in the snow to bring out the joy of one's inner child!

  17. I haven't been sledding in years either and I would love to go. That is just the most fun, and love how you got out and enjoyed it.

  18. Aw, you look so cute Tina! And it looks like a proper winter wonderland at your place. I love it too. Hope you have a wonderful supper and a lovely weekend. :)

  19. WoW, how fun!! you look awesome in blue, your images are beautiful and happy valentine's day!! have fun tonight!!

  20. What was the decibel count on that slide??? Happy Valentines.

  21. This post was so full of joy...Happy Valentine's Day to you and Larry!!

  22. Aw. Wonderful. I agree--the snow is beautiful.

  23. What a fun post ... so nice to see you enjoying the snow and laughing and having fun like a kid again!
    Good for you!
    Have a lovely evening out.
    diane @ thoughts and shots

  24. I am still smiling from your pictures of sledding....You go girl...What an adventure and fun all wrapped up into a wonderful day....We got about 10 inches as well and it was beautiful coming down....The sun has been out today but we still have lots of snow....Happy Valentine's Day....

  25. I love the sledding pics! Looks like you are having a great time! I think this was a really beautiful snowfall up here. Looks like it was down there, too.

  26. I love your photos, Tina! Happy Valentine's Day to you, my cherished friend.

  27. I love these photos, especially the ones of you sledding!! Those are terrific.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  28. Ha ha ha I LOVE the "action" photos! You look like you are simply delighted! I'm glad you had fun.

    Did you know there is only 1 state in the entire US without snow? It's Florida.

  29. Your face and your happiness ... I love it!

    Happy Valentine's Day to you :)

  30. Glad you're having fun in the snow! I, too, love how beautiful the snow is on the trees etc. By the middle of Jan. I am tired of the snow and am glad to be out of it for 2 wks! I would like it much better if it didn't have to be shoveled.


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