
Monday, April 7, 2014

The gardening has started

We now have a garden.
On Friday morning, we drove with the trailer to a local business and bought top soil for the raised bed in our backyard.

Besides the soil, we bought seeds. And I got a couple of pair of new gardening gloves.
Back at home, we looked at the big pile of dirt—about three cubic yards of it—and started shoveling.

We filled bucket after bucket and slowly but surely filled up the bed, including the two end spaces.

My gloves helped to protect my hands while shoveling, but they got pretty dirty because I also used them to spread the dirt and dissolve the big clods of soil.

Our muscles were quite sore after all the shoveling, bending and lifting, but we were excited to finally have the makings of a garden.
And it felt so good to be outside and be busy with physically hard but soul-satisfying work.

On Saturday, I planted sweet onions, red onions, two kinds of lettuce, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, and radishes. As it grows warmer, we’ll plant some other vegetables.

I’m looking forward to seeing what grows and what doesn’t. We’re keeping records so we can learn about what works and what doesn’t.
What we’re really looking forward to the taste of fresh lettuce and onions and other good things.


On another note, I am going to have to take a short break from blogging because of computer issues.
Both Larry and I fell behind in operating systems, and it reaches a critical point on April 8.
Long story short, we ordered new computers. Mine is supposed to arrive on Wednesday.
Until I set it up and gain an understanding of the new operating system, I won’t be able to be online for blogging as easily as I was. So I will probably be absent until at least the end of this week.
I will try to keep up with other blogs as much as possible with my phone, but it’s harder to leave comments using the phone.
Just know that I’m thinking about you and will be back as soon as possible.


  1. Hi Tina, sorry to hear about your computer issues, but I understand! I am so happy for you that you have the beginnings of a garden! I can imagine all the lovely salads you are going to have with all the fresh vegetables! Sending you a hug.

  2. Oh this is going to be the "Cadillac" of raised beds I cannot wait to see it in bloom. See you soon. HUG B

  3. This makes me excited for gardening and I don't even have a garden :)

    I hope you return soon!

  4. hooray for fresh dirt and that good, tired feeling. :) good luck with the computer!!

  5. Looks impressive, Tina! And quite the crops, too. Rick planted his spinach yesterday and some indoor seeds. It'll be awhile -- Memorial Day, I suspect, before we can get anything other than an early crop into the ground. Hope the summer is a good one...! Love your shelter frame!

  6. Gardening is a lot of work but it's rewarding in ,any ways. You touch on two of them...exercise and fresh produce. I'll be watching the progress of your garden.

  7. Very exciting! It looks great.

    For some reason I can't use my phone to leave blog comments anymore. It's very annoying. It just freezes up. It did that after a big update, and I don't know how to fix it.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wow - that is some serious gardening going on!

  10. Congratulations!!! new garden AND New Computer . . . a Brand New World!!!

  11. What a wonderful garden you will have! I agree there is something so rejuvenating about being right there in the dirt, part of nature. This post makes me want to plant a garden, something I haven't had in years!

  12. oohhhhh Tina, this is great, the garden looks awesome. You are going to have soooooo much great stuff, you better be prepared to cook, cook, cook. I think having all these fresh ingredients will really inspire you in the kitchen.

    I started some seeds indoors, just a few very small things!! Good luck with the new computer!!

  13. Your garden looks fantastic!! Can't wait to see results from it. Best of look with the new computer!

  14. It's so exciting to see the bloggers get their gardens going. And the feeling of being physically tired is a good one! Looking good, Tina.

  15. What a great looking garden area. Sounds like you've been very busy with the planting and such. Hope you get the hang of the new computer system soon. Take care.

  16. hurry back, can't wait to see the progress photos and reports on your garden-

  17. I'm anxious to see how this all works- I love the idea of having your garden enclosed and off the ground. Good luck with the new sister had fits learning Windows 8..I'm hoping they don't can Windows 7 any time soon.


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