
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A snowy day in spring

March 25, 2014, side yard outside our house

The weather forecasters were calling for an inch or less in Central/Southside Virginia areas on Tuesday. We got more.
So here’s a look at probably the last snow here (but who knows?) until next winter.

March 25, 2014, trees on our street

You can tell I like the look of snow on trees. My camera lens just pulls my eye in their direction.

March 25, 2014, front yard of our house

March 25, 2014, tree on Main Street, Altavista

You know how I love snow. But we’ve had a lot of warm days lately, and it is almost April. So while I enjoyed walking in the snow Tuesday, it’s OK with me if it’s the last of the season.

As we welcome spring, let’s look back one more time. What was the most fun thing you did this past winter?


  1. Beautiful snow photos, Tina! Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Sending you


  3. yeah they missed this one didn't they?!! ok, enough winter now, the calendar says spring!

  4. I do like snow on the trees. But I don't like snow in spring! It was a pretty snow though, and at least the roads stayed clear.

  5. it was so weird. the snow was pouring. & it disappeared for a bit & returned after dinner for a little while again. i love your pretty shots. lovely. ( :

  6. Beautiful pictures Tina!! Yes we keep thinking it's the last snow here in KY too but we keep being surprised (pleasantly so for me, but not for all the snow-haters around here lol).

  7. Wonderful winter photos, Tina. It's still very wintery around here, although there is more sunshine. Snow can be pretty, but it is sticking around for too long, so I'm very tired of it. Ready to move onto spring type weather and spring type activities!

  8. it's really beautiful. nice, fluffy flakes to lie on those tree limbs.

  9. It seems everybody is getting a late season dump of snow. We are getting 20 cm today. Some winters that's all the snow we get. This won't be our last snow .

  10. I like your attitude, Tina. I think I would be out there screaming at the skies to stop the insanity. :) After all it IS almost April. Snow is so beautiful though and your pictures attest to that. Have a great day.

  11. Winter is sure going out with a bang! The highlight of the season for me was a family vacation in Canada.

  12. Terrific pictures but I am with you in wishing that this is the last one! snow that is. Hugs, Latane

  13. Lovely shots of the white stuff; hope it's almost over for you. I was pretty much in hibernation this winter, so nothing fun to report. :/

  14. I heard there was a big snow in your neck of the woods, or where I imagine you neck of the woods to be! I have to say it's awfully pretty. I also have to say I'm glad it was there and not here!

  15. Pretty! if I get anymore snow, you can have it!! :)

  16. You captured it beautifully!! We had lots of fun this past winter, the fun-est thing we did was our trip to d.c. to see the ICE display!!


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