
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Dogwoods in bloom

I hope you had a good day on Earth Day on Tuesday. As I write this, it’s at the end of Earth Day, and I’m a bit disappointed that I spent most of the day inside, helping to lay out the newspaper for the week.

But Tuesday evening, as Larry and I relaxed with a late supper in front of the television, we found a documentary on PBS that fit in well with Earth Day.

It was an American Masters show called A Fierce Green Fire, a documentary about the history of the environmental movement worldwide. It was fascinating and inspiring. If you’d like to learn more about it, click HERE.

I’m sharing photos today of the dogwoods in our backyard. I took these photos earlier this month when the blooms were a bit greener than they are now.

The dogwood tree is the state tree of Virginia, and I enjoy the blooms each spring.



Did you do anything to celebrate Earth Day?


  1. Wow! That first pic--lovely! I didn't do anything for Earth Day. I'm sick right now, but I don't think I would have done anything for Earth Day anyway.

  2. The dogwoods have been gorgeous this year, don't you think?!

  3. i love dogwoods...we did a little work in the garden.

  4. of my favorite spring blooms!

  5. just beautiful blossoms!

    i gathered and hauled a truck load of firewood and stowed it in the shed. it'll help heat me next winter. :)

  6. Blooms like this would make anybody feel better.

  7. They are so pretty! Nothing is blooming here yet.

  8. My dogwoods are awake, but no blooms yet!! Beautiful images today Tina!!

  9. I watched that last night. Very thought-provoking and well done! Your dogwood images dazzle!

  10. Just noticed our dogwood blooming your pictures!

  11. I enjoyed Earth Day by sitting outside and soaking up the sun shinning on this great earth of ours!! Lucky you with the dogwoods, they don't grow here, I think it must get too cold.

  12. Gorgeous blooms. I've been a fan of the dogwood since seeing them in Portland a few years ago. I wish they could thrive in our climate.

  13. Beautiful photos, Tina. I took a walk on Earth Day and try to do the same every day. Love watching the valley grow green!

  14. Nice! I have a pink dogwood that is spectacular about every third year. This is one of those years; I love it!


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