
Monday, May 12, 2014

Finding joy in plants

Raised bed garden, May 10, 2014.

Someone told me last week to find what gives me joy. (You know who you are!)
I had written about the toll that covering court cases takes on me, what a difficult time I was having dealing with it.
So my friend gave me advice that we should all follow: find the joy.

Saturday morning I mothered my fledgling garden. I pulled a few weeds, loosened up the dirt and looked over the plants. And, of course, took pictures.
Here are some photos to catch you up on my growing plants.

Carrots and broccoli.

Cucumbers. We lost some of the early plants to a freeze.

Cucumber plant up close.


Prize Head and Romaine lettuce.
Lettuce up close.

What has brought YOU joy lately?

I’ve posted my second blog post on my editing website. It's called "Just Start Writing." If you’d like to check it out, go HERE.


  1. it's looking great! definitely a good thing. :)

  2. man tina, that there garden is lookin' awesome.....hehehe (i wrote exactly what i said as i viewed the pictures)!!! what a team you and larry are and i am really thrilled that you are enjoying it together!!

    joy = my camera, a bike ride, last saturdays picnic and seeing my 2 favorite aunts yesterday. yep, pure joy!! ooooohhhhh and seeing your garden, that brought me joy!!!

  3. Good advice indeed. My joy is walking on a beach. They are few and far between in Minnesota though.

  4. This looks so lovely, Tina!!!

  5. I am thinking of starting this same kind of raised bed garden in my side yard. Your plants look healthy and well-cared-for. Hope you have a great week! Oh! My joy is when I can get out with my camera on a pretty day and being peaceful enough to say my prayers without rushing.

  6. Beautiful Garden.......great pictures!

  7. Your garden looks great - it's wonderful it brings you joy! Me? - lately it's been spending a little time with my family.

  8. You have an amazing garden. I haven't even thought about seeding yet.

  9. I can't believe how huge your garden is! We can't even dare put plants in the ground yet. Gorgeous!

  10. Looks like you are soon ready for one mighty fine salad!

  11. your garden is fabulous Tina! Latest joy, substituting for Grandma with our 12 year old friend Megan, seeing a Marigold in amongst the Heather in a high windowsill planter, must have come on a slip of wind or by a bird-making my Mother-in-law laugh...


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