
Monday, March 24, 2014

My weekend and habits

Sunday was a rainy day, but I wanted to get some pictures of the daffodils anyway.
The daffodils that came with the house—we didn’t plant them—are at the edge of the yard where the woods begin. They bloom every year and are an early reminder that spring has arrived.
I haven’t taken pictures of anything lately. On Saturday night, as I planned the next day out loud, I mentioned getting some photos of the flowers. Larry reminded me that it was supposed to rain.
I’ll go out before the rain, I said.

Sunday morning I slept in, and it was raining before I finished my shower and got dressed. I decided I wasn’t going to change my plans.
I held the camera close to my body and shielded it the best I could. The rain wasn’t coming down hard. It didn’t feel like a gentle spring rain, though, because the air had a cold bite to it. Winter hasn’t fully let go.
I got my photos of the flowers, and then came inside. I left my camera sitting out of its case, letting any dampness evaporate.

One reason I didn’t want the rain to get in the way of my plans was because I’ve been letting too much get in the way of my plans lately. Procrastination and lack of motivation—are they the same? Whatever they are, they’ve been visiting me lately. Again.

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know I sometimes struggle with procrastination. It’s not fun. So I do what I can to fight it. I try to get one thing done. Then another. Then another. Step by step.

I also try to remember what I did experience. I didn’t do a lot of work this weekend. But the weekend held inspiration and love.

Larry and I attended the funeral of the former mayor of our town, our Rudy Burgess that I wrote about last week. It was a sad event, of course, and also a spiritually uplifting one. As I said last week, Rudy was a person who inspires me to be better.

Larry and I spent some fun time together watching basketball. Sunday’s Virginia game was the focus, but we got interested in a couple of other games over the weekend. It’s funny how you can know nothing about the two teams playing, and yet you pick out a favorite and cheer for them like you’re a real fan.

I finished reading a good book, Mad River, by John Sandford.

And I got my pictures of the daffodils.

What did you experience this weekend?


  1. I am soooo far away from daffodils...can't wait to see the pop up :)

  2. The nice thing about photographing flowers in the rain is catching the raindrops on the petals - very pretty! It's so easy to have your plans derailed (sp?) for so many reasons - good of you for sticking with what you wanted to do!

  3. I love those daffodils - I love the raindrops on them. As far as what I experienced this weekend, basketball and ice cream :)

  4. The flowers look very pretty.

    We checked out the new musical playground in Roanoke this weekend. It was really cool!

  5. Great pictures, as usual. Those daffodils are loooovely. :) Our weekend involved antibiotics for Baby Wok and snow.

  6. you made me smile about the b-ball teams. it is true how we gravitate to one team or another for unknown reasons. :)

    love the rain-spotted daffodils! i love how daffies and irises and lilies still remain every spring at old homestead sites, even after the buildings are long gone.

  7. Tina, Your photography is really wonderful. Keep those pictures coming!

  8. i had a great weekend!! saturday out and about, having fun. sunday, we stayed home and did "stuff" around the house. and my crocus popped up.....but you already know that!!

    your daffodils are so pretty, drenched in rain!!

  9. it was a quiet weekend with family. so fun!! we are wondering about the snow - will it be a quick moving snow flurry time or something big??! ( :

  10. I think we have been marching to the same drummer you and me...but it's good that we made our way out to enjoy our surroundings....and lucky you, daffodils, they have not made an appearance here yet.

  11. Can't wait to start seeing some daffodils pop up around here!

  12. I like the water droplets on the daffodils. I think that the rain pictures might be better than pictures you would have gotten while it was dry out. It makes me miss the northwest, that's for sure.

  13. The wet petals are so pretty. Glad you didn't let a little rain stop you. :)

  14. Beautiful photos! I love flowers with raindrops on them. They look so fresh. I'm sorry for your loss. We had an interesting weekend celebrating the Installation of our new minister. It was a happy time for all of us.

  15. I am the champion procrastinator! I have reasons for procrastinating...most of them bad! As usual an interesting post.

  16. I find if I don't think too much before attacking a project, it gets done quicker. :)

  17. For whatever reason, I think my comment didn't "take." But your weekend looks lovely and healing and just perfect. I love those raindrops on the daffodils!

    Mine included our wine tasting gathering on Saturday and some baking that morning; then Sunday was a putter around the house day -- laundry, linens, a little reading. A very nice!

  18. And they're beautiful! For me, February and March are difficult months. Maybe it's the lack of vitamin D. But I always feel better when I get my arse up off the couch and do something. Funny how that works. I'm glad you had a nice weekend. I'm sorry about your mayor.


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