
Friday, April 25, 2014

The happy and the sad

  Larry discovered a bird’s nest in the window of a small outbuilding beside his shop. He hasn’t seen a bird around it, but he was careful not to touch it. I was careful, too, when I snapped this photo of it.
  Look how much work went into building the nest.


(c) Tina Fariss Barbour

  Lynchburg is a small city on the James River in Central Virginia. It’s located about 20 miles north of Altavista.
  I lived and worked in Lynchburg for years. When I was a child living on a farm, when we said, “We’re going to town,” it was Lynchburg we were talking about. That’s where we did our main shopping, saw the doctor, etc.

  Recently, out of 189 metropolitan areas in the U.S., Lynchburg was ranked number 37 in well-being.
  To celebrate, the city of Lynchburg made a video of Lynchburg people dancing to Pharrell Williams’ song “Happy.” The video is HERE. It’s a lot of fun to watch. And the song itself is such a happy one.

  Have you ever read an obituary or heard a eulogy about someone you didn’t know and thought, Wow, I would have liked to have known that person?
  I had that experience this week. I attended a memorial service for the mother of a co-worker. She died last week of cancer at the age of 55. I had met her but didn’t know her.
  The service was a sad but still joyful celebration of a life of a woman who, by all counts, was a true blessing to others.
  I wish I’d known her.

  This is a photo of Chase Bird “polishing” the sofa table in the living room.
  When we took in Chase as a stray over six years ago, we discovered that his front paws had been declawed. He rubs and rubs the furniture like he’s scratching it, but he’s really polishing it.
  He’s our sweet boy.

(c) Tina Fariss Barbour


  1. Chase Bird is lovely, Tina. That bird nest is quite amazing, lots of work went into it. As for your question..." Have you ever read an obituary or heard a eulogy about someone you didn’t know and thought, Wow, I would have liked to have known that person?" Not that I can recall, but I did see an obituary a few months ago in my local newspaper. A cousin of mine whom I had lost contact with (she and her four daughters), who worked as a missionary in Africa for more than 30 years...well, she died at the age of 88 on December 31, 2013 right here in Ontario, Canada. I found this whilst doing a search for family members on the internet.

  2. Great post! Thanks a bunch for sharing:-))

  3. Thanks for sharing all your moments! I hope you are doing well!

  4. Will Chase Bird come and polish my furniture?? I"ll pay with kitty treats!! Were there any eggs in the nest?

  5. Oh I have read those obituaries and wished I had of met that person. That is so young. Way to go Chase Bird:) Hug B

  6. chase bird is so cute. sorry about the passing of your co-worker's mother at such a young age, too.

  7. went and watched the video. so cute to see 'real' people having fun. :)

  8. How interesting about Chase Bird. I'm sure your furniture is happy his claws are missing!

  9. i love lynchburg and all its pretty old buildings. the video was fun to watch and i recognized a lot of places! how funny that we both posted videos of where we live today! haha, chase bird doing his chores, so cute! that is sad about your friend's young.

  10. Gypsy did that, too! I have to be more careful of Lizzie - she has all her claws! And I know what you mean about reading the obituary and wishing you'd known that person. That has happened to me, too.

  11. hehe...nice to have help polishing the furniture!! he's a cutie!!

  12. How I wish my dogs could polish the furniture like that! 55 is way too young to pass away. How sad. :(

  13. What a lot of work went into that beautiful bird nest, I wonder what bird you'll see coming and going from it. Great video, it must have been such fun putting it together. I am sorry to read of your friends Mom, 55 so young. I wish our cats were clawless like Chase Bird I could use help polishing :-)

  14. I like to see these Happy is a wonderful is that Good Morning song...I play those two when I walk in the morning.. they start my day off on a positive note.

  15. Chase Bird is so beautiful. One super blessed cat to have YOU for family.


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