
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A study of periwinkle

Signs of spring have been slow to come in Central Virginia. But on Monday, I found a reminder of the season.

Beside our house, a rock wall was installed in the bank by a previous owner. Someone somewhere along the line planted periwinkle around it.
Every spring, I look forward to the lavender petals.

I liked the following description, written by Alex Niemiera, from the website of the Virginia Cooperative Extension: “The plant produces 1-inch blue-violet flowers in early spring that are noticeable upon close inspection.” Yes, I did have to look closely on Monday to see if the blooms had put in an appearance.

What have you studied outdoors lately?


  1. I love the purples, Tina! To be honest, I haven't studied much outdoors lately, because we got yet another snowstorm a few days ago and there is a lot of snow everywhere still.

  2. My crocuses that me and my kids planted in October are up!

  3. I'll have to keep a closer eye out around here - I'm not sure I've seen periwinkle here.

  4. They are so beautiful! I've been listening to spring peepers in the evenings, and my crocuses are up.

  5. tiny and beautiful little blooms.

  6. I love the Periwinkle, such a pretty little flower. Yes, our world over here is frightfully busy with buds, leaves, flowers, butterflies are making a reappearance, bees, ants, moles, birds flying North, insects and we noticed a few tiny baby kittens appearing in the neighbourhood-domestic but very young.

  7. SNOW!!! hehehe, no, not has finally all melted!!

    these tiny blooms ar so pretty and just the right color. my daffodils are getting ready to pop and i study/check them every day. i can't wait!!

  8. there's nothing like an early(first bloom) to make you happy. My bluebells haven't broken the soil surface yet.

  9. Beautiful photos of the periwinkle. It grows wild in the woods around our house, but it is still too early up here for it. Being under the weather has kept me from getting outside to look around, but I've seen posts of crocuses on facebook being up around here so spring is in the air.

  10. Love that stuff. We've got lots of it, it's great groundcover!

  11. Beautiful, Tina -- still too early for ours to be out. I've been studying the critters down at the ditch! Harry the Heron has returned, unfortunately when I don't have the camera with me!

  12. Your periwinkles are beautiful; I can see why you look forward to them! Today I was stalking a prothonotary warbler in the swamp. Actually a male and a female. You might see them on the blog on Friday. :)

  13. Spring is on its way to you - I'm so jealous! It snowed here yesterday - big terrible flakes! Thankfully, today was much warmer ... and I'm keeping an eye out for any flower buds :)

  14. So beautiful!!

    I was just studying the sky yesterday. It was clear blue without a cloud in the sky. Simply gorgeous!

  15. I've been going out in the early evening to listen to my martins and the frogs carrying on out at the pond...I'm happy, happy, happy!

  16. Those first signs of spring are always exciting! My daffodils and tulips are growing! And my cherry and lilac trees are full of buds. Can't wait till they bloom!

  17. I know it as Vinca minor. Nice pics.

  18. Spring is springing! Achoo! ;)


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