
Friday, April 4, 2014

It’s gardening time

Last summer, Larry built a raised bed for a garden in our backyard. He fenced most of it in to try to keep deer and other eaters of vegetables from getting all the food.
Then the raised bed sat and waited for spring to come.

Leaves gathered in the fencing during the fall.

Snow surrounded it during parts of the winter, making it look lonely.

But finally warm weather has come and stayed long enough to ready the bed for dirt and seeds. Today we’ll be busy beginning the work that I hope will lead to a nice harvest later this year.
By Monday, we’ll probably have sore muscles. But I’m looking forward to being outside and getting my hands in some dirt.

What will you be spending your weekend doing?


  1. Wow! That's an awesome looking raised bed garden you have. Happy planting!

  2. Wonderful, Tina. Having sore muscles after doing something one loves is a good thing.

  3. Larry is an artist, what a gorgeous raised garden-can't wait to see what the two of you plant...

  4. So exciting. Your raised beds are going to do great!
    No big weekend plans, other than a run with my friend Steve on Sunday.

  5. hooray for planting season! enjoy that dirt!

  6. Wow -- I copied your pic to send to Rick. He has terrible critter action in his garden. It'll be awhile before that gets going here!

    Headed to a funeral on Saturday, then later a road trip with a play and visiting a cousin I rarely see. Should be fun! Oh, and finishing taxes. Not so...

  7. That is a first class raised bed affair. Now I feel sorry for the deer because they have no chance of getting in there!!!

  8. Wow, looks like you will be on your way to a very successful garden this year. Have fun this weekend!

  9. Looking forward to seeing what you produce in your cool fenced garden! We are meeting some friends from New York half way for lunch tomorrow. About an hour and a half drive for each of us. Will be good to seem them and will be worth the drive.

  10. I have been wanting one of these raised gardens, but I didn't even imagine something so elaborate. It's beautiful. Looking forward to seeing the fruits of your labor.

  11. That raised bed is INCREDIBLE! It's like Fort Knox!! :D

  12. That's a cool bed- I hope it keeps all the critters out. I'm glad that spring has finally arrived and is warming up the soil for you. Happy planting!


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